Rapamycin used with Testosterone replacement

Yes! I take 200MG (Testosterone Cypionate) weekly and dose @.25ML EOD. That puts me at roughly 185MG/Week which at this junction is perfect for me.


@Agetron might be able to chime in more here!

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Why did you choose an injectable over patches or gels? I would think that the patches or gels would give a more even T level.
Also, what do think is the most accurate testosterone check?

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Hey DesertShores…
Some TRT users like the even consistency of topical appication, but absorption can be a lot lower… and every day.

Another option is embedded dissoving tablets… don’t even want to imagine putting them into my butt cheeks.

I am now 4-years into injected weekly 200mg 1 ml cypionate. Once a week… 52 weeks per year for 4 years… roughly = 200 shots total… took mine yesterday… I still never get use to it. Lol. Doesn’t hurt just thought of shoving a needle into yourself… not normal behavior.

I don’t feel spikes… pretty normal… I am averaging TRT score at 1300 to 1400.

My N=1

Typically your physician will ask which you prefer… mine did. I feel good about the injection. Never had a single problem.


I’m a scientist by nature, so I prefer to be able to dial in my dose and it’s much more difficult to do with a cream or a patch. Also, with both of those options you have to worry about transferability of the Testosterone to others through bedding, towels, even intimate sexual intercourse and hugging.


Thanks everyone, I am in Australia and getting access to a specialist here is extremely difficult, even with over a decade of blood results to show the impact of my autoimmune, generally its still frowned on which is maddening.

I did try the cream, but found it was hard to get a consistent dose and also a bit messy.
The only injectable option was the preloaded primoteston shots. There are zero compounding pharmacy in my state that will touch it so its been frustrating as you can imagine.

Splitting doses is easy enough with single syringes, however bacteria is a serious concern given it would be a non sterile experience once split.

Gotta love a backwards health system

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This was also my last result for test


It’s relatively easy - and cheap - to purchase Testosterone online, actually any anabolic steroid online. They also ship to Australia. That being said, I’m not certain how customs work in Australia but most UGLs (Online sources) will reship if confiscated by customs. It’s really a non-issue unless you’re purchasing incredibly large amounts of products.


You should also get a test for E2. Here in the states we have a Sensitive E2 test for males that tests for high levels of estrogen in your system. Low estrogen will kill you, high estrogen will make you miserable but not kill you. You want to find a happy medium without side effects.


Thank you, ill do a deep dive into that this morning.
Always so much to document and learn :+1:

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@Ericross2 - Your thought process is exactly why this site is valuable. There is not a concrete answer to your questions and many of the theories we hold as true conflict with each other.

Many men feel better and perform better with testosterone optimization as well as exercise, high protein diet and peptides that stimulate growth hormone which are all mTOR stimulators. Avoiding sarcopenia appears to be a longevity ingredient that all of those mTOR stimulators help maintain.

Rapamycin, fasting and sugar optimization can inhibit or decrease stimulation of mTOR which appear to be ingredients of longevity.:slight_smile:

I believe there is more of a modulation of mTOR than an absolute that is key since both extremes of stimulation and or inhibition have negatives.


Good points on the cream and gel users to avoid contact with your kids, pets and significant other. You can have more side effects with the topical forms that have a higher DHT coversion than the injectables.


You may want to add a PSA and CBC to your labs as well.



You are absolutely correct. Folks that are focusing on longevity and better healthspan should focus on modulating MTOR. I use testosterone replacement to increase my ability to exercise and reduce recovery time, while experiencing it’s mood boosting and libido increases. I also use Metformin daily as an MTOR modulator and haven’t experienced the negation of muscle gain that some have experienced and reported. I haven’t started use of Rapa as of yet and will probably only begin once I turn thirty five (Currently 32).


Interesting news on Testosterone:


Thanks for this update. Personally, I see great benefits at age 65 years using a rapamycin and TRT combination. Dual for fat regulation, strength, mood enhancer and of course libido.

Nay sayers that’s fine. To each their own.

Again, we are not talking steroided out gym rat level doses of 8,000 mg… but upper levels of normal healthy levels achieved at 200 mg weekly. A huge difference.


That’s from the massive TRAVERSE RCT study, very interesting.
Of course can’t be extrapolated to very high T levels.

From Twitter:



Higher testosterone and testosterone/estradiol ratio were associated with lower DNAm PAI and a younger epigenetic age in men. A decrease in DNAm PAI1 is associated with lower mortality and morbidity risk indicating a potential protective effect of testosterone on lifespan and conceivably cardiovascular health via DNAm PAI1.

Full Open Access Paper:


This is interesting… from Jerry Teixeira:


Testosterone levels decline with age, right?
In the US they seem to, but this appears to be due to our unhealthy lifestyles, NOT AGE!

From linked study:
•Testosterone levels did not decline with age
•Testosterone levels were inversely associated with body mass index
•Testosterone levels were directly associated with cardiorespiratory fitness
•Lower testosterone levels ARE NOT an inevitable consequence of aging
•Fitness may help to maintain normal testosterone levels at older age, when weight gain and chronic disease become more prevalent

If you take good care of yourself, you are highly likely to maintain healthy testosterone levels until you are 80!

That said, some men, even if “doing everything right” will have some underlying issue causing low T.

Low T in a man is associated with increased mental health issues, increased T2D risk, increased osteoporosis risk and more. And there is nothing wrong with seeking medical help if it’s needed.

The point if this post was simply to highlight that for most men, low T us a side effect of living an unhealthy lifestyle

The association of cardiorespiratory fitness, body mass index, and age with testosterone levels at screening of healthy men undergoing preventive medical examinations: The Cooper Center Longitudinal Study - PubMed](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30415749/

Findings: Mean testosterone levels were in the normal range for each age group (50-59, 60-69, and 70-79). There was a similar prevalence of low testosterone in each age group (11¡3%, 10%, and 10¡5%, respectively). The prevalence of low testosterone was positively associated with BMI and negatively associated with fitness but was not associated with age.

Interpretation: This study found no evidence that low testosterone is an inevitable consequence of aging. Maintenance of healthy weight and fitness may help maintain normal testosterone levels.


We found that an increase in testosterone and the TE ratio in men was associated with a decreased epigenetic age acceleration, suggesting that higher testosterone levels are associated with biologically younger age and a lower DNAm-based estimate of PAI1 concentration.

Why I believe by 60 years of age – TRT and Rapamycin are a great combo for health and youthfulness.