THE GOOD, THE BAD and the SAD... Autoimmune Issues, Thoughts?

One idea here for you - obviously be very careful and work with a physician given your reaction in the past. You could use Everolimus tablets instead of sirolimus. These are more available in smaller dosing tablets (.25mg and .5mg), and Everolimus is generally considered approximately 2/3rds less potent, so you can control the granularity of the dosing very finely.

See listing of the Everolimus options on Oddway, for example:

But to be honest, given your two very negative reactions, you may just want to focus on other longevity drugs like acarbose or canagliflozin, etc.


No issue, it’s not a time release coating.
I do know that many increase absorption by taking it with 6-8oz of grapefruit juice. This may allow you to further lower the actual dose.
If you do, try taking it in an even smaller dose. Maintain that and very slowly escalate if you tolerate it. GF Juice is thought to triple the absorbtio.


Thank you for your reply, very helpful!
I had no idea Everolimus has such variable doses, And that it is less potent - no wonder it is never mentioned in longevity research for Rapa!
I am writing it down as a viable scenario.
A couple of questions if you don;t mind:

  • Do you know anyone taking it for whatever reason?
  • Do you know which generic brands to look for or avoid? there is a lot of info on Sirulimus, but not on Everolimus.

Great to know that there is no harm breaking the coating- thank you:-)

Got it - thank you, will read up:-)

Here are people using it: Everolimus instead of Sirolimus / Rapamycin? Anyone else trying?

I don’t know any good brands of everolimus - but it would seem given the lab test results we’ve seen with Zydus and Biocon that those are reasonable brands to consider. See the lab tests here: Rapamycin / Sirolimus from India, Lab Test Report on Quality / Purity

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Awesome, thank you - I am actually inspired!
As I said in my original post - my main reason was to address whatever autoimmune process is making my fingers swell, and it is probably and antibiotic and/or anti-fungal action that eliminated the swelling. So if I could tolerate even the smallest dose - .25mg, once in lets say 3-4 weeks to be safe, and never increase to the 6 mg necessary for life extension benefits - I am still happy!~


Address the autoimmunity first.

Biotics research ADP, Bio Hpf, Dysbiocide, FC Cidal. Sigg Immuno powder
Nutramedix samento, burbur pinella, Houtunya. Binder
Glycine with Nac

That’s the starting salvo.


Thank you Nietzsche! I will look into all of these supplements, some of them ring a bell in connection with Lyme disease treatment …
RE: Sign Immune Powder - is it “Immuno-gG® SBI Powder” by Biotics Research? Immuno-gG® SBI Powder | Biotics Research

Sorry tried berberine for a while and i put it in the snake oil category with few other things. lol


Kira, be a brave girl and don’t give up on Rapa. Yes, lower the dose. Had few bad symptoms myself when i started but my body adjusted and don’t have any now. BTW, I have the sausage finger syndrome also, not as bad as you though. Stay away from milk, if you have to have it find A2 milk and organic or sheep’s/goats milk. Also stay thousands of miles away from legumes, including soy and all beans. Do try a carnivore diet (mainly steak, some veggies in small amounts should be ok), and also invite me for dinner when you make the steak hahaa. Update us in your rapa journey.


Thanks for the info… might switch my little dog!

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Really? Is that bcs you didnt feel any different, or did you find that the research doesn’t support it for… anything? lol

Thank you for the encouragement!
So I got 0.25 Everolymus tablets - looking for the minimum effective dose to affect my fingers…
And in case I get the same scary reaction - got Zyrtec and Prednisone, both of which may halt the reaction should it occur.
Now all that is left is to gather some dwindling bravery, as well as a chunk of time when I can take at least 7 days off (the minimum I need to recover in the worst case scenario) and repeat the experiment again. Will def keep you posted!
As for diets - thnx, yr recommendation makes total sense… And trust me - I tried it all, multiple variations… so whatever the underlying condition I have that manifests itself as there atrocious finger balloons, it is not affected by diet… unfortunately, bcs that would be much easier than my current endeavor :wink:

It actually didn’t do anything for me. I tend to feel the effects of anything i take or even eat or drink pretty fast, because i have an autoimmune condition which i never went to a doctor for, but I would experiment with various foods/diets and some of them would really help.

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Are you taking any other prescription medications? ACE inhibitors taken with Rapamycin increase the risk for angioedema.


@Kira_Miftari, You have the sufferings of Job. I offer my heartfelt sympathy.


Good question! Actually I wish that was the case, it would be an easy mistake to correct…but no, not taking any,

Have you ever tried to move away (for some time) from your home to a totally new environment? I read (don’t remember where) that if to leave everything behind, including all your belongings, clothes and personal items, it may cure some misterious illnesses. Could be just a reaction to something/somebody. I would try it as the last resort.


Thank you, good thinking!
Weird unexplained things can also happen with mold exposure, and advice is to do exactly what you described. But I did go to a different country for a month and that didnt help… I still somehow think that if I were to move to a pristine beautiful tropical beach all troubles will disappear naturally lol