Rapamycin and Grapefruit Juice

You cannot manage what you cannot measure.

My gut is telling me incremental muscle build over the past month, but I have added a new heavier barbell, so confounded. But definitely NO limitation to reps and loading and recovery.

A repeat VO2max down road will be definitely interesting especially given my already super low iron status, now fully crossed over into full on anemic triggered no doubt by Rapamycin. Although I recently donated, the drop is way too much to be from a donation. I have my doc consult next week…he’s going to freak at my anemia. He told me years ago don’t lower ferritin less than 80…blew by that years ago.

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Not donating blood pre test will give you a 5 point bump I would expect. You should read ‘The Secret Race’, Hamilton went from winning the Dauphine to not being able to finish the Ruta Del Sol after donating a blood bag.


Wow that’s huge. Maybe not as big a bump for mere mortal CRF persons? I was thinking to myself, do I defer or do the test, especially anemic, like massive hindrance? I decided I need many data points, especially on full on Rapamycin, might as well test and put a dot on the map. A triathlete friend of mine, high load endurance per week, not professional, my age, is at 55 VO2max. Actually the damn mask is so constrictive exhaling, it surely hindered.

I will be very interesting said protocol as well. I should get a vo2 test as some sort of baseline. I will have no where to go but up.

Give us a clue… Over 20mg/wk??


I lost around 30 Watts (0.4 W/kg) from my already pathetic 260W FTP after my blood donation 3 weeks ago, still haven’t recovered completely :frowning:

:cry: @MAC has gone awol

I am still here, just pulling together the methodology/data, should be posting any day.


I’ve been taking Sirolimus since the beginning of June. I’m up to 5mg every other Saturday with GFJ. First time with GFJ……

I’m 6’2” and was 167lbs when I started my regimen (11% body fat), I’m now 178lbs and my body is more like it was when I was in my 30s. Thicker muscles and thicker skin. I feel healthier in general. I’m sleeping a lot better than I have in a year.

My power yoga classes do not seem very challenging anymore.

I’m getting new blood work next month to compare to June’s.

I’m very happy with the results so far.

I also started taking supplements to increase my T from 516 to 756 as of my last test a few months ago.

Thanks for sharing what you do.

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Which supplement did you start?

Tongkat Ali
Fedogia agrestis (taking 30 days then a month off)

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Here’s a breakdown of dosage for tongkat ali:

DIM was suggested by my pcp because it blocks the conversion of T to estrogen


I take 1 pill of Anastrozole once a week with my TRT…cypionate for that. Perfect for the past 3 years. Don’t want moobs. Man boobs.


Lol same here brother!

Why not take an otc rather than Rx?

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Great article… but now at 64.5 years and at 3.5 years on TRT with Anastrozole - all has been perfect, so sticking to what works.

My testosterone is at 1500 and estradiol is 30.1
pg/mL. I found what works for me. Thanks.


Jason do you take HCG and/or have breaks from the T?

Where the hell is @MAC?!

Nope same regimen for 3.5 years… intramuscular shot 1 ml of 200 mg Cypionate…no breaks. I do not take HCG. Should I?

My biological markers indicate that I am significantly younger. GlycanAge 37 years and TruMe methylation 51 years. I am 64.5 years.


The Agetron protocol!

"Nothing else is even close."™

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Great job! I100% agree with doing what works for you. I was just curious why you chose an Rx over otc?

You definitely are a pioneer and I’m grateful that you share your regimen and results.

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I guess HCG is only important if you want to retain testicular function.

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