Lipid increases?

What experiences are users having with triglycerides, LDL and dosage information would be appreciated as well. Planning on starting rapamune Jan 1 but was curious about this one potential (very unwanted) side effect.


Review posting;

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Contrary to popular opinion, the increase in lipid levels by rapamycin is not bad.
Rapamycin increases lipid levels by inhibiting mTOR, a protein involved in lipid metabolism. This inhibition leads to an increase in the production of fatty acids, which can be used for energy production, as well as an increase in the storage of lipids in the form of triglycerides. The increased levels of lipids can help to reduce inflammation and improve metabolic health.


That is quite a stretch… anything to back it up?


A little more insight into this:

I have lived through decades where science indicated that having very low levels of LDL and triglycerides was a good thing. More recently as has been posted elsewhere in this forum it is in fact most likely a U-shaped curve, where too low of LDL causes an increase in all-cause mortality.

When I first started taking rapamycin my LDL and triglycerides rose significantly which I was not really expecting.

So, if rapamycin is good for increased healthspan and possibly lifespan, why was this so?
Interestingly the levels that rapamycin induced merely brought me closer to the sweet spot of desirable levels for maximum healthspan.

Lipids provide an energy source for the body. Fats, in particular, are a major source of energy and provide more than twice the energy per unit weight of carbohydrates and proteins.

Lipids are the major component of cell membranes and are important for the structure and permeability of cells.

Lipids are components of hormones and play an important role in the regulation of many bodily functions

Lipids are required for healthy skin, hair, nails, reproduction, and growth. lipids are important for the absorption and transport of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).

“Cholesterol is a waxy substance. It’s not inherently “bad.” Your body needs it to build cells and make vitamins and other hormones. But too much cholesterol can pose a problem.”


I don’t have a view on the merits, but it is significant to me that Dr. Green and Dr. Blagosklonny’s reaction to an increase in lipids as a result of rapamycin is to take a statin.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone. My current lipid levels are pretty low, so some increase probably wouldn’t concern me. I’ll need to gauge in six months the changes. Maybe a 20% increase is acceptable, but I’m hoping this doesn’t result in a dramatic increase. I definitely want to avoid taking a drug to counteract another drug.

My tri are a little high and, having been on Rapa for about 3 months now, I’ll be interested to see what changes in levels the next blood test might bring.
I have started taking 2mgs of fish oil daily (think I read this somewhere) to counteract any increases.

As always, thanks for your wisdom and insights Desertshores :blush:

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Hi Ben,

I think you might benefit from reading the (long) thread on Rapamycin and cardiovascular disease; I think it probably covers a lot of your questions and concerns about rapamycin and lipid increases.

See here: Rapamycin and risk of cardiovascular disease

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What’s wrong with that?

My triglycerides are 57, LDL high and HDL 102. 12 + years on Rapa.


Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. But they are also not saying, oh great, my cholesterol has increased.