Potentially amazing new molecule - SLU-PP-332 (exercise mimetic)

This has been discussed in body building forums and they usually source their ped’s from China, so you can get reasonable 20mg pills from SSA. Others are getting lab tests completed, but I am sure it will fly off the shelves.
Many of these pop up, like 5 Amino1mq, AICAR, but never did anything for me when I researched them, including Sluup.


Try exercisemimic.com. It’s a EU based company that sells a liquid version.

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Thank you.
But it’s so weird for a company to sell an expensive product, not invest money in marketing, and use a very basic AI logo. :sweat_smile:


Do we have any info on whether an oral formulation is absorbed at all?


This guy, who really knows his stuff, recommends sub-mg doses to avoid overworking the mitochondria.


Lol, I wonder if worrying about overworking your mitochondria is a completely normal behaviour. I have to admit, I am embarrased not to have thought of that. That said, wouldn’t that lead one to think, gee, I’d rather skip some molecule with no human studies or track record that forces me to worry about a wrong dose overworking my mitochondria!


Most if not all substances, including food and supplements, have an optimal dosage level. Even water can kill you. Wouldn’t that lead you to think that, as a general policy, research is better than abstinence?

Definitely! But applied to something that has a bit more of a track record in humans. It’s really about risk reward ratio. Water and food are necessities. Substance X, which is not, requires a higher standard of acceptance. Overworked mitochondria pegs the risk side as pretty high (to me) - I’d look for a lot of reassurance and massive rewards.

I think Peter Attia liked to talk about picking up pennies in front of an incoming train vs stacks of $100 bills in front of a tricycle. Food and water strike me as the latter. However, we all have to make our own assesments of the risk/reward equation.

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He said the same thing about NDA.

“orphan nuclear receptors estrogen receptor-related receptors (ERRs) play an important role in skeletal muscle exercise capacity. Three ERR subtypes exist (ERRα, β, and γ), and although ERRβ/γ agonists have been designed, there have been significant difficulties in designing compounds with ERRα agonist activity”

does 17-alpha-estradiol activate it

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Have you looked into HMB for sarcopenia? …prevents muscle loss.


I take BHB and HMB in my morning super shake :slight_smile:

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I’ve not seen solid evidence of HMB and muscle growth or preservation. I’ve been into weight training for decades and it seems HMB comes and goes as a supplement people use. Much better evidence for creatine.

Ok…I’m just going on the studies and clinical trials i have read about and figured it was worth a try. Sorry for interrupting.