How to Reverse Skin Aging

I’m sure demand for face-lifts has increased with the advent of Ozempic for weight loss.

Fat loss and fat migration can certainly cause significant skin sagging, but for most people, its usually caused from muscular sagging, especially the platysma for jowls and neck.


B. Johnson has spent the last year trying to ‘fill in’ his face, because his initial weight loss made him look gaunt and older than he was. I think the key is to get the right balance.


Does anyone here know if ketoconazole would have the same multiplying effect if used topically along with Rapam? I’d prefer to use this combination, as the total mass needed would be less.

No ketoconazole will not work in a topical cream because it inhibits a digestive enzyme produced by your liver allowing your digestive tract to absorb more Rapamycin.


For your hair just get a hair transplant. Easiest and longest lasting solution without messing with your hormone levels. I rather get multiple hair transplants than be on dutasteride and finasteride for the rest of my life, and even then the 5-ar blockers won’t be able to regrow your hairline in the dead zones.

In Europe hair transplants from the best of the best is $3 to $4 a follicle. In the US its $12-$18 a follicle . In Turkey its pennys on the dollar but quality is also poor so do your research.


LOL. I wouldn’t be taking skin advice from a jaundiced looking dracula (Bryan Johnson).

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I was talking with a Turkish doctor at the Longevity conference at the Buck Institute in December. She suggested that Turkey was a popular place for people to get hair transplants and similar such work done as it was good and inexpensive. I’m not at all sure how accurate this was, but she seemed knowledgeable in the area.


Did you get the contact info? :wink:


I didn’t, if you want me to ask her what doctors she would recommend I can contact her. Here is the woman I met


Obviously some people are unable to use 5-ar inhibitors because of side effects (a small minority, I would point out), but regardless of how you feel about hair transplants, if you are in the great majority of people who are able to use finasteride or dutasteride with no notable side effects, it is definitely NOT easier to get a hair transplant, a surgical procedure, than to pop one more pill each day.


@DeStrider it may work topically, as ketoconazole is one of those compounds that has multiple uses, and as you rightly point out it’s a CYP3A inhibitor, but it also has anti androgenic properties.

Here are a couple of studies looking at ketoconazole for hair loss


Well then it may be possible.

Speak for yourself. I’ve done both and hair transplant is minimally invasive and under local anesthesia. In 5-10 days you’re back to normal. Once again, you cannot regenerate deadzones (receding hairline etc…) with 5ar blockers. That needs a transplant anyways. I’ve seen pictures of people’s hairlines on this forum and there is no way that you can say that with huge deadzones , they will be able to regrow their hair with a pill. Them showing us a few microscopic hairs where it is aesthetically not visible and make a difference is not called hair regrowth.


Turkey is notorious for their mass production transplants (clinics see 20 patients a day and do 20 surgeries), poor quality, and technicians or dentists doing your transplant. But if you are budget constrained there are less than a handful competent and high quality drs there.


If you suffer from retrograde alopecia and/or diffuse thinning like me, a hair transplant without finasteride/dutasteride is pointless anyway because all hair on your scalp is affected by DHT.


I would not say that per se. With 2.5mg of dutasteride, minoxidil and a topical anti-androgen, every hair follicle that has not completely died off has a good chance of regrowing over 3-5 years.

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Yes in this case I completely agree witth you. The only exceptions is Retrograde alopecia which needs to be stabilized with 5ar blockers anyways and Lichen Planopilaris which needs to be stabilized with corticosteroids

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I’m talking about hair follicles that died off and can;t be regrown with 5ar blockers. Those need to be transplanted.

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Ketoconazole is a very light 5ar blocker at best, and I would say it helps DHT itch. Besides for that pretty much useless and has no clinical or significant visible benefits in real life for hair loss. The DHT level in the scalp is way too high to be inhibited by a mild anti-fungal.

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