My Experience: Getting Rapamycin in the Denmark through Pharmacies

Hvordan jeg som dansker fik leveret mit kosttilskud (English to follow - how I as a Dane, got my Rapamune)
Jeg fik en web-konsultation hos EU-Doctor ( og derfra en pdf-recept (min egen konservative læge går ind for en god varieret kost med masser af fisk- det er jeg ikke uenig i, men at spørge ham efter en Rapamycin recept havde jeg opgivet på forhånd). Jeg har noteret mig at der er folk inde i dette forum der “disser” dem for at være for lemfældige med deres recepter - men det er jeg ikke enig i (det er stadig uddannede læger der skal stå til ansvar)
Med den printet udgave af pdf-recepten mødte jeg op på et apotek i Sønderborg, hvor man er vandt til at håndtere EU-recepter (Løve apoteket, center øst). Recepten blev accepteret/godkendt - MEN det viser sig at Rapamune ikke kan købes i Danmark i små pakke-størrelser. Det er kun hospitals-apoteker der har Rapamune liggende (og her kan man som privatperson ikke handle).
Så jeg bestilte en pakke hos Dock Pharma i England ( Inden havde jeg fået dem til at godkende min pdf-recept.
Pakken dukkede op i dag efter to ugers transport (hvoraf det tog en uge at komme igennem tolden)
Summa summarum (juni 2024): Læge 190 kr (25€), Apotek 1300 kr (£144), Told&Skat 443 kr - ialt 1933 kr for 30 tabletter (som jeg ikke forventer at få godskrevet hos sundhedsstyrelsen eller sygeforsikringen danmark). Men det lykkedes :slight_smile:

This is how I (as a Danish citizen), got my Rapamune tablets
I have a friendly conservative GP. He recommends a good balanced diet with lots of fish (which I agree upon). However asking him for a Rapamycin prescription would be a little too much. “Couse I am not sick”, he would probably argue…
So I got a web-consultation at EU-Doctor ( and received a prescription for 30 tablets.
(I do realise there are people in this forum who disfavour them a little, for being too relaxed with their prescriptions, however I do not totally agree with that. They are still trained doctors who will be held responsible for their work by the EU authorities)

With a printed version of the pdf-prescription I went to a local Danish pharmacy - a pharmacy known for their professional work with EU-prescriptions. The prescription was recognised/accepted. However it turns out that an ordinary pharmacy in Denmark doesn’t sell Rapamune - this can be bought at the government pharmacy in hospitals only (and sadly; as a private person, I can’t get access).
So I ordered a package online, from Dock Pharma in England (
before placing the order, I made sure that they accepted my pdf-prescription.

After two weeks, the parcel arrived at my doorstep to day (one week in custody, as England is not part of the EU)

Conclusion (June 2024): Doctor $27, Pharmacy $183, Import tax $64. Which rounds up to $274 for 30 Rapamune tablets (1mg).


Det kunne jeg da godt have fortalt dig…
Der er online EU Apoteker der godtager EU doks fysiske recepter. Hvorfor fanden bestiller du fra uk…
Du kan også tage over grænsen til Sverige der sælger apotekerne det modsat Danmark og sygehus udlevering.
Den billigste løsning er dog at tage på ferie til Tyrkiet. Rapa er cirka halv pris ifg til eu priser.

Hej Steven,
Ingen grund til at bande.
Well - jeg bor tæt på Flensburg - ikke Malmø, så det er ikke nemt for mig at hente det i Sverige. Jeg læste herinde om en der skulle argumentere en hel del, før det svenske apotek accepterede og hjemskaffede det. Jeg kommer ikke i Tyrkiet. Det er forklaringen på hvorfor jeg køber i England.

Thanks for sharing. I wrote in my previous thread that I had the same problem ordering Rapamune in Portugal. They don’t sell it and can only be administered in hospital. So I took a quick holiday to Spain wiht my EU doctor prescription and the pharmacy ordered me 2 boxes. Even if they give you a prescription for 30 tablets the pharmacy only sells it by how it comes in a packaged box. They dont dispense individual tablets. So a box is 100 tablets. Anyways, the pharmacy in Spain I went to didn’t really care about the prescription as I played the tourist card. They just asked my how many boxes I need and ordered it for the next day. Other pharmacies might be a pain without a prescription. EU doctor gives max 2 or 3 month supply prescriptions if I remember so just tell them based on your body weight and weekly dosing of “whatever mg” dosage, 30 tablets is not enough. Tell them exactly what you need.


