Grape Seed Flour Extends Lifespan in Rats

Grape Seed Flour Extends Longevity by Improving Multi-Organ Dysfunction and Age-Associated Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Healthy Rat

Khawla Jebari et al. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2022.


  • “When compared to control, GSF delays both median and maximal life span by 2–3 and 10 months, respectively.”
  • “GSF reduces the risk of death by 77%.”
  • “Survival curves indicate that control animals start dying as soon as 6–7 months of age, whereas no death occurs till 18 months for the GSF group.”
  • “Data clearly show that high-dose GSF extends organism longevity and health span by improving multi-organ damages, systemic fueling metabolism declines, and alleviated oxidative stress and inflammation in aging rats.”
  • “High dosing GSF increases significantly median life span by 2 months which is equivalent to 4 years in humans and increases maximal life span by 10 months corresponding to 20 years in humans.”
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This is another example of what Dr. Kaberlein would call short-lived controls and mice that achieve a normal lifespan from a shortened one. It doesn’t mean the intervention is bad, but it needs to be tested on normal lifespan rodents to see if there is an effect.

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Yes, in the paper they mention this:

“the rather shorter than expected life span of the controls constitutes a putative limitation in the life-span analysis. Third, translating to humans, such a supplementation needs ≈ 240 g GSF/day/patient which is in practice, quite difficult to achieve; that is the reason why we envisage the packaging of GSF polyphenols into solid lipid nanoparticles as a more suitable galenic support allowing higher polyphenol bioavailability.”