Rapamycin Prescription, Doctors that Prescribe It

Google Play tells me the EUDoctor app is unavailable on any of my four (!), very distinct Android phones. That’s a bad sign.

I emailed EUDoctor two days ago and said I was in urgent need of a medication. Still no response.

I called the phone number on the website, and couldn’t get through. (The voice message was in a language I couldn’t understand.)

All bad signs.

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För svenskar/for Swedes: I can report that using the app Kry in Sweden will not work. The doctor I spoke with said that only “specialists” can prescribe this.


Unfortunately I have found Dr. Alan Green next to impossible to deal with. My original appointment took a couple of months to confirm and he does not return emails about renewing prescriptions (and his voicemail is full so messages can’t even be left). It feels like bait and switch as I’m now stuck without a sirolimus prescription. If the situation changes I will gladly update this post.



Just get a prescription from pushhealth, I have gotten 3 since February, 2022 Two new and one refill. Cost $65.00 each

I have no interest in pushhealth am only a happy customer/patient


Doctors like this are rare, he sounds great! Did you have an in-person visit with him or it’s all virtual?
Just wondering if you have to live in California to be his patient…?
Thank you.

I would not give up on Dr. Green. Just send him an email. He is superb. My initial visit lasted almost 3 hours.

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David, thank you - I’ll give it another try:)

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Hello, I am new here. Do you know if Dr. Green does any lab work, monitoring of any sort and follow up appointments? I tried to reach out to him with no luck. Also don’t see that mentioned on his website. Thank you!

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At the very bottom of his web site there was information about cost/his fee and what was needed required.


You get your own lab work done in advance of the appointment and send it to him. Also bring a copy with you to the appointment.


Thank you for the info! I assume the same goes for any monitoring and follow up done throughout your Rapamycin treatment? Are you required to do follow ups with Dr. Green or have more lab work done outside of his clinic at any point after starting?

I am from New Zealand. I ordered from “Shree Pharma” (there are also many others) on IndiaMart and it got here. But yeah don’t think doctors here will prescribe.

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Hello RapAdmin!

All the information you put in here will really help a lot of people throughout the entire world, thank you so much for all the effort and time you are putting into it.
The human race needs more people like you.

I’m a Doctor from Brazil and I prescribe Rapamycin.

Would you add me to the list of Doctors?
I also do medical appointments through telemedicine.
Website: drguilhermestreit.com
Instagram: drguilhermestreit
Whatsapp: +555499871488



Welcome to the site and thanks for posting your information. I’ve added you to our list of rapamycin-prescribing doctors - you’re the first one in Brazil! Great to see the rapamycin-knowledgeable doctors starting to become available around the world. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of interest as people in Brazil hear more about rapamycin.


I had the same response with the Dr. in Los Angeles. Except for Tijuana, there is no one on the West Coast prescribing Rapa.

I got no response from Dr. Rosen using two different e-mail addresses last month. Even e-mailed my lab tests from June. Maybe he stopped. He’s doing this part-time as he’s really a opthomologist… .

There is always https://gethealthspan.com which is based in Los Angeles, but I think they service the entire US by telemedicine / web.

Do you know how much they charge for a prescription?

See their listing at the top of this thread.

BTW the consultation fee for Dr. Jerry Morris in Texas (telemedicine appointment, required every 6 months) has increased to $350. Main benefit is no traveling necessary and medication may very well be covered by your health insurance and readily picked up at local pharmacy if you live in the USA.