Peptides / Bioregulators

I will aprecciate if someone share a good source of TB-500 in the USA. THANKS

If you’re willing to pay domestic prices, xcelpeptides and skyepeptides are reputable vendors. Still 5-10x international prices.


Thank you so mach, AgentSmith

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Day 1 of the PEPTIDE SUMMIT was Awesome!!
Really liked Regan Archibalds session.

You should be able to access all.of Day 1 for free below


Have a listen to some of the sessions.
This is WAY more involved than Peptides.
Great information on everything from supplements, longevity, etc.

I know most of this forum is not ‘peptide savvy’ or may not be interested --but I will guarantee you will get great info from this.
I am still very confident that Peptides [especially things like Epitalon etc] will be talked more about here in the imminent future for Longevity.


I’m going to try Epithalon and MOTs-C over the next few months.

Will start with Epithalon first.

Just need to understand dosing first :slight_smile:

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You must be referring to the debate surrounding the Russian translation or mistranslation and the scaling of the Epithalon dose.

Many say 100mcg is the appropriate daily dose because of that, but I still see a lot of people injecting 1mg/day for 10 days. Is that what you’re investigating?


Yes, there are a lot of “opinions” on dosing of some of the less commonly used peptides. So I’m checking studies to see what they look like, and of course not very many studies are available.

“A second placebo-controlled trial treated 70 older adults (~65 years old) with “accelerated aging” due to cardiovascular disease with epithalamin every 6 months for 3 years and followed them for another 9 years (Korkushko et al, 2006). Treatment consisted of 5 intramuscular injections of 10 mg epithalamin or saline with 3-day intervals. Over 12 years, the treatment group experienced a 28% decreased mortality rate and 2-fold lower rate of cardiovascular disease-specific mortality. A 3-year (15-year total)4 follow-up study reported that epithalamin treatment “prevented age-associated impairment of physical endurance, normalized circadian rhythm of melatonin production and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism” (Korkushko et al, 2011). These results have not been validated by an independent trial”


And epithalamin is said to be 100x less potent than the epithalon/epitalon peptide that we can buy. See slide 77.

I see variations on the following comments thrown around on forums. Opinions are all.over the map. My posting of these doesn’t indicate endorsement. I have no strong opinions and am skeptical that anybody really knows what they’re talking about about on this subject because there’s so little data.

Epitalon dosing is controversial. The original Ukrainian and Russian protocols were based on misunderstanding of which product they came from. Doses may be as low as 100mcg. The experience of practitioners and this researcher is that the higher doses make a difference in sleep. Dr. Seeds in a video interview mentioned his daily maintenance dose is 1mg.

Despite all the discussion of dosing, I found that sleep was really helped starting about 3mg nightly. My protocol has been as high as 5mg when paring with Thymus products. I think the lower doses are for telomeres protocol, the benefits of which are in dispute. From what I can tell, the Khavinson studies didn’t address circadian rhythm/sleep. But if you do a cycle, be prepared to start getting tired when the sun sets or shortly thereafter.

Peptide Therapy Overview: Thymulin / Epithalon

:bulb: What is it?
• Thymulin and Epithalon are categorized as “bioregulators,” and may help to improve immune function and sleep that has suffered due to the effects of infection, stress, or normal age-related declines.

  • Thymulin is secreted in the thymus, our immune-system’s nursery. It is theorized to play a signalling role between our immune, endocrine, and nervous system, and function as an anti-inflammatory agent. It has also been studied for use in rhematoid arthritis.
  • Epithalon acts on the pineal gland, which controls sleep/wake cycles via melatonin. It may also help improve retinitis pigmentosa.

:dart: Do you need them?
• Ideal for adults wishing to improve their sleep or counteract the effects of chronic stress and aging.
• Suitable for individuals in otherwise good health. Those with autoimmune conditions should exercise caution around potential medication interactions.

  • Thymulin has also shown benefit as a topical hair-loss agent in men.

:memo: How to use them:
Administration method: SQ injectable; topical (for hair)
Titration schedule: Each can be started at the desired dose, no titration is required. Often researchers adjust to meet individual needs.
Dosing frequency:

Epithalon can be dosed daily, with adjustments based on response and tolerability.
Thymulin may be effective 2-3x a week; its effect on T-cells lasts 24-48h.

Dosing strategy:
Epithalon has been studied in open trial doses of 100mcg/d. Due to a translation error it has been used up to 1mg; no adverse effects have been reported.
Thymulin has been studied in double-blind trials at 1mg - 5mg for rheumatoid arthritis; higher doses show no additional improvement. For hair-loss 50 mcg in 100ml at 1-2mL/d.

