Increasing Muscle Mass in the Elderly

I probably should have researched it, but I just bought the first simple tape I saw on Amazon.

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Looks identical to mine. Probably made in the same Chinese factory.

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I think I got mine as a freebie as part of a marketing campaign for Accomplia (rimonanant) which was subsequently withdrawn.

Blog continued:

That is probably due to the fact that enclomiphene is much harder to come by than clomiphene.

So there is (speculation on my part) at least 10 times, maybe 100 times more men taking clomid than enclomophene.

If I had my choice, I may soon, as I have an annual checkup coming soon. I have a new doctor, my old one retired. Maybe my new doctor will give a s**t about someone over 80.

In the meantime, I will keep taking my lifetime supply of clomiphene. As I posted before, I will be getting my T levels tested monthly and will adjust the dose up or down.

I have only had three doses of the "Enclomiphene I received from Jagdish Nikose. So far there have been no noticeable effects.

From a clomiphene study:

“an increased level of TT persisted after 8 years of treatment” so unlike traditional TRT you don’t have to take it continuously" I’m sure the same results would apply to enclomiphene.

This is a meta-analysis of clomiphene treatment.

It looks pretty convincing to me. Looks like it more than doubled the testosterone levels in the studies.

I may have posted this before, if so, sorry.

You can trust Reddit or you can trust the science.

“Clomiphene citrate is an effective therapy for improving both biochemical as well as clinical symptoms of males suffering from hypogonadism. Clomiphene citrate has few reported side effects and good safety aspects.”


Here is a rough spreadsheet of the elderly motivated to increase muscle mass.


Anyone else?

Corrections and additions?


Only that, because my T is low I have started taking clomiphene. But, since it’s not a steroid, fair? Perhaps we could add our starting T levels. Exercise is supposed to raise T, but it hasn’t mine, at least in the amount I am doing.
Also, IMO there are just too many variables in the chest measurement.
I think the biceps with a photo is sufficient.


Look great, even more so for 82!


Good points. I think its best for each individual to report what are the important goals and measures for their plan.

In my case I’m interested in building mass in the large muscles, so biceps may not reflect my overall success. I get consistency in my “chest” measurement since I take it under my arm pits instead of across the middle of my chest, reflecting more contribution from my back muscles.

Here is my revised chart, including a testosterone measure. I’ll post a biceps photo.

Summary 2


Might have been discussed, but for a little bit of money, not cheap, but not crazy the gold standard for this type of study could add Dexa imaging and quantification

DexaFit have some offers right now in many cities it seems


I’m thinking of getting perhaps also one of these at the same time as the cost seems zero on some of their Dexa + V02 max packages

has anyone done one of these 3D scans?


Here is my right bicep photo. I couldn’t get the tape tight. Actual measurement is 13 ½. If I can get a better photo I’ll replace this one.

My doctor insisted my number one goal should be to gain weight. I’ve been trying to do so for several years without much to show for it. Since my BMI is 22.5 I thought that was optimal, but I’ve read recently that for an 84 year old, BMI should be closer to 27.

Thanks to the discussions on this thread I have checked and discovered how low my free testosterone is. I hope to remedy that with Tongkat Ali and enclomiphene. Should make gaining muscle mass a little easier.

r. bicep 11-27-23


BMI 27 sounds too high. How many pounds do you need to reach that? In Australia they recommend bmi 22 - 26 for older adults.

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Thanks for pointing that out. It sounds too high to me too.

I would need to gain 20 pounds to reach a BMI of 26. That’s about what I weighed 54 years ago when my biceps were 15 1/2. And I was an inch and a half taller.

If I gain 5 lbs my BMI will only come up to 23. At that point I’ll see if doc still wants me to gain more.


I’m sorry. I don’t give a crap what my doctor says about BMI and the elderly. He is just parroting what he has been told. “Old people should have a higher BMI”
My BMI is 22, and I worked to get it that way. No need to rehash the studies in this thread that show that it is near optimal. Also, no need to rehash the bias that goes into the low end of U-shaped curves.


I think he now has concluded to discontinue the testosterone patch

What are people’s thoughts on this in general:


If he can manage to keep his testosterone in 800s without TRT it is as good as it gets.
He lists HGH as a potential positive influence, but I though he discontinued it?

You look pretty good. I have not had biceps like that since around 95. I quit lifting around that time and I now have arms like a secretary. :slight_smile:


But look at his SHBG - that is high and above “normal” range. What are you thoughts on that? (Mine is similarly high and I was thinking it might be a longevity/CR phenotype, and/but it does lower free T).

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AIUI it higher SHBG is a longevity phenotype. However, I have not seen a lot on this.

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True, but androgens are not good for longevity. Higher SHBG is indeed associated with longevity. Lower T as well. So go figure. Maybe we should all be eunuchs and live happily to 100…


CTStan, All of the mature adults I’ve known in the age range of 70 to 100 who were healthy have been slim to skinny, but physically fit. I am in that category with a BMI below 20. Everything doesn’t work perfectly these days, but I feel pretty good. Gaining more muscle and possibly bone sounds great and if you can succeed at it I’ll probably give it a try. But, currently the only way I see for me to increase my BMI is to either put on more fat or get shorter and I don’t want to go in either of those two directions.