I think this will be my protocol moving forward! Thanks for the suggestion.
I skipped my 5mg weekly dose yesterday to see if I have more energy this week. I still find it odd that the fatigue is a delayed response that doesn’t happen until a couple days after I take it so I’m not totally convinced it’s the Rapamycin causing it. But we will see how it goes.
@Agetron I think I’m going to try taking Rapa before bed as well. Since I get tired from Rapa, it shouldn’t bother my sleep. In fact after about 6 hours I feel wiped out. It might even help my sleep if I take it in the late afternoon, and then I won’t have to deal with feeling tired the day of.
I try it in 2 weeks. Thanks.
I have no fatigue on rapamycin, and never had.
Me either. Quite the opposite. I suspect this side effect is a relatively small minority.
Same @RapAdmin i have a hard time imagining I could sleep after taking a dose. I get a strange sense of energy and being keyed up.
I am with @ Joseph_Lavelle on this. I get a nice afternoon nap on my dose day. Tried it at night and felt it synced nicely with a sleep fasted state. Only tried it once as I am now on a rapamycin vacation but will consider taking it at night consistently.
I haven’t experienced any kind of fatigue when using ramaplycn but quite the contrary instead!
Improvements in energy, REM sleep, mood and psyche etc….are all positive effects of ramaplycn!
I still have fatigue so I can rule out the Rapamycin since I haven’t used it in two weeks now.
I have fatigue for 2 days with rapamycin. I’ve titrated up to 3mg but might go back to 2mg.
Ok I figured it out. I started taking pregnenolone because I’m on TRT so our levels decline. I believe it’s raised my progesterone too much and made me super tired.
Nothing to do with Rapamycin. Carry on
I am new here and have enjoyed browsing the topics.
I started taking Rapamycin about 5 weeks ago. Started with 4mg then went down to 3mg. Before starting Rapa I felt really good. I have had CFS/ Long Covid before and felt I was finally feeling better.
Unfortunately since starting Rapa I have been feeling awful. Tired, exhausted easily, night sweats etc… I am sad to make the connection between my state and Rapa. I read on here that someone mentioned Rapa can reactivate a latent virus? I’m starting to think this is what happened… has anyone experienced similar issues while on Rapamycin? I took my last dose last Thursday and still feel unwell/exhausted.
Would appreciate any input…
Hi, and welcome to the forums. We’ve had some people here relate their use of rapamycin for CFS. You can see some of these discussions here:
There are some people more generally reporting some short term fatigue shortly after dosing rapamycin as can be seen in this thread:
But your experience of it lasting from last Thursday to today seems much longer. It doesn’t sound like its helping you, and its not the typical experience here.
Thank you so much for linking the other discussions, that is interesting for sure- sounds like I might not be the only one that has side effects from it.
I do wonder if I could cope with 1mg per week but also wondering if the benefits would be there at such a low dose…
You are not alone.
Rapamycin, without question, re-actives my latent EBV (AKA mononucleosis). For the last eight months, I have been through cycles like the one you’re describing. My symptoms include debilitating fatigue, heaviness, sweats, feeling ick, head-pressure, brainfog.
Before I had a solution, it was so bad that I was debating whether I could continue taking rapamycin.
I am continuing to take rapamycin. Because I’m stubborn as hell, I’ve figured it out. With research, experimentation, and doctor support, I believe I’ve figured out how to effectively address my rapa-reactivated EBV.
With the caveat that I am still dialing the specifics of how much and when, I can tell you that I can now reliably put my reactived EBV back into latency within a day if not within hours.
My current theory is that having multiple suitable antivirals is better than one, but the right one will do it. I am currently using two antivirals: andrographis (paniculata) and valcyclovar. I aim for the lowest possible dose that does the trick.
Another antiviral I recommend trying is lomatium isolate extract. (Which I can’t take because for me it’s a sleep threat, but it’s great stuff, and I would otherwise.)
Naturally, your mileage may vary, and all bodies are different.
I’ve been waiting to post this until was certain of the specifics of my solution, but I’m close enough to that. Your post inspired me to say something now.
Wow!!! I could not have hoped for a better and more thorough reply to my inquiry- thank you so much for taking the time to answer!!
I am so relieved that there is someone out there with the same experience and can relate! So not all hope is gone and I might be able to continue taking Rapa.
I do have some questions concerning the antivirals. Would you mind sharing your dosage and how often you take those? Do you have to take the antivirals daily or also just once a week?
What is your Rapamycin dose and frequency of taking?
I have some ivermectin at home and since it has antiviral properties I do wonder if this might be an option? Or even Monolaurin? Oh boy, my wheels are spinning now!
Oooh… I think I might try the lomatium extract you mentioned which is easily available as tincture.
Are you saying it keeps you awake?
I wonder how it would work if I took it in the mornings?
I so appreciate all the research you have put into this so that someone like me can benefit from it as well❤️
Given the nuances in your questions, let’s move to direct message.
Not everyone has my sleep issues with lomatium isolate extract. YMMV.
I think I will also try at bed time, the night before my rest day rather than the morning of my rest day.