Loss of appetite with Rapamycin?

So Im slim to begin with and since I started on the med 3 weeks ago my appetite and to some degree sense of taste has really been dulled- any one else and if so does this pass?


What’s your current BMI at?

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Just below normal average I’m
On the slender side for sure

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I’m 5 foot one 92 pounds female


You may have to find a way to eat more. This is my challenge as well. I’m 5’1 and 95 pounds. I’ve been on rapa just over one year an eat more calories now than when I started but do not gain weight. I started rapa at about 103 pounds and actually gained a little at first but then started losing weight about 6 months ago. I feel good but definitely don’t want to lose any more weight. Eating a little more than I’m naturally inclined to eat is definitely something I have to be mindful about.


True many people start losing weight at the 3 month mark… then get really shredded. I eat constantly… twice my pre-rappa days… I am hungry always… so I eat all day long, but don’t gain weight. Stay at 183 pounds.

Add maybe a protein supplement to whole milk.

Or milk shakes. Good luck.

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I wish I had your guy’s problems. I lost 6-7 pounds but my body refuses to shed any more. I’d like to lose 13 more pounds to get back to where I was 15 years ago.


Before I started with rapamycin I was successful in lowering my weight rather effortlessly with a combination of time-restricted eating and tea made of 3 grams or more Jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum). My weight dropped from 77 kg to 72 Kg without a change in exercise routine or other modifications in my diet.

I also tried time-restricted eating in combination with berberine and that had a different effect on my body. While Jiaogulan had a clear effect on my visceral fat (After 3 months I had to start buying jeans with a 31-inch waist instead of 33 inches), Berberine had a more general effect on my body composition. I did 2-3 months on the two different combinations. And yes, Jiaogulan was surprisingly effective for reducing Visceral/belly fat. While I did not get my 6 pack back, I got a 4 pack.


Your BMI is 17.4, which is underweight, normal BMI is 18.5 and higher, it will put you at risk for diseases like hip fractures etc in the future and frailty, and associated with increase mortality. You should aim for 22 BMI as it’s associated with the lowest mortality, which for your height is 117 lbs.

If rapamycin decreases your appetite then of course you should stop taking it if you are already underweight. I rarely get hungry, or thirsty, and I made a genetic test at nebula genomics which showed a higher polygenic score for anorexia. That makes sense to me, that I have genes that influence my hunger.

I don’t think rapamycin is your problem since you were already underweight to begin with, but of course you should stop it until you have a weight buffer to work with.


Yes that is my concern that I should not be lowering my weight in fact Im trying to gain weight. Im not sure if this is a common side effect of Rapamycin since I just began taking in 3 / 4 weeks ago. Im seeking advise here of-there who have taken it before and taken it for longer sessions. Like- does it go away if it IS a side effect. If not I might have to consider going off of it at least short term yes.


I didn’t notice anything when using rapamycin. I don’t think weight loss is listed as a side effect for it.
Rapamycin is very psychological, it can function in placebo/nocebo ways.


Ok so you and I are about the same weight- may I ask your age ? You are eating more yet not gaining ? I feel like Im not hungry and its harder to eat. So you are eating more and still went back down to 95 pounds? This concerns me- what do your meals look like ? I would love to discuss this with you further since we seem to be the same in terms of weight size and issues

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no idea what you are discussing here - Im confused. What is Jiagulan ?

what sort of meals / meal plan are you trying ?

how so with the psychological ? I would love more info ?

Rapamycin is very psychological, it can function in placebo/nocebo ways

Im not sure what this means ? I really want to stay on rapramycin so I am trying to understand how to use it best in my situation ect

I did have a low BMI in the past around 17.7 IIRC, now it’s 21.3. I’m in my late 20’s. I had this about a decade ago. For gaining weight, I ate whatever I wanted, it was mostly rice and something that made it taste good and that is traditional, like thai dishes or flavors, since I like them. I didn’t care about ‘healthy’, neither did I think about gaining weight. I just was thinking about eating a lot. The only thing I was careful about is saturated fat, but there’s plenty of healthy fats that are good and helpful. I didn’t worry about anything. The best part about having higher BMI is you don’t have to worry about missing meals, even for an entire day, nor the health consequences of it, or if something decreases your appetite. You have a “buffer” to work with.

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hard to think about this as you say when you have no appetite that is why Im asking about this as a possible side effect and hoping it will just go away in time with continuous use of the med maybe ?

so you are able to eat a lot and have an appetite however no change in your weight on rapa?

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I mean it can affect you based on what you expect of the drug. You have a pattern of low appetite? It can simply be that pattern repeating and not rapamycin. I wouldn’t use rapamycin until you have a larger weight buffer, it’s a more important pattern to change.

It won’t help so it is better to wait until later.

Yeah no difference. So it might just reinforce whatever pattern of eating you already have.

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