Rapamycin and Metformin for Rheumatoid Arthritis

I have been struggling with RA since 2020 trying every supplement under the sun, none of which helps. I treated Lyme disease and Co-Infections for over a decade and may still be infected with something, which could have caused the RA, so I won’t take biologics. I got PMR (another autoimmune disease) after a Covid booster and was put of prednisone, which I can’t get off. I am down to 2 mg. I get by with Celebrex but when the pain takes over I need a steroid shot.

I stumbled upon Rapamycin during one of my searches and found out it helps calms inflammation. Then I discovered Metformin is used with it to boost the effectiveness. One of the symptoms of RA (which most doctors do not even recognize) is mitochondrial dysfunction. It makes me so tired I can hardly function. I discovered a supplement that helps but the Rapa and Met is supposed to also help.

I ordered both from AllDayChemist because it is a company I trust, having used it for Lyme related infections. I read there was a study giving RA patients 0.5mg every other day of the rapamycin. I don’t know how much metforim to take but will start with 250mg.

Does anyone have any experience with this or any other autoimmune disease? It would be a miracle for me if it worked. I am 77 years old and up until getting the RA, was in pretty good shape in spite of the Lyme infections. I rode horses bareback. Now I can hardly mount a carousel horse.


I have multiple sclerosis and I find it personally has helped with my inflammation (6mg once a week. A wash out break every month). I also take 500mg Metformin twice daily


I recommend searching the forum for “microbiome”. Lots’ of links to lots of autoimmune conditions and diseases.

As example see: Dermatyomositis


Thanks Alpha - I have checked into that.

Thanks for responding Walter. I am glad it is helping you. I look forward to trying it.

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