Multiple N=1 experimentation

The thing that I think is very interesting is to see pre blood test biomarkers and compare it to post blood test biomarkers. Most people here should have pre blood test before they started and post tests after. It would be very interesting to see how the biomarkers change depending on parameters such as gender, age, dose etc.

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Bloodtest are ideal but can be confounded by multiple changes in the same timeframe. I suppose thatā€™s true for any marker inside or outside of blood. I have been changing many variables while experimenting with rapa. It would be hard to see the impact of rapa alone using my data. The changes I made were largely due to learning about interventions here. After 4-5 months my program is stabilizing but now shrinking. I am a poor test subject I guess.


I think @Joseph_lavelle is right in that there are difficulties with this because people donā€™t only have one intervention. I have masses in which the gene expression parts (Citrate and HDACi mainly) are perhaps the most significant and then the mitochondrial aspects (including Rapa) are also important, but Rapa is only part of the mitochondrial interventions.

However, perhaps i could do something to capture this. I would like to start with something simple so it does not involve too much coding (could be run in google sheets or something). I have been a computer programmer for 47 years so coding is not an issue, but I donā€™t want to start at the complicated end of things.

Capturing night time minimum heart rates linked to dates is simple. It is a row in a spreadsheet so easy to do.


In reference to blood markers, I will be doing n of 1 lipid panels at baseline, with Pantethine, with Statins, and with Rapa.


Not sure how a Vit D supplement group experiment is useful. I test mine quarterly and have to adjust based on season. Factors such as skin melanin, latitude, how much time is spent outside and of course summer vs winter all will play a role. Itā€™s something I think everyone should just do routinely and not depend on hearing what person X does.


You are right that individual should titrate their own Vitamin D dosing, but it would be useful to collate the range of responses that people have to guide people who have not got a 25OHD test.

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Should we try an experiment recording minimum sleeping heart rate and blood pressure around Rapamycin Dosing?

  • Yes
  • No
  • I am interested, but have no view as to whether this should be done.

0 voters

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For those who have the monitoring equipment this should be easy to get the data, in fact some of us may already have this data.

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To be clear, people voting Yes would be willing to record their minimum sleeping HR and (BP?) after rapamycin use. and not only voting because they want to see it. So far 4 yes. Over time more people can share their data.

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One of the sayings in medicine is ā€œdonā€™t do a test if it wonā€™t change your managementā€. So, on one hand, nothing about my HR or BP will change my taking Rapa. On the other hand, essentially no downside to recording your data. So have at it.


Recording my resting HR while sleeping is sooo far down on my list of things to do.


If you use an Oura ring, for example, this is done automatically every night with no effort required.
I think the same is true for fitness trackers and Apple Watch, the latter which is great anyway since it can detect afib too and other things.

I personally have no interest in buying or wearing an Oura ring. There are many ways of measuring fitness and this is just an unnecessary expense and bother. If it suits you, fine.


Itā€™s not merely for measuring fitness, but also detecting fever, illness, etc before you are aware of it.
I donā€™t mind because Iā€™ve already paid for it.

So we have 5 votes to do this and one vote to not do it. I think it is important at least to try having a multiple N=1 experiment so I will look at how to do this. I am thinking of starting by using google sheets and giving access to those people who wish to participate, but we need to learn the best way of doing this.

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I can fill in data from the last month. I use an Oura ring and I recently started checking (and recording) my BP most mornings.

We can also turn a post here into a ā€œwikiā€ that anyone can edit, so that people can just add their data into the wiki here. The easier and more obvious you can make the tracking/posting process the more likely people will do it. The issue with these types of efforts is always ā€œparticipationā€. Its really hard to get people to participate in an ongoing way.

Here, for example, is a page / post that I created as a wiki for people to update pricing infoā€¦ of course, nobody uses it :slight_smile: Rapamycin (& Other Longevity Drug) Pricing Quotes Wiki

Anyone can click ā€œEditā€ on that first post, and add their data.

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When someone has their data, they could just post a comment here or wherever is appropriate. For example when they took rapamycin and their HR the following days. Then someone can compile it.

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You are right about the confounding variables. To test things properly, there should be a testing protocol that the subjects agree to strive to adhere to and report on any deviations. For instance, you donā€™t take rapa for six weeks, then do a blood test, then go on rapa for six weeks and do a blood test again, while minimizing the changes to other interventions during that time. Ideally a lot of other data could be shared to look at things like sleep, activity, and body composition during the study period.


There is, however, potentially a privacy thing. Some people may be willing to submit their data through a process which has some limits on access, but not to publish it on the internet for ever and a day.

Hence using something like google sheets or an online database of some form enables people to submit their data, but it would only be published in an anonymised form.