Side Effects of Rapamycin (part 2)

After two weeks at 3 mg + GFJ + EVOO, I have finally started to lose weight. I have lost 1 lb. a week for the past two weeks. I originally had thought it might be noise, but I am starting to think it may be the Rapa as my body weight until now has been irritatingly stable for years, varying by only an lb in each direction. Here’s hoping it is a positive side effect of the Rapamycin at a 3 mg + GFJ dose! Hopefully, I can get to my desired body weight!

(Note: Please pardon any grammatical mistakes in my posts. The autocorrect function on my phone is incredibly annoying. It changes mg to my. It changes Mr to Me. It changes years to year’s. Anyone know how to stop this??? I use android.)


Yep… for me it started out pretty slow… and then… kind of obvious you kerp losing until you plateau. Mine was15 pounds.



Switch to swiftkey keyboard.


Rapamycin is quite the interesting drug regarding side effects. Each increase in dose, has had an interesting change on my side effect profile. Here’s a quick summary:

1 mg + GFJ - Canker sores
2 mg + GFJ - Euphoric fatigue, canker sores, rashes
3 mg + GFJ - Weight loss (mild), canker sores, rashes, trouble sleeping on dose night

I am curious to see what happens at 4 mg. I will stay on 3 mg for 2 more weeks first. I may have to switch to a biweekly schedule at that point as 4 mg + GFJ is equivalent to 12 mg without. Not all of the side effects are bad as weight loss and euphoric fatigue are both positive IMHO.

As for the negative side effects, rashes can be managed with isoconazole cream if treated as soon as they are spotted. Canker sores clear up quickly enough.

Also, I stayed on each dose for one month before increasing 1 mg. There was a 5 week washout period in the middle of 2 mg where I had a bacterial infection .


I think you started too high at 1mg +GFJ.
I think you should have started at 1mg with water and worked up from there.
I’d go back and start again and you might find then no side effects.

Hello! First post.

Side effects–do they tend to ease over time, at weekly (1mg) doses? Mine were not mild.

60yo female. I often have atypical reactions to Rx and supplements, including reacting to low doses, having fast responses, and being slow-metabolizing.

Yesterday took first dose rapamycin (1mg sirolimus) with food (but perhaps not enough?). Noticeable reactions, first ~30 minutes: head pressure, stomach discomfort (bordering on nausea), brainfog, sense of being off, mild light-headedness. (Unlike reactions I’ve had to any med or supp. I don’t have filler allergies, so I’m confident that this is the rapamycin I’m reacting to.)

Symptoms eased at 30 minutes, but continued the rest of the day, ~13 hours. (sigh.) Woke today feeling mostly better. (yay!)

I’ve read many posts here, and it seems my responses are, unsurprisingly, atypical. :smile:

Question: do people adjust to side-effects like mine at weekly doses? How long does it tend to take?

I don’t plan to go up any time soon. I might even go down, if this isn’t something that I adjust to.

Thanks for your thoughts!

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Based on the timeline I suspect it’s just noceabo symptoms

The symptoms you mention are very unusual. The fact that they seemed to mostly subside quite quickly is a good sign. As long as the side effects are not debilitating I would continue at the current dose each week and see how things progress. I had one mouth sore at month 3 or so, and have never had another canker sore. So, yes, some side effects happen once and never again. Some are periodic, and sometimes more frequently recurring. its hard to predict in advance what your course will be.


When I started I had not read much and didn’t know about this group and I think Dr Green said to take between 2 and 6 mg every 1 to 3 weeks, so I started taking 4 every 2 weeks. So I just started taking 4.

Never noticed much, but did get cramps (when running) that I hadn’t had since high school. Really I’ve never had any of the symptoms you described. I did it with meals, on empty stomach, still nothing. Grapefruit Juice definitely multiplies the dose by about 4, so that can save money later.

If I were you I would just blunder on and do it again. See if the symptoms are there again. That would be good science. It could have been something else.


Thank you. It’s helpful to know that some symptoms come and go.

I especially welcome hearing from anyone who has had similar symptoms.

Yes, @RapAdmin I do know my symptoms are unusual. I’ve spent many years being the minority report. :smiley: It’s a huge PITA to have atypical reactions, and it’s made me much more careful and deliberate in what I report and how.

I was educated in the sciences. I get how inconvenient outlier results can be. While it’s tempting to discount odd results, it’s not good science; if we only look for what we expect, that’s all we’ll see.

Thank you for the sound advice.


Fortunately, the symptoms regarding Rapamycin typically abate when dosing stops (and after about a week of washout). Good luck on your Rapamycin journey!


Those side effects don’t sound so weird, similar to mine my first couple of doses (I started with 2mg on an empty stomach) but now I hardly notice anything from 12mg with grapefruit juice (effective dose of 36-40mg)


Thank you. Good to hear from someone with similar results. Was the 2nd dose better than the first? Did you find that food/juice/anything reduced the side-effects?

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DeStrider, Please provide a brand name for your isoconazole. I can’ seem to find it.

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sol, You say you took 1 mg sirolimus with food. What brand sirolimus and what food did you use? Was this a regular meal that you normally have daily or was the food something like grapefruit juice, olive oil, etc. that you don’t normally consume on a regular basis?

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The bottle reads: MFR: Glenmark Pharm. Packaging is generic Rx distributed by Amazon. Capsules appear to have enteric coating. Consumed with a bit of my usual food, including coffee with cream, 1g OM3F, and later chased with some yogurt–all typical for me. Nothing like grapefruit or OO.


I use Travogen. There is also Travocort with a corticosteroid.

Here’s a list of all the drug names for isoconazole

Arhu, how often do you dose?

sol, Since it’s your normal food, coffee, and yogurt I have no suggestions about your much greater than normal side effects. But, I do suggest that you don’t go above 1 mg weekly until you no longer experience any unusually bad side effects.

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Thanks. That matches my plans. :smiley:

I’m happy to say I’m also noticing some marvelous up-side effects, as well. So far, I’m definitely pleased with the results.