Epithalon has been taken continuously in older patients in Russia for years at a time. Others choose to take it for 3-4 weeks twice a year, for potential age-attenuating effects, at either daily dose.
Clinical trials for Thymulin used a 6 month course of treatment.

:warning: Reasons not to use:
• Injection site reactions are sometimes reported. Allergic reaction is possible with any peptide, right away or after prolonged administration; use should be discontinued immediately if severe.
• Thymulin not is recommended for immunocompromised individuals, and may not be suitable for those with certain endocrine or bleeding disorders.

:bar_chart: Expected outcomes:
• Epithalon: Improved sleep and daytime energy levels.
• Thymulin: Reduction in inflammation from systemic infection or chronic immune overreaction.

:handshake: Stacking:
• With other peptides: Has been be stacked with other thymic peptides such as TA1, TB500/TB4, or other bioregulators such as Vilon or Pinaleaon. Coordination with healthcare guidance is crucial to avoid adverse interactions.


Thanks a bunch for this information, more reading!!

I’ll probably start with 500mcg in the evening but I already have “just before bed” SQ shot of Ipamorelin and CJC1295

I do dose BPC157 (500mcg) + TB500 (500mcg) every day in the morning so it will be interesting to see how that goes with the addition of Epithalon.

I’ve become a pin cushion!! but so far it’s going way better than I expected. I feel pretty darned good for “a man my age” LoL!

I remember the first time someone said that to me. “Your hearing is exceptional for a man your age”, that was 8 years ago when I was 60 :slight_smile:


I’ve purchased from and They are both reputable. Peptide sciences is more expensive. Base peptide frequently has sales or codes for up to 30% off if you get in their email/text list. I order from them almost exclusively now.

I’m 53. I just ran a half marathon recently. In my training, I began to develop some knee and hip pain. I had shoulder surgery about a year ago and still had some residual pain during some range of motion. I did a month of bpc-157 and tb-500. Started off 500mcg of each every day the first week. I didn’t notice much. I increased the tb-500 to 2mg daily and kept the bpc-157 at 500mcg. I had a noticeable improvement in all my aches and pains. I kept this dose for 2 weeks. I ran the marathon and did great. Not nearly as much discomfort after as i expected. As a matter of fact, my knees and hip didn’t bother me at all. My right ankle was sore as though it was sprained (but it wasn’t) for a couple days. I continued BPC-157 and TB-500 at 500mcg and 1mg for 1 more week. I haven’t taken anything in 3 weeks including no anti inflammatories such as Advil or Aleve. The results seem permanent so far.

I often use as a source for dosing.
BPC-157 Dosage Calculator and Chart | A-Z Guide
TB-500 Dosage Calculator and Chart | A-Z Guide


Sorry, I searched on this forum for your “data posted elsewhere” on SS-31 regarding kidneys and found only the below thread. Did you post it on this forum and i missed it? Or was it posted elsewhere: I’d be interested in seeing it. Thanks.

Bryan Johnson’s latest peptide.


I will be interested to see if there are any measurable outcomes. I have heard anecdotal reports of Cerebrolysin working well in cases of brain injuries and cognitive enhancement.

He just loves to show his “glute” every chance he gets. It’s weird.

I wish we had more studies on these Russian peptides.


Cerebrolysin is approved for use in Austria, China, Germany, Russia and South Korea , the FDA has yet to approve it for use in the United States. It is promising to see that it is approved in some countries with reputable health care.


William Seeds - Peptide Protocols_ Volume One - (1.4 MB)
Amazing in depth information on Peptides by William Seeds


Optimize your Health with Therapeutic Peptides Extend your – Jay Campbell; Nick Andrews – 1, 2023.pdf (3.3 MB)
Jay Campbell, to me, may be the leading expert on Peptides. Here is full access to his book that is a hot seller on amazon.


Great Ben Greenfield podcast.
Talks in depth on Peptides as well as supplements and 3rd party testing etc.



I thank you for introducing me to peptides, from which I have benefited greatly. However, I am not so enamored of the most popular online promoters like Jay Campbell and Ben Greenfield. My main beef with these guys is that they dismiss concerns about side-effects. They even go so far as to say that there are no sides at all, which simply isn’t true.

Take, for example, P-41, known as the sex peptide, which has in fact been approved by the FDA to treat hypoactive sexual desire in woman. However, in the clinical trials leading up to approval, a significant number of women dropped out of the study because of such reactions as nausea, flushing, headaches, and skin irritation.

In other words, like all medications, peptides can have side-effects that are intolerable to some people. To educate myself when considering a peptide, I always look beyond the sites that have something to sell. A good place to start is PubMed. It’s a well-established practice on this rapa site here to follow the science, not the hype, and it’s encouraging to know that most peptides have been studied for years by serious doctors and researchers.