Life extension in drosophila by protein restriction is a laboratory artifact

My guess already was that this was the case in humans already, frailty kills, especially bipedal humans in the real world unlike lab mice and fruit flies…


Yes but we neither live in wild conditions right now.

I would think there would be an argument for cycling dietary restrictions.

I don’t even think that matters, not even leucine had an effect on lifespan in the ITP study

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Hip fractures after a fall are an important cause of death, iirc mortality is over 25% after one year

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Why people fall ?
Could we have low muscle mass and have good reactions time and be flexible and have a good balance ?

Osteosarcopenia which indeed causes lowered balance, inability to catch oneself and increases the chance of fractures

I just find two interesting abstract :

“low body mass index (inverse relationship: men: 0.84, 95% CI 0.81–0.88; women: 0.77, 95% CI 0.74–0.80),” from :

"The participants were divided into four groups based on bone and muscle mass (healthy, low bone mass, low muscle mass, and low bone and muscle mass groups), and their physical functions were compared. There were no statistically significant differences in physical function between the low bone and muscle mass and the healthy groups. There were also no statistically significant differences in physical function among the four groups in the late elderly stage (75 and older). Elderly women who exercise regularly are less likely to experience a decline in physical function, even if they have reduced bone and muscle mass. " from :

100% Wrong.

Firstly aging and mortality are related but different.

Even Longo maintains that only after 65 year old it may be worth slightly increasing the protien to offset frailty. And definitely not in youth or before 65 (where lower is better).

Blagosklonny’s intellect is a false artifact.
He simply wants to eat more protein more meat, so he finds a way to explain himself and others towards the diet he prefers, not whats best for lifespan.

You don’t need to read the rest of the study to know that the study design was wrong if it didn’t find any difference because it is a pretty well accepted fact in physiology that bigger muscles are also stronger muscles

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In the latest ITP results there was no harm in supplementing with leucine but there are many potential upsides (especially in the real world) and for healthspan as there are for increasing protein intake.

Its either a fluke a just done wrong.

You do realize that Rapamycin is a Low-protein mimetic right? Thats why its universally effective at lifespan extension.

Thats the reason why it works not because of some other elusive reason.
Low protein is basically one of the most reliable ways to extend MAXIMAL lifespan (next to calorie restriction).

Facts dont change based on what we like or feel beneficial when taken. If 12/14 studies show one thing, dont believe the conflicting 2/14 just because they show something personally preferable.

No it is not, hopefully someone else like @RapAdmin can show the research that shows rapamycin’s effect is distinct from calorie (and protein) restrictions

In a lab under certain conditions not in humans in the real world, frailty kills, plenty of studies show a positive correlation between muscle mass, strength etc and longevity

Edit one such article but there are more

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I’m in a bit of a hurry, but Fontana has also done some research with this regard:

I assume this study has been discussed also?

This one was posted on YouTube yesterday…

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My guess is that calorie restriction (CR) and protein restriction (PR) likely have broader effects than rapamycin because CR and PR affect many more pathways (in addition to mTOR), whereas rapamycin affects only mTOR.

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Thank you.

Between human data and fly data, I’ll go with the human data.

I listened to the Blagosklonny talk. Not as engaging as Barzilai, Kirkland, or Rando. Seems to have a following here.

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Not so surprising since he is the guy that actually first proposed rapamycin as a longevity drug…

You got to be kidding me… “Distinct effects of Calorie restriction and Rapa” well thats not the same.

Its just embarrasing that you mix calorie restriction and protein restriction together.

Calorie restriction is more a mimetic of AMPK activation with a slight mtor effect, Rapamycin is more of a Protein restriction mimetic…

You have no idea what youre talking about. Its common in this niche though a lot of people have very low level understanding.

You didn’t bother reading the article I linked too, did you…