Success stories / ease of shipping rapamycin to countries in EU or Canada?

Failed to get a prescription for paramycin from mobidoctor. The doctor said to me that only transplant specialised doctors could issue a prescription for this medicine…

What was the name of the doctor you talked to?

I dont recall. Sorry.

Use the other option, eudoctor, as I talked with Dr. Viktor Simunovic on linkedin and he will issue a prescription.


Great, thanks for confirming.

Ah ok… so via EUdoctor I ask to talk to Dr. Viktor Simunovic and say I need it for Longevity. You have had success with this @Perkiness ? But, what serious and licensed pharmacy within EES would ship it to Sweden from that prescription (inside EES)? the price for Rapamycin in Sweden is high (compared to India). USD 3.66/mg

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See this thread also: New Option for Rapamycin Prescriptions in Europe / EU

and here: Krister Kauppi: My rapamycin journey notes - #3 by Krister_Kauppi

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I got a prescription with EUDoctor, it was super fast and easy.

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