How Safe is Rapamycin? Some Key Data Points

Rapamycin in anti-aging applications is typically dosed very differently than what is seen in organ transplant and other disease situations. The most common range for rapamycin dosing that we see doctors prescribing it in anti-aging applications, off-label, is typically 3mg to 10mg, all at once on a once per week schedule.

When rapamycin is used in organ transplant and cancer patients its typically given in higher doses (as much as 40mg/day or even 90mg/day), and, importantly, on a daily basis and with many other medications at the same time. So, in anti-aging applications rapamycin may be used in doses that are as little as 1% or 2% of that used in organ transplant cases - so its a very different type of application with a very different dosing regimen. Many people seem to make the mistake of looking at the side effects of rapamycin in organ transplant or cancer applications and try to suggest that we’ll see the same types of side effects in the low doses used in anti-aging. This is not accurate and not what healthy people are seeing in their very different dosing regimens.

As many scientists say “its the dosage that makes the poison” , which is short for saying there is a harmful dose of pretty much everything we consume. Drink too much water and you will die, but that doesn’t mean that drinking some water is bad (or not, in fact, good for you).

Read the full story: How Safe is Rapamycin (part 2)