The four best longevity interventions?

That review made me chuckle😆

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You crack me up. Always find your posts fun and informative to read age


Nice… I blame the rapamycin after 2.5 years… I am euphoric constantly and have the playfulness of my college years.

Memory power increasing … naming people (from decades ago)… things… it’s just there suddenly and pours out.

Just sharing this amazing experience. Hope others get the same benefits.


Just reread… and saw this…Asprey “claims a 15% longer penis.”

My question is where did his penis start at? :thinking:

And for the record…my genetics are Czech/Scotch and we are very, very gifted. A 15% increase would be a problem in my case.

Probably… no definitely… too much information.


I have a general rule in my life; never trust a man who brags about how much is penis is growing :smile:


I have my doubts that his long story may really be a tall tale. But, I have no hard facts. He might have hard evidence but I doubt he’ll bring it to light. :wink:


:laughing: You’re killing me…

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Well, to make a long story short…


Bragging = it may not be too long but it sure is short!


Lawyers call that self-serving. Get a third party witness.

Mathematicians will say 15% is useless, without the base number. The non-disclosure of the base may hide the shortcomings.


Lol . . . How many times have you experienced this that it’s now become the “general rule” in your life? :rofl:


Do we know if Aubrey de Grey is taking rapamycin?


I tried to look that up but couldn’t find evidence of whether he does or doesn’t.
However, given the tone of his responses in the article I posted above, I would think he does/has.

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I’ve listened to quite a few episodes of Dave Asprey’s podcast, occasionally he would have some interesting guests on. But it doesn’t take long to realize that he’s nothing more than a schill. He’s a salesman who is great at marketing himself. That said though, he has frequently said that he was incredibly unhealthy when he was younger. I’m guessing that there’s really no escaping all of that damage, no matter how many coffee enema’s and sound waves you have pumped into your wang. You end up paying for it one way or another. If he uses half of the products he claims he does I’m not surprised he looks as old as he does right now.


I contacted Aubrey de Grey and asked if he takes rapamycin. This was his answer.

Hey there - no, I don’t currently take rapa (or anything else).


Wow - interesting. I wonder why? I mean, he works in the field and is currently utilising it in experiments. Why would he not be taking it……


Yes, I fully agree, I have sent him a follow up question about it. Because he is a really smart guy so would be interesting to hear what he has to say.


If you are that interested as to why.

Ask him?

You will get a reply.

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I suspect, knowing Aubrey a bit, that he’s really only interested in “radical life extension” technologies; things that will move him quickly towards “LEV”. I think he sees rapamycin as too incrementalist, too small a boost. But if his Robust Mouse Rejuvenation project works out, I’m sure he’d be interested in eventually testing the combination.


The ITP rapamycin chart seems to bear out the conclusion that rapamycin is incrementallist.

Rapamycin brought more mice to senior or old age, as seen by the bulge to the right of the rapamycin line. But it did not produce too great a difference with regard to maximum lifespan (the age of the oldest lived 10%, according to Dr. Richard Miller). The control group lived to about 1280 days, versus 1360 for the rapamycin group. That is a 6% increase.

So for healthy 60+ and over 70 people, having already gotten over the hump [beating the median lifespan of the “control group” (non-healthy people)], there may be no benefit in incrementalist supplements.