Rapamycin / Sirolimus from India, Lab Test Report on Quality / Purity

Do we have any new information on affordable labs that can test, or strategies for how to find one? How much did Valisure charge? I found an extremely affordable Chinese supplier with an excellent reputation for the other products they sell, so it’s worth taking a chance, as the lab result is likely to come positive (still wouldn’t trust it without a lab test).

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Valisure was cheap when they were servicing end users… like $150 for the test per drug. I’ve not seen anyone here quoting any well-priced analytical chemistry labs that do a similar service. Any major city may have them - but Los Angeles (where the supplement industry is big), and New Jersey/New York where the drug / Pharma industry is large - are good places to look.


Buying rapamycin from India has truly been a game-changer for me. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made, not only because of its effectiveness but also because of the significant cost saving offers.


Hi, the comment about Pfizer’s nano rapa product was interesting vs the generics. I thought I was a poor absorber of rapa via labcorp’s sirulimus blood test ($99 via calling lef.org and asking for a special order blood test for sirolimus). I’ve spent alot on blood testing to tune up the Indian brands (many) VS the booster protocols (graphfruit juice and others) to boost absorption. All along it may be just the generics aren’t well absorbed by anyone, certainly me. But all I know from blood testing 2 hr post taking rapa is that my Indian brands and my pre-protocol manages to get my blood test into the high teens / low 20’s when I do:

  • Take a mix and match of many indian brands mainly to use them all up slowly all together. Total mg is around 15mg to 20mg.

  • 2 hr prior I take: 1gr berberine + 1 gr peper logum (which has been mentioned here as a senolitic substitute for dasanitib).

Then post taking rapa, 2 hrs, I go get my blood drawn for sirolimus test. I agree what I do is DIY and soup-to-nuts. My receipe just cares about the ending blood test values ideally getting into low 20’s. What tap dancing I had to do prior didn’t mater as long as that I could reproduce it easily and compliantly.

FWIW frozen grapefruit juice cans can;t be purchased here in Atlanta. I can’t be compliant eating a fresh grapefruit so I hit the same receptor with berberine plus pepper longum (if my reading here is correct re the receptor to down regulate to up absorbtion). Regardless my blood test numbers are all I’m after AND I can reproduce my dosing protocol.

Since taking rapa takes decades to see benefit and who knows even 10 yrs later I worry that folks taking rapa today may or may not be benefiting unless they blood test after buying each new batch of rapa even the same brand…

Good luck to all, curt