Help interpreting blood test please


Can I please have some help interpretting my blood test results Results

I am 28M and have been taking 6mg rapamycin once a week for the past few months.

I’m just getting started on this journey and any help interpretting my results would be greatly appreciated.

I have a doctors appointment in a few weeks.

Are these labs post Rapamycin? Do you have pre Rapamycin for comparison?

Thank you @KarlT.

These are taken only 1 week post rapamycin about 4-5 days after the dose.

By the way this is my medical history:

Medical conditions: Eczema
Medications: None except rapamycin. Recently have been taking Blueprint project supplments. NKDA.
Lifestyle: Vegetarian diet from birth. Diet has been unhealthy over last few years (high in saturated fats/carbs and sugar). Sleep is 4-5hrs a day until recently now that residency has finished.

Signs/symptoms: Chronic tiredness, even at rest even with adequate amounts of sleep. I’m unsure if it’s related to my hormonal profile.

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Chat with your doctor on this.
Essentially your CBC, Comprehensive panel all looks fine.
We like to see Neutrophil/Lymphocyte ratios near 1 - so this is associated with worse outcomes long term - but Rapamycin generally will help suppress neutrophils.

You are insulin resistant - the HOMA-IR is 3.2 (>2 = insulin resistant). In general, if there is weight to lose, that would be the first thing, often would put someone with this on long term low dose GLP-1.
It would be good to have an ApoE, Homocysteine and Omega 3 index on you.

Lipids are a risk, but you are young - good time to consider naturally getting this down, and if unsuccessful in getting ApoB into the 70’s discuss with your doctor getting on some medication.

Your Testosterone being high is interesting - are you supplementing?

Thyroid and IGF 1 look fine.
Vitamin D is fine - usually like it in the 50’s.

Overall, the conclusion would be at risk for metabolic syndrome with lipids needing optimization and insulin sensitivity needing improvement.

Hopefully this gives you a construct to chat with your doctor.


Thank you @DrFraser !

I am not supplmenting with Testosterone, rather have some signs/symptoms of low testosterone just as low libido.

My total testosterone is is 281. On the low range of the ‘normal range’. Maybe far below the ‘optimal range’ for a 28 year old male?

However my free testosterone is high.

I am not supplementing, any idea how I can improve this?

Thank you once again, the more information and understanding I have and I can discuss with my doctor the better.

Have a wonderful day!

Your free testosterone is the figure to look at as this is the biologically active — and this is high, so there is nothing to improve.

So many people think they have symptoms of low testosterone … as there are stacks of things that cause those symptoms … and in most cases, the individual doesn’t have low testosterone.

I have my approach to what I do in this situation and what further to investigate, but it is probably beyond the scope of what I should cover here. Hopefully your doctor understands hormones and all the factors to address if someone has symptoms. You may benefit from seeing a functional medicine or anti-aging/Regen medicine specialist if you your primary care physician has no idea of where to go with this (which is common).


I put your numbers into the levine age calculator and it says your biological age is 21.8, which is pretty good. If your WBC were 4.7 like mine you would be a little over 2 years younger. That’s the one that hurt you.

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For @HK123 , more on the Living Phenotypic Age calculator: A Friendly Biological Age Reduction Competition?

Your LPA is pretty good thanks to family genetics. I am curious what kind of vegetarian diet you have that led to a higher than normal lipids? Ghee? Naan? Mostly like is due to diet and lifestyle factors?

CRP is good too so you are mostly A-OK. Very young to start rapamycin. What made you decide to jump on the train?

Exercises, stress management and a healthier diet!

Speak of Eczema, is there family genetic involved? Does stress exasperated your eczema? Environmental? Has your eczema improved since taking rapamycin?

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You may want to think about redacting your personal information.


Thank you for this, i’ve redacted the info.

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Mainly eating out a lot during residency.

Regards eczema, I believe my dad has it too. Its very localised for me but not for him. I’m unsure of thats why my eosinophils are so high and I am wondering of a way to get them down.

With regards to the high lipds, do you think it can shoot up after 1-2 doses of rapamycin. This was taken around 1 week after my last dose. I had only taken 2 doses prior. i unfortuantely don’t have previous blood tests to compare

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No - I don’t think so. What people see is some increase after sustained, repeated and regular high dosing (thus increased risk of mTORC2 inhibition). I don’t think I saw any move in my lipid levels for the first 6 months +

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