The Longevity Summit, & Bay Area Aging Meeting

Two great Longevity-focused conferences are coming up in early December that you should try to attend if you are in Northern California around this time. I plan to attend both and report back on what I find most interesting and applicable. Let me know if you plan to attend either of these events.

December 6 and 7, The Buck Institute Longevity Summit.

We gather the entire longevity ecosystem to tackle the aging problem: longevity entrepreneurs, existing pharma and biotech companies, investors, researchers, and government organizations. Developing aging interventions may represent the largest value creation journey in human history, and it’s going to require a coordinated industry.

Price: $499 for the two days
Note: 20% reduction in price if you use the discount code “RapamycinNews”

Details at the website here:
List of Speakers Here: The Longevity Summit - Dec 6-7 - Taking Place at the Buck Institute in SF
Location: Buck Institute for Research on Aging, 8001 Redwood Boulevard Novato, CA 94945
If you haven’t been to the Buck Institute, check it out in this video: Buck Institute Tour

December 8th: Bay Area Aging Meeting (BAAM)

We covered this meeting earlier this year (they have two meetings a year). Attendance is free, and there are lot of great papers and poster sessions here. Highly recommended if you have a deep and scientific interest in the biology of aging.
BAAM Website Here:
Register Here: Programs - Bay Area Aging Meeting
Price: Free

For Details on the BAAM Meeting/Program, etc, go to this link: San Francisco Bay Area Aging Meeting (BAAM), December 8th Details, Join Us!

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Robertson Auditorium
Mission Bay Conference Center
UCSF Mission Bay Campus
1675 Owens Street
San Francisco, CA 94143


Thanks for going to these. I’m looking forward to your report.

I can’t go myself this time, but maybe another now that I know about it.

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