Potentially amazing new molecule - SLU-PP-332 (exercise mimetic)

I’ve done a lot of research on this relatively new exercise mimetic called SLU-PP-332 and frankly I’m fascinated and just ordered some.

It burns fat while at the same time builds muscle. Has cardiovascular and cognitive benefits and (so far) doesn’t seem to have any significant side effects.

Only mouse studies so far but many people have been using it for months now and are reporting almost unbelievable results.


what is your protocol and how do you obtain the drug?


“When you treat mice with the drug, you can see that their whole body metabolism turns to using fatty acids, which is very similar to what people use when they are fasting or exercising,” Burris added. “And the animals start losing weight.”

With a team of researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and St. Louis University, Burris published his findingsSept. 22 in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.

The new drug targets a group of proteins in the body known as ERRs, which are responsible for activating some of the most important metabolic pathways in energy-gobbling tissues like muscles, the heart, and the brain. The ERRs are more active when people exercise, but they have proven difficult to activate with drugs.

In another paper published in March, the researchers reported that they had successfully designed SLU-PP-332 to boost activity of the ERRs. They also observed that the compound allowed normal-weight mice to run for 70% longer and 45% further than mice not receiving the drug.

Synthetic ERRα/β/γ Agonist Induces an ERRα-Dependent Acute Aerobic Exercise Response and Enhances Exercise Capacity

Repetitive physical exercise induces physiological adaptations in skeletal muscle that improves exercise performance and is effective for the prevention and treatment of several diseases. Genetic evidence indicates that the orphan nuclear receptors estrogen receptor-related receptors (ERRs) play an important role in skeletal muscle exercise capacity. Three ERR subtypes exist (ERRα, β, and γ), and although ERRβ/γ agonists have been designed, there have been significant difficulties in designing compounds with ERRα agonist activity. Additionally, there are limited synthetic agonists that can be used to target ERRs in vivo . Here, we report the identification of a synthetic ERR pan agonist, SLU-PP-332, that targets all three ERRs but has the highest potency for ERRα. Additionally, SLU-PP-332 has sufficient pharmacokinetic properties to be used as an in vivo chemical tool. SLU-PP-332 increases mitochondrial function and cellular respiration in a skeletal muscle cell line. When administered to mice, SLU-PP-332 increased the type IIa oxidative skeletal muscle fibers and enhanced exercise endurance. We also observed that SLU-PP-332 induced an ERRα-specific acute aerobic exercise genetic program, and the ERRα activation was critical for enhancing exercise endurance in mice. These data indicate the feasibility of targeting ERRα for the development of compounds that act as exercise mimetics that may be effective in the treatment of numerous metabolic disorders and to improve muscle function in the aging.




It seems to be pretty available, but expensive:


HED is ~4mg/kg, injected. All of these oral formulations are dosed far too low, especially considering some amount will be lost in the gut (if it’s absorbed at all).


I’d be interested in the answer to that also! :slight_smile:

For a heavier person that’s roughly almost half a gram. If not “heavier” it’s still a lot. Is this per day? Per week?

The 4-amino brand powder is half a gram for $300.

I think I’ll just bookmark these papers for now, and wait until the price drops. A LOT :grinning:


Can anyone recommend a peptide supplier who will ship internationally? I am based in New Zealand and can’t find a supplier who will ship here (most limit themselves to USA or UK). For the peptides I am interested in, all are legal in New Zealand, so importing isn’t an issue.

Sounds great. I’ll pass for now. My reasoning - exercise mimetic, ok, so if I don’t exercise, this will let me have the benefits of exercise. But I exercise, so do I need this? I exercise because certain benefits can only be obtained by physical effort, such as neuromuscular entrainment, coordination and skill development. A pill and sitting on the couch will not make my tennis skills flourish, I need to actually step onto the court.

When will this be useful? When my ability to exercise declines - then a mimetic might help. But that day is not today. I’ll wait until I need it. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t need to become an athlete, my level of exercise will provide all the healthpan and lifespan benefits for my body. I don’t need to be able to run faster or lift heavier, as I am convinced it would not provide any additional health/life span.

Waiting - while not yet needing this potion - has distinct advantages. Namely, side effects - if any - will become apparent. It’s very new. I can afford to wait. Safety first. YMMV.


Based upon testimonials, efficacy seems to start at 100 mcg twice a day (about an hour before exercising and in the evening) with strongest results at 300mcg three times a day which obviously starts to get expensive but I would imagine you could go high (some people take up to 1500 mcg a day) and once you are at your target weight, drop down to a maintenance dose much like a GLP1.


Based upon testimonials I’ve heard on podcasts, it’s the opposite. Users make the point that you can’t just sit on a couch and expect much benefit (although I would imagine there would be some). When you take this BEFORE exercise you run longer with less perceived effort, your body more readily utilizes fatty acids for energy (hence the weight loss), but biggest win in my mind is that it accomplishes what has been considered the holy grail… the ability to lose weight while maintaining (or even gaining) muscle. Remember, the biggest issue with current GLP1 inhibitors is that half the weight people lose is muscle.


Half of the weight loss is muscle?! Where did you get that wrong information?!

Yes, that’s the claim. But exercise benefits seem to occur on a spectrum. Some are superresponders, some not at all. And different aspects are individual too. Some have a real easy time building muscle (I do), some find it very hard. Others gain CRF quickly, others not. For some, exercise lowers blood glucose, for me it elevates (transiently). And I therefore suspect this potion also has individualized benefits for different people. My muscle building and CRF, are very good with exercise - so I am not motivated to get “more” in these respects. If you look at the relevant studies, exercise lowers mortality, but does not result in greater longevity. And most of the mortality benefits occur at shockingly low levels. If you look at the relevant graphs, the mortality differences between very fit (my status), and elite, are very, very, very tiny. OK, by taking this, or exercising even more, I might be able to lift 20lbs more and run 10% faster, and then die at exactly the same time, in the same health… I don’t care at all about that. Not. Worth. It. To. Me.

If I was not getting enough bang for my exercise buck, this would be interesting. But at this point, no. Let’s see in 10-20 years, if my body responds less to exercise, I’ll look at this - and at that point there will be 10-20 years of data. I almost never jump on new drugs or supplements. I wait for a good track record - unless my situation is of urgency. This compound claimed benefits have no urgency for me and my situation. I can afford to wait. YMMV.


Peter Attia as well as other articles I’ve read which I didn’t save because I didn’t anticipate having to defend this statement as “wrong information”.

BTW, that’s if the patient doesn’t lift weights and optimize protein intake.

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I started taking SLU-PP-332 about a month ago. 250mcg per pill. once a day.

I have not noticed much difference but… I have not been working out for the past 4 months. I have not lost any muscle in the time and they have stayed fairly firm :slight_smile:

My youngest son does work out, pretty seriously and is also taking Sloop (netizen slang for this one) and it seems like he is gaining…


Agreed, totally wrong.

I lost 55lb and there is no way I lost 27.5lb of muscle.


Have you lost any fat?


By your math, yes 55/2 = 27.5 lbs :slight_smile:

Fat Steve - 2017

Ripped Steve - 2024 (68y/o in this pic)


Sorry, I meant have you noticed any additional fat loss from taking the SLU-PP-332. You look amazing BTW!!!

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Thanks :slight_smile:

I have not noticed any additional fat loss but it may be dose dependent, exercise dependent, and/or time dependent as I’ve only been using it for a month at 250mcg and I have not been exercising for the past 3 or 4 months. Still physically active, just no resistance training.

I’m thinking of getting some in for friends :slight_smile: