Side Effects of Rapamycin (part 2)

I ramped up to 6-8 mg weekly without any real side effects. Tried 4 mg with the juice of a fresh grapefruit recently and a few days later I’ve got a runny nose.


DeStrider, I am definitely not an expert, but it seems to me that adapalene, though milder than Retin-A, could cause some skin irritation and possibly enough to worsen the rapamycin rash. My experience with rapamycin rash is that some products had no effect, others (maybe adapalene?) exacerbated the rash, and only one product (hydrocortison cream) gave temporary relief. Of course, this is just my experience, and everyone is different.


Went out and bought some isoconazole last night. I will update after more use if it had any effect. I will also continue hydrocortisone use as well.


Matt - you do realize that your actual equivalent dosing in this situation is likely somewhere between 12mg and 20mg, so no surprise if you get some additional side effects.


Yeah, I do. Was just adding it here since I only saw one other person on the forum report it with higher dose. Seems to be fading after a couple days. I might dial down my next dose in a couple weeks to see if I can find my sweet spot.


I take 4 with GFJ and got a blood level of 37 2 hours after consumption. No side effects at all and been using this for months. So last week tried 5mg with GFJ and got a canker sore in the mouth and cramps in the legs. Definitely dialing it back.

How much do you attribute to TRT vs. rapa?


Like others on here I think they complement each other

Rapa knock off MTOR1…
TRT… turns on MTOR2.

Helps kick start both in an older body.

PERSONALLY my improvement is 75% rapa - 25% TRT.


No offense, but I strongly feel like you are misleading readers. You have no objective way to asses which compound did what and knowing what TRT is doing in elderly people, I could as easily attribute 90% of your well-being on testosterone.

Everybody wants rapa to work wonders on them, so I get the bias, but if you step back, it is easy to see that not everything is due to rapa.


I have to agree with this.

@Agetron is also on a fairly high TRT dose from memory too (versus Attia’s recommendation of 100mg/wk)


I mean, the confidence sure is kicking in :joy:. Regardless agetron is clearly feeling great. Kudos.


Maybe. I just read it as his opinion/feeling in response to someone asking directly for that.


Exactly - lol. It is indeed 100% qualitiative. I am double Dr. Attia’s recommendation of 100 mg I do 200 mg a week.

That said, my perspective comes from being on TRT 200mg weekly for 3.5 years.

So I was dosing on TRT for fully 1 year plus before even starting rapamycin, and noting its affect on my mood, body and health. And, it was certainly important for strength and energy and mood.

However, the rapamycin was the game changer for me. I started increasing my strength 15 -20 pounds every 4 months and after a recent 8-month lull, I just upped my weights on all machines again last month. I am in the 165 - 175 pounds workout mode 40 reps several sets per machine. Legs in the 230 pound range… I am not a gym rat - every other day 1 our 15 minutes - I hate working out - but I do it religiously. LOL

Definitely outlifitng most of the 20-30 year old med students significantly - who are either at about half my lift to 50 pounds less on the exact same machines, So I feel the rapamycin enhanced my lifing with the TRT in my view. I am also more shredded. My DEXA taken on Monday shows no fat anywhere - in the Green at 65 years - not typical according to the radiologist. She told me that even fit guys (younger than my age) typically have a few trouble spots of fat - adipose tissue. My TRT good mood energy has turned to 24/7 euphoria, pains, gone, skin improved, hearing, vision - sex - all amazing. So rapamycin get 75% and TRT gets 25% in my personal experience.

Started TRT kinda late (believed it would kill me based on articles - many of which are now shown as wrong) and rapamycin started even later. Would do both at 50 years if I was given a redo. But, content enough where I am at. I am almost 65 years and passing for 50 years with most people and physicians. Good enough.


Dude, of course you’re out lifting younger guys… you’re on 200mg/wk of test :joy::joy:

Ticking time bomb imo


Well I am a bit charged - have been for over 3-years. Hahaha .

My point was with rapamycin my strength surpassed what I was able to do on TRT alone. The Combo is a balance of functions rapamycin MTOR 1 and TRT MTOR 2 - to me use of both at a certain age makes sense. Maybe not at 40 but 50’s onwards.

As to time-bomb – total screening blood - every three months. This year heart, bone, body composition - labs on everything -. no health issues - no illness. in research TRT is being completely re-evaluated as treatment in older men (with men we lose testosterone - women it is estrogen). We had this - we need this - lack of it is going to age and weaken you. You can see when you are my age. TRT more common then you would think - but due to judging - many are super cautious in sharing or being honest in its use.

I too was hesitant about sharing my TRT on here - but we are all learning form each other. Not giving a full picture isn’t going to help anyone and might hurt expectations.

If we are both around… I plan to be…btw… let’s see what I am pumping at 100 years - hmmmm that’s in 2057.


But you’re not on TRT you’re on steroids


TRT vs steroids from my understanding comes down to purpose. 200mg a week, if prescribed by your doctor at agetron’s age is not unheard of. Bodybuilders trying to gain muscle do considerably more. It was my understanding that @Agetron is under his doctor’s supervision, which means he is doing TRT. Why the harsh judgement?


No TRT is testosterone replacement. When you’re on double the physiological dose (of an average 25 year old), that’s steroids.

The presence of a doctor is irrelevant. See Michele Ferrari et al…


How can you tell it was the rapa or the prolonged TRT usage that took some time (1 year) to kick in or to see its actual and full effects? With your logic, I could argue that is the new pair of snickers that you bought at the same time you started rapa, that is at the root cause of your progress explosion.

Do you get my point?

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@Agetron what are your serum testosterone levels while taking 200mg a week?
People respond differently to dosage, the goal is to get those levels to mid levels.
Pharmacology of testosterone replacement therapy preparations - PMC.

The accusation that he’s a ticking time bomb and on steroids and not TRT seems subjective. That’s all I’m getting at. Let’s let the #s decide, I’m sure @Agetron is willing to share his serum testosterone levels? FYI, if you’re not comfortable sharing it wouldn’t bother me, but I am interested!

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