Meetup at Next Week's Longevity Summit at the Buck Institute (Dec. 5/6)

Just a reminder that it would be great to meet up with other community members at next week’s Longevity Summit, if you will be attending. Message me if you’ll be going. And, one more word of encouragement to people (especially those in the SF Bay Area) to attend. Its a great place to meet up with many of the leading scientists in the longevity field and get the latest news and information.

Here is the agenda: LONGEVITY GLOBAL

Here is the registration information: Longevity Summit 2023, The Future of Medicine; Eliminating the Diseases of Aging

Oh - and good news, I’ll also be going to the December 8th conference for Longevity Clinics (something great for longevity doctors that participate here)… so if you’re a doctor and attending that conference, please let me know.

Also - a reminder, if you have any burning questions that you think we might be able to get an answer from one of the speakers of the conference - review the list here: Longevity Summit 2023, The Future of Medicine; Eliminating the Diseases of Aging

and post your question, and I’ll try to get an answer.


Ahhhh… wish I was closer would be there in a heart beat. Next year!!

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