New book: Rapamycin - The Most Promising Life Extension Drug


The new book titled Rapamycin, mTOR, Autophagy & Treating mTOR Syndrome will be published in mid-April.

To pre-order a copy, go to: RAPAMYCIN mTOR AUTOPHAGY & Treating “mTOR Syndrome” - Life Extension


I like the title. Thanks for posting the information. Will you be adding it to Amazon to reach a wider audience?

I checked the website but unfortunately the book isn’t yet available.

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On back order until 15-Apr-2022.

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Yes…My book is due to be published/printed on April 15th. I will post an announcement as soon as it is available. My book can be ordered (or pre-ordered) from RAPAMYCIN mTOR AUTOPHAGY & Treating “mTOR Syndrome” - Life Extension


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