New Initiative by the Alliance for Longevity Initiatives (A4LI)

The white paper: The Advanced Approval Pathway for Longevity Medicines is an overview of how this non-profit longevity organization proposes to increase the flow of longevity drugs to market. 15 pages but well worth a read.

More people may want to read it & sign the petition (see below) and the organization’s other petitions. Please spread the word on all the social media platforms.

They also have a petition to Increase appropriations to the National Institute on Aging - Division of Aging Biology; the group the funds Richard Miller’s excellent ITP program that tests potential longevity medications in a rigorous 3-site program. I highly recommend signing that petition as I think the NIA ITP program has done more than anyone in the world to move longevity medicine forward (and their current budget is under $5 Million / year).

To sign their petitions, click on the link below titled “Petitions” and see how you can help:

Full Whitepaper below:

AAPLM-Whitepaper-Rewrite1.pdf (384.9 KB)

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A related discussion on the topic:


:weary: :

‘Decreases in healthcare expenditures and dependency on caregivers would enable reallocation of resources to other priorities, such as education.’

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Oof. This is a toughie. There are certain medications who’s prices I believe should be subject to price controls; Insulin for example.

As a T2D, I’m currently dealing with a shortage of GLP-1s that help to control my disease because doctors are prescribing off label for weight management.

I think we need tiered controls.

Something akin to a 5+5. Five years of exclusivity, five years per treatment option ie; Tirzepatide for management of diabetes mellitus two is exclusive for five years, then they can add an additional treatment use, that gains another five year exclusivity period while Tirzepatide for T2D is subject to price controls and tiered dispensing in shortages.