Are there any penalties for ordering from India other than customs seizure of your order?
At the prices you are quoting 4 out of 5 shipments could be seized and you would still be ahead. Unless you are getting Pfizer, Biocon, or Zydus, you are also probably getting an inferior product.

You would save $120 by buying without prescription here:

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I can only speak for Germany:

you can deny that you ordered the package and it will be destroyed by customs - no penalty. However: if that happens frequently your address can get red-listed. Meaning: all future shipments from India to your address will be retained and checked individually by customs.

thank you - most appreciated

That is a good bargain. My initial idea is to exploit all the legal possibilities in Danmark, using a pharmacy with in EU - this way I don’t have to pay the extra tax/told. Perhaps a local one (germany?), to save a little on transportation as well. If it is a local pharmacy I may be able to get the government to reimburse some of my expenses as well. But I see that is is a good price :slight_smile:

They only sell boxes with 100 tablets in Sweden. I told Eu doc that fact, and then they prescribed 100 tablets.

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Hello tfl - thank you for your comments
It is a good point - about the 100 pcs packages. I will ask my doctor for this, next time. Cheers Ken

Hello desertshores - thank you for your comments
It might be legit, but probably take a lot of hassle to send the documentation to the correct office - and I would still have to pay tax and vat.

I asked once while I was in Europe: “What is the deal with this high VAT?”
Reply: “Because it is the only way to ensure some people pay their fair share of taxes.”
Actually, I like it because it is consumption-based, unlike U.S. tax which is not

…well - there is pros and cons - both systems works and both have their biases.
It would be an enlightening conversation though - we just need a good bottle of wine (or two) and three hours :slight_smile:


Opdatering på Rapamune i Danmark, lovligt (English to follow)
Jeg fik en ny web-konsultation hos EU-Doctor ( og derfra en ny pdf-recept (30 tabletter @ 1 mg), som jeg e-mailede til et “lokalt” apotek i Flensburg (indkøbscenter Fördepark - Löven-Apotheke, Schleswiger Strasse 130, 24941 Flensburg, Tyskland).
Rapamune 1mg, 100 Stück, PZN 1586723 - Löwen Apotheke
Ingen problemer. De skulle blot bestille den rette pakkestørrelse hjem og den blev hentet uden problemer (jeg fremviste en printet A4 kopi af recepten). Lidt peberet alligevel - €337,95 ($365.54)! - men fuldt legalt.

Legally getting Rapamune in Denmark (EU) - well, I had to drive 20 miles to Germany (EU).
I got a new web-consultation at EU-Doctor ( and received a new pdf-prescription for 30 tablets @ 1mg. I e-mailed the prescription to a local pharmacy in Flensburg (Germany - I live in Denmark, close to Flensburg).
Rapamune 1mg, 100 Stück, PZN 1586723 - Löwen Apotheke
No problems. It took them half a day to get the correct package-size. Then I physically went to the shop to pickup and pay the tablets. At the Pharmacy I showed them a hardcopy print out of the Prescription and got my tablets - however at a price of $365.54 ! Original Pfizer - and fully legal in EU :slight_smile:

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Maybe you can go to sweden. Here rapamune is much cheaper. 4014 Skr for 100 rapamune.

Good idea - I need to do something - thanks for your comment

Where you able to get a Swedish pharmacy, to accept a prescription from EU doctor? I got a prescription from EU doctor and also asked for a physical paper version (as Sweden don’t accept foreign printet email prescription). But the prescription I got, was basically just a print of the email prescription, so the Swedish pharmacy (of course) didn’t accept that.

the first few times I asked EUdoc for a paper prescription and they sent it to me. The pharmacy accepted it. (according to the EU law).

Since then I have used 3-4 paper prescriptions. A few months ago I got a PDF prescription, which I printed at home. Then I went to the pharmacy, and they accepted it without question. So I guess it depends on the pharmacy.

Hello Sanne, No, I haven’t been in Sweden recently :slight_smile: Instead of the expensive German pharmacy, I tried IndiaMART as many other in this forum (Rapacan, Erik - much much cheaper).
That parcel was stopped by customs in Copenhagen, and then I sent my EU-doctor pdf-prescription by e-mail, payed the import tax, and got my parcel.
Endnote: I prefer Rapamune over Rapacan - why, I don’t know. I just feel more secure using a global recognised pharma supplier.

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