Rapamycin (or acarbose/empagliflozin) and waist circumference

Hello all,

Does anyone else measure their waist circumference regularly, and have some data on how it changed around the time of beginning a regimen involving Rapamycin and/or acarbose/empagliflozin?

Since I started taking these medications 6 days ago I have lost 2 full inches on my waist, with less than 1 pound of weight loss. I assume that there has been a significant change in visceral fat, because with the acarbose there definitely has been no decrease in bloating!

I went from a high-risk waist circumference for my height and weight (by ABSI) to low; a huge difference!

Also, I achieved a new maximum HRV 3 days after my rapamycin dose (109ms, when the best I’d ever had before was 92ms; I’m quite young, before you think I’m extremely fit). Though it looks like most people see the opposite trend.

Would love to add more anecdotal data to this, please share your experience :slight_smile:


I gauge my waist change from changing my pants. I went from a 34 inch waist pants before Rapamycin… to currently a 31 or 32 inch waist for pants. You can certainly feel the difference in your clothes. I started Acarbose one year ago… very good gut response.

My waist change was slow a little bit each month over a 3 year period of time. Still, 34 to 31 is a huge physiological change in the body. I definitely feel the benefits of a slim waist.

As to visceral fat. All gone! Did a Dexa scan - none!


I finally got a script for Acarbose from my doc and want to try it with rapamycin to reduce glucose spike after I eat my “kashi” in the morning. I’m afraid that it’ll trigger weight loss. My weight now is 111 lb, BMI 19.7. Does everybody lose weight when on Acarbose?


Not me, not even a pound. I do however feel less bloated regardless of what meal I consume. For me the medication that melts my fat away is Metformin, but I really hate the way it makes me feel after. I’m going to try something else and see if I feel any different.

btw, if concerned about loosing weight, don’t forget there is always butter pecan ice-cream hahaa. the world is a much better place when there is plenty of it.:joy::joy:


SGLT2 inhibitors are well known to assist in weight loss. I lost about 10lbs over 3 weeks using empagliflozin and canagliflozin. But then it plateaued and I didn’t lose more.

Rapamycin and acarbose are less documented in this area. Some people find they can help, but studies have not shown a consistent effect.


Wow! You have zero visceral fat?

Say more. What is your exercise routine and what are you taking? Only rapamycin and acarbose, or are you using anything else?


I haven’t lost weight with it, and like you I’m trying to gain. My doctor thinks that acarbose makes it more difficult but imo 50mg at dinner or occasionally with a high carb meal isnt going to be very significant.

I think my main difficulty has been lack of protein calories. When I simply increase calories, I gain but then lose it again quickly.

I’ve just recently increased my protein intake, added leucine to my protein smoothie, and intensified my workouts so that I gain muscle mass. Its a little too soon to know if that is working.


The weight loss I understand and expect, but the loss of over 2 inches of waist circumference in a week (I measure daily, and it has fallen another 1-2cm since I made this post) while at the same or nearly the same weight is what I find particularly surprising! These are the lowest values I’ve had since high school.


I cannot increase protein because of my transplanted kidney. It doesn’t like protein. I am trying to eat more and stay active. I slowly gained 4 lb which put me in ideal BMI, but I want to gain more because I lose weight easily if sick.


I lost 2 lbs. Due to acarbose. Not much, but I’ll take it.


Hey Doug - Yep! Nada.

I was on TRT - cypionate 200 mg 1 ml weekly for a full year and had some great muscle growth and loss of fat - but it had stabilized. Then, once on rapamycin – 6 mg once a week, I watched the visceral adipose tissue - (body fat) start to melt away at the 3-months mark of rapamycin. First a pound every few days and finally after a few months about 20 pounds - my weight point reset to 180-182 pounds which is where I stay. No matter how much I eat - my weight holds at 180-182 pounds. I eat a high protein and whole milk diet-- at least every other day 1 lb. of steak… loaded potato - two glasses of whole milk. This works with my phenotype Northern European.

Here is my Dexa report

Here is me in 2016 before TRT and Rapamycin

And, I took this pic – since I was at the gym tonight when I saw your message. Age 65.5 chronological years - GlycanAge Biological years 42. Yeah! I had just finished my 1 hour 15 minute machines workout muscle resistance (every other day).

That’s it! TRT weekly, rapamycin 6 mg weekly, acarbose at every meal and 1 hour and 15 minutes total-body workout for muscle resistance - every other day.


Wow! Nice work. You look great. I’ll be eager to see if Rapa helps me shed visceral fat too.


Fwiw I’ve also lost visceral fat according to my smart scale which is just an estimate and not nearly as accurate as DEXA or MRI but it fits with my current budget.


I am a believer in “phenotype” diets. Milk is not for everyone, but Northern Europeans drink a lot of it.


Read somewhere that only A2 type milk is meant for human consumption. The store bought one is not good for majority of people. It is also my experience that I can only eat A2 milk. A1/store bought one gives me huge gut issues.

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If you want to drink store-bought milk and not have gut issues, try lactose-free milk such as Lactaid.

“About 65% of people worldwide experience some form of lactose intolerance as they age past infancy. However, there are significant differences between populations and regions. For example, as few as 5% of northern Europeans are lactose intolerant, while as many as 90% of adults in parts of Asia are lactose intolerant.”


Lactose free taste different, don’t like the taste. At farm where I grew up we had Jersey cows and their milk was just fine(they produce A2 milk). Never had an issue with that milk. Lately A2 milk is available at Costco and as expected I can consume it without issues whatsoever. Btw I think it’s not a lactose issue (for me at least, I know it is for many) since A2 has lactose, but it is the fact that protein are different structure in A1/store bought and the A2 milk. Actually, A2 even tastes better so I’m good now that Costco Carrie’s it.


Better body than me and I’m in my 20s!! I need to follow your protocol. Keep up the good work.

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do you take acarbose even with low carb meals? (protein)?

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I drink a lot of soy and almond milk. Similar taste and you don’t need to worry about the lactose.

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