How to Reverse Skin Aging

As a T2D, I have used Tirzepatide to lose one hundred pounds in six months. No easy feat and no stressors or signs of skin issues. In fact, at thirty two my skin has bounced back and have very limited sagging or lose skin.


I am still figuring out how this forum works and not sure if I am posting keeping my responses in the right places. I thought I was doing it right but all my comments, questions and responses now seem to be together at the bottom of the page. Thanks for the link for Radiesse LaraPO, my question about cost and if I can buy the products direct was about Meso therapy.

Meso is sold from the same site as Radiesse. You can also Google it and get many more sites that sell it directly.

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MichGuy12 wrote: I have used Tirzepatide to lose one hundred pounds in six months.

Wow congrats. Was just tracking where the weight loss was good ā€¦
the aging facial appearanceā€¦ not soā€¦ :wink:
a heads up.

Glad it works for you. Hopefully the rapamycin will fix the stuff you canā€™t see. No sagging skinā€¦ excellent

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Hi, is anyone using tretinoin on their full body?

Face - back - chest - arm & legs?

Iā€™m using tretinoin for the face, only. If you use it all over the body, you might want to make sure that you donā€™t poison yourself.


Not sure if this is practicalā€¦ the tubes of Retin A / Tretinoin are typically 20ml to 30MLā€¦ so youā€™d be buying many, many of the little tubes. Not that its too expensiveā€¦ from the Indian pharmacies its about $7 to $10 per tube.

Next is the issue of possibly getting too much Vitamin A into your systemā€¦ so youā€™d definitely want to do some research and see if topical vitamin A / Retin A gets absorbed systemically / into the blood system. I have not seen any research on this, so I suspect this isnā€™t a big issueā€¦ but perhaps some dermatologists who visit here can comment on this issue.

Next is the issue of possible benefitsā€¦ Iā€™m not sure there is much. Retin A / Tretinoin is primarily beneficial for reducing fine lines / wrinkles in skin. This is usually from sun damage, so most people probably donā€™t have a lot of fine lines on the rest of their body that is usually covered in closing and so has less sun damage than the face. Perhaps in some areas of the body like arms and legs, shoulders, & neck and chest, it might provide some reasonable benefitā€¦

Another approach that may be helpful is something like IPL (I think it stands for Intense Pulsed Laser) that Bryan Johnson is using all over his body to get better / younger skinā€¦ Bryan Johnson, Is he the New Poster Child for Rapamycin Use?

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I am 47, my skin never looked and felt better. I am using tretinoin 0,05% since more than 10 years, and my skin looks better than when I started. My face of course aged, but the skin just does not age. I use it around eyes and on my neck as well. My skin is tolerating it well. I also use high SPF and avoid sun since I was a teenager. I still had some sun damage. I take pycnogenol daily (180 mg) since a year and a half and when started, my skin has really totally changed in a course of few months. All sun damaged spots and discoloration disappeared. Around the same time that I started tretinoin I started with my daily marine collagen peptides of really high quality. This is all I do for my skin. I am considering meso, but please donā€™t do it yourself. My husband is a MD and plastic and reconstructive surgeon and does mesotherapy as well and from what I know different preparations need to be injected in different skin depths and learning how to properly give the injections takes much practice and anatomy knowledge, especially for anything with HA as you might create lumps or in worst case occlusions and skin necrosis.
I tried many things in course of years, but I have noticed that tretinoin is the only thing my skin needs to slow/reverse/stop aging. Nothing else comes close and makes ā€œlifeā€ just too complex.
This product seems interesting, I havenā€™t tried it, but is it backed by research. Maybe some have tried it? Any thoughts? There is also some research done on Methylene Blue Any thoughts on this?


Is tretinoin good for the skin in the long term? I believe it increases the skin cell death rate & increases new skin growth. Wouldnā€™t this cause the skin to age in the long run because of the growth factor?


Iā€™ve been using Oneskin since it launched and itā€™s made a huge difference in my skin. It tightened my skin and dramatically decreased fine lines. I noticed the difference in the first month and so did my wife. It worked great for me. Iā€™ve been using it consistently for about three years but I think thereā€™s a limit. Iā€™ve gone from twice a day to once a day and that seems fine. The one concern I have is that it may be reducing my reserve of skin stem cells. From my experience itā€™s a great product.


I wanted to try it, but since it is not available in Europe I couldnā€™t and I stick to my tretinoin routine. I had a similar thought there is a limit with tretinoin, but since using it almost religiously for a decade I am a firm believer especially when I meet my hight school friends and wonder who are these old folks.
Why would you think it is reducing your skin stem cells?

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I believe the mechanism of action of tretinoin is more complex. It works on several different levels, but for skin aging I think the most important is the formation of new collagen in the skin, which is the key to healthy and young looking skin. It also enhances shedding of the skin thus giving a skin younger ā€œglowā€ā€¦ but all the mechanisms are not yet fully understood. If you google you can find users that are using it for decadesā€¦ with no ill side effects and much younger looking faces than their chronological age.


Does anyone here have any experience treating sebaceous hyperplasia? I have a few spots that have appeared on my forehead that Iā€™d prefer to get rid of.

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Sinclair does talk to this in Episode 6 of Lifespan. From memory, he essentially concurs with your statement @Jensen_Achilles

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Thanks for your information on mesotherapy. Wondering if you would recommend or have tried the Hyaron that was posted earlier? I looked at the CytoCare and it seemed pretty expensive and Iā€™m hoping to buy something soon to get started.

I did not try that brand. CytoCare is approximately $30-40 per 5 ml bottle if you buy a box of 10. Itā€™s with shipment.

Thank you! Iā€™m looking at cyberpharmacie but itā€™s 200 eu per box. Would you share where you buy for $30-40 per 5ml?

200 euros ($211) per box of 10 is $21 per bottle of 5ml. If you add shipping cost to that youā€™ll have approx $30 per vial of 5 ml. Itā€™s an excellent price. 10 vials is a two year supply for 1 person.

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Make sure that you buy the right Cyto per your age. I buy CytoCare 532 (per my age).

That makes sense now, thanks for the information. Iā€™m looking forward to trying it out!