Taking Rapamycin on an empty stomach

Any benefits drawback to taking my Rapamycin on an empty stomach? I’ve been taking my dose at right after dinner. I usually eat OMAD or one meal a day and dinner it is. Also, just wondering if perhaps the MTOR effect is blunted or enhanced based on feeding state? Just curious what everyone thoughts are?

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Not really, just that you might be missing a 30 percentage boost in bioavailability if taken with a fatty meal (I take it with sardines, other people here do a shot of olive oil)

More: Improve Bioavailability of Rapamycin (2)


Would cooking with butter suffice?

Edit: Thank you on Bioavailability. I did not know this!

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I don’t know exactly how much fat is required to increase bioavailability… You may want to review this paper: The Effect of a High-Fat Meal on the Oral Bioavailability of the Immunosuppressant Sirolimus (Rapamycin)

Full paper here: Sci-Hub | | 10.1177/009127009903901107


The bottom chart is why I fast when I take Rapa. I want that high peak and then to drop away. I continue fasting for 12 more hours as a part of my weekly 24 hour fast. The fast is more of a body fat control mechanism than a big autophagy boost. But since I can’t workout hard around rapa, this is the time for a fast.

From the paper in this thread


This made me think of something. I normally eat breakfast shortly after I take rapamycin. But if I were going for other bloodwork and getting my rapamycin checked at the same time for efficiency, I would just go 2 hours after the rapamycin, fasted, and get all the labs drawn at once. Of course that means my rapamycin measurement would be different than it would be on a typical day when I would not fast for 2-3 hours after taking the rapamycin. I guess early 20th century physics had it right when they pointed out that taking a measurement impact the thing being measured.

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This does not change much as it’s the rapamycin blood concentration, not the organs concentration. If you absorb it faster it also diffuse faster into the organs but the then elimination time is the same. The only meaningful difference is that the fasted vs high fat has a faster absorption but with less bioavailability so you get less of it but for a similar time.
BTW I’m currently working on a 3 compartment pharmacokinetic model from this paper data. I will post it very soon.


Ive never seen any data on organ residence time for rapa. But until I learn more, I like my fasting curve better than the fat curve plus I get to time my fast with my rapa downtime.

What will your model show?

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Here it is: Rapamycin pharmacokinetics model

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