Rapamycin Webinar and Dr. Green

I pay $985.68CDN for 100 tab Rapamune 1mg. That’s about $775 USD. So $7.75 per mg.


If he claimed that taking GFJ extends the curve, he’s wrong. We have a whole thread about this from a while back. It only increases absorption because acute GFJ ingestion only affects intestinal CYP 3A4 to any significant extent, not liver 3A4 (which would be responsible for metabolism/elimination of rapamycin). Even if GFJ affects liver 3A4, you’d have to drink it every day to decrease elimination rate of rapa, and nobody does that (or at least, they don’t if they know what they’re doing).


Honestly, I don’t understand. I think it’s throwing darts.

In the ITP Rapamycin longevity studies…did they ask the mice if they had side effects? Did they track typical level 1, 2, 3, 4 toxicity data in these mice? Did they have full uptake in all the mice, or did some of the mice say to heck with this, and drop out due to side effects? Did they titrate dose of Rapamycin as mice got older? Did they modify dose of Rapamycin based on emerging comorbidities? Did they put they mice on statins or metformin when their lipids or glucose dysregulated? Mice only die of cancer, but we die of multiple other causes…does the ITP translate to what really matters in humans: all cause mortality?

So unless we understand the full spectrum of how mice biologically/physiologically/cellularly slowed down their aging, how are we to fully translate this to humans and dosing protocol?


As I have posted on another thread, we are all PFA* dosing.

*Plucked From Air

As for Pfizer: No particular reason to trust Pfizer. They have a history of trying to prevent generic competition while charging exorbitant prices for their own generics, not to mention a plethora of other scandals throughout the years. Some of the world’s premier drug companies have production facilities in India, not to mention Pfizer itself.

“The Pfizer Manufacturing activities in India are part of Pfizer Global Manufacturing (PGM) which is the manufacturing division of Pfizer Inc. Our purpose is to continually supply the demand of Pfizer’s portfolio of products with the highest regard for quality and to be ‘a strategic asset to Pfizer’.”
Global Manufacturing - Pfizer India https://www.pfizerindia.com › global_mfg


“After Year of Vaccine Profiteering, Pfizer Hikes Prices on 125 Drugs”

Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History
Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing

U.K. antitrust watchdog issues a provisional ruling that Pfizer engaged in price gouging

Well, I for one will continue to source my rapamycin from India as I have for the last 8 months.
My results speak for themselves and I pay approximately one-tenth the Pfizer price.


Strange. I would think that 2 mg a day would result in more side effects due to higher trough levels compared to pulsed dosing at higher dosages.

Agreed… he made it clear his current low – almost daily dosage was for his specific health needs - not a recommendation in general for users.

So a bit of a mystery - and he presented it that way… at some point he might explain… he could be experimenting on himself for an issue.

Not directly, unfortunately. I submitted the same question because I’m using non-enteric pills from TailorMade.

I wonder if there’s any correlation between absorption and age? That data must be available somewhere?

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I would seem to make sense that as MTOR1 activation ramps and need to be turned off with age… like immune response gets out of whack… one would need a progressively bigger kick for benefits. My guess. He is 79… lol.

mTOR1 is hyper-activated with age!

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Totally agree. Throwing darts. And that’s okay as long as we understand that that’s what we’re doing and remain very open to the possibility of adverse effects and dosage changes as needed.
We certainly have to realize that mice aren’t humans and this is a significant limitation.
With all that being said, this site is invaluable since we share a great deal of honest information with one another, both good and bad.


Don’t understand what he could be treating since that’s essentially the immune suppressant dose.


Next week we can re-watch the discussion… Dr. B seemed to have a smirk that said - I know this is against all current protocols for live-extension benefits - so who knows.

You may also refer to it as a SWAG estimate on dosage

Super Wild Ass Guess…


Sure hope it’s not cancer. :pray:

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Or heart disease. It’s all confusing. When I spoke to Alan G about 2 months ago my impression was that he was taking 12 mg per week. Now he’s on this strange schedule of 2 days in a row apparently.
Obviously Blagosklonny of all people is aware of the pitfalls of inhibiting TOR 2 with daily dosing.
There’s only a few indications for immunosuppressives that I can think of . Organ transplant and autoimmune diseases. I don’t get it.

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Patients were randomized 1:1 to received 3 mg daily oral rapamycin (…) for 28 days prior to cystectomy.

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He’s also an oncology specialist. All of the daily dosing regiments (vast majority) have been transplant rejection or cancer.

I don’t think that Blagosklonny is a big believer in rapamycin as curative but almost entirely as a preventative.
We just don’t have enough information at this point but to be honest it’s concerning for both him and us. If our mentor has cancer in his 60’s while on rapamycin, that’s a bit anxiety provoking.
This site is for us to give our honest opinions and assessments. No use trying to sugarcoat it.