Scientists Discover That Taurine Promotes Anti-Aging

Sextravert, source for 3 to 6 grams a day?

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I like Now - they have a good reputation and value:


Looks like if you buy the bulk powder, it’s not expensive and you don’t need a lot of volume. 4 grams per teaspoon.


Rap admin: what dose you take?

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I prefer capsules so I ordered Nutricost Taurine 1000mg, 400 Capsules from Amazon. Less than $20.


I like the combo of GABA and taurine. They are quite synergistic. If I have had a stressful day and need to calm my nerves before bedtime, I take them together. I feel the combo is as effective as any common tranquilizers; Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin, (And yes, I have tried them) without the side effect of dumbing down or becoming spacey.


Have been taking Taurine for some time already. 1000 mg/day, brand Now. Don’t see any changes, but overall all my markers remain to be good.


I take the nutricost 1000mg as well. I’ve been taking one per day but after the recent buzz I upped it to 2! :slight_smile:


Does the powder taste bad?


I read the paper in Science. I am unclear on how the NY Times and BBC came up with the 3 - 6 mg dose in humans. If anyone knows, that would be appreciated.

I know it is early, but is anyone aware of any good reason not to try this? Is there any theoretical reason why it would be a poor idea for people taking Rapamycin to add this?


In response to Thorin, here’s where I saw it.

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I’ve not started taking it yet. I just saw this new research like you have. I think I’ll try taking 3grams or 4 grams/day and do a “pre” blood test and “post” blood test in a month or two, to see if any variables are changing.


See this other thread on this topic - and my post here: Scientists Discover That Taurine Promotes Anti-Aging - #5 by RapAdmin

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There is a society for Taurine research. I don’t know how active they are in pushing the research forward, but the organization is a potential resource, since they should have connections to researchers that are interested and willing to do research on taurine.


I took 1g/day for 30 day trial last year with no observed effect good or bad. I am going to retry adding to morning pills keeping everything else constant


Very helpful. Thank you.

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Very short video on taurine from M. Lustgarten.


I was interested in what the maximum safe dosage for taurine supplementation was. I couldn’t find a direct maximum safe dosage recommendation, but I did find several studies that used 1-6 grams, two of which are linked here, and one which used 9 or 12 gm/day.

“following a range of doses (1 to 6 g/day) and supplementation periods (1 day to 12 weeks), with no adverse events reported.”

“10 patients with recurrent stroke-like episodes received high-dose taurine (9 g or 12 g per day) for 52 weeks. The primary endpoint was the complete prevention of stroke-like episodes during the evaluation period.”

FWIW: I have been taking 4 grams daily for several years. Subjectively 4 gm/day is the sweet spot for me. Who knew it was a probable life extender? Serendipitously, I may be reaping a benefit I didn’t expect. It goes up there with lithium which I have been taking for decades. It is a member of my top ten supplements. I haven’t whittled my supplement list down to ten yet, but I am still trying. It is just too tedious to keep track of a boatload of supplements: timing, with or without food, the interaction between supplements, etc.


Somebody has used 20 g per day.

Elimination of cardiac arrhythmias using oral taurine with l-arginine with case histories: Hypothesis for nitric oxide stabilization of the sinus node

Although he doesn’t say so, I believe the N-1 is the author George Eby himself.

A 64-year old male had suffered from very frequent (25,000 per day) PACs for 6 years, occurring with nearly every fifth beat. The PACs were accompanied by physical weakness (greatly reduced energy and endurance not attributable to PACs or other cardiovascular disease) and occasional paroxysmal tachycardia, rendering him debilitated. Propranolol was not successful. Taurine (5 g with each meal and at bedtime) was taken daily. l-arginine (1.5 g) in gelatin capsules was taken with each meal


The PACs in the 64-year old male were reduced by 50% with continued use of 20 g of taurine a day.


RapAdmin, not directly related but you have mentioned in the past a site that evaluates different brands of supplements, Can you share that link again please?