GLYNAC Stimulates Mitochondrial Biogenesis

In 70+ yo humans, mitochondrial biogenesis returns to levels on young adults in their 20s. Simply amazing.


GlyNAC, a combination of glycine and N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), has shown promising effects in improving various age-associated defects in older adults. Letā€™s explore how GlyNAC impacts kidney health and compare it to rapamycin:

  1. GlyNAC and Kidney Health:

    • Mitochondrial Function: GlyNAC optimizes mitochondrial function, which is essential for overall health. Healthy mitochondria play a crucial role in maintaining kidney function.
    • Reducing Oxidative Stress: GlyNAC increases intracellular levels of the antioxidant glutathione, which helps reduce oxidative stress. Lower oxidative stress can benefit kidney healthĀ¹Ā².
    • Metabolic Health: GlyNAC may improve metabolic health in conditions characterized by high oxidative stress, such as type 2 diabetes (T2D) and agingĀ¹.
  2. Rapamycin and Kidney Health:

    • Renal Protective Effects: Rapamycin (sirolimus) appears to be renal protective and can ameliorate renal interstitial inflammation and fibrosisāµ.
    • Mechanism: Rapamycin inhibits the mTOR pathway, which affects cell growth and immune response.
    • Nephrotoxicity: While rapamycin is generally safe for healthy kidneys, evidence suggests that it can be nephrotoxic in certain disease statesā“ā¶.
  3. Comparison:

    • GlyNAC vs. Rapamycin:
      • GlyNAC: Supports overall health, including kidney function, by reducing oxidative stress and improving metabolic parameters.
      • Rapamycin: Renal protective but can be nephrotoxic in specific contexts. It has immunosuppressive properties and affects the mTOR pathway.
  4. Conclusion:

    • Both GlyNAC and rapamycin have potential benefits, but their effects on kidney health differ. GlyNAC seems to enhance overall well-being, while rapamycinā€™s impact depends on the contextĀ¹ā“āµ.

Remember that individual responses to supplements and medications can vary, and consulting a healthcare provider is crucial for personalized advice.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/14/2024
(1) GlyNAC benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine. GlyNAC benefits, dosage, and side effects.
(2) Guide To GlyNAC: Benefits, Dosage & Risks | Vitality Pro.
(3) Rapamycin and chronic kidney disease: beyond the inhibition of inflammation.
(4) Nephrotoxicity of rapamycin: an emerging problem in clinical medicine. Nephrotoxicity of rapamycin: an emerging problem in clinical medicine | Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation | Oxford Academic.
(5) Rapamycin Ameliorates Kidney Fibrosis by Inhibiting the ā€¦ - PLOS. Rapamycin Ameliorates Kidney Fibrosis by Inhibiting the Activation of mTOR Signaling in Interstitial Macrophages and Myofibroblasts.
(6) GlyNAC and Aging: Whatā€™s the Science Behind | HealthNews.
(7) The potential benefits of rapamycin on renal function, tolerance ā€¦


Thanks for sharing, great comparison of NAC and Rapamycin. Consider the detox affect of NAC, if you take both of them, will you stop NAC the day when you take rapamycin?


Nac doesnā€™t detox, ir is necessary for the production of glutathione which protects the cell against free radicals when breaking down toxins. The breaking down of toxins will happen regardless of glutathione status

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I read more about NAC and decided to take it only once per week, when not taking Rapamycin. A possibility of developing a lung cancer scared me. I take Glycine separately and more often with my collagen peptides on days with no Rapa. I also developed a habit of asking GPT-4 about contraindications for supplements that I combine. Itā€™s a nice tool to use. Trying to reduce the number of supplements per day :grinning:


Just to be clear, there is no strong evidence that typical supplemental NAC doses meaningfully increase lung cancer risk.

All of the studies I looked at were of mice. NAC did not cause lung cancer it only increased its growth. Many anti-oxidants like vitamin E also do this.
Too many anti-oxidants are not a good thing.

Some strains of lab mice are more prone to develop cancers.
High cancer susceptibility strains like AKR mice develop leukemia and lung tumors spontaneously.
ā€œFor example, 50 to 90% of aged mice die of cancer3ā€“5, while in humans this number is approximately 23%ā€ ā€œMechanisms of cancer resistance in long-lived mammals - PMCā€


More than six months on 7 grams/each component, every day, divided on three takes of GlyNAC. No probs so far. Blood works OK but a BIG ā€˜butā€™: you never get used to NACs terrible taste, mostly in the morning. A possible trick: dilute both in water some 1/2hour before taking it, seems to reduce bitterness somehow.

Now in a 2 weeks pause.


ā€œyou never get used to NACs terrible tasteā€

Why are you using powder? I use 1 gram tablets so of course there is no taste.


3x2,5 grams per day of both, glycine and NAC, with meals based on the famous study on glyNAC advantages for elder ones. I am 65.

I take NAC powder because otherwise the amount of pills or capsules I should have to swallow would be unpractical. Iā€™ve tried capsules but at the end the day my throat was claiming ā€˜half a moment, pleaseā€™. Three gulps a day is OK for me.

On the other hand, the unpleasant seconds of NACs bad taste go away in a moment when you drink a bit of water after. But, undoubtely, your tongue has to pay the toll if you want to get the benefits. In my case at least.


I also go with the 1 g NOW tablets to avid the taste of NAC. I take two in the morning and two at night.

I also get the NOW 600 mg capsule with Selenium and Mo as the price is cheaper for NAC than the tablets and you get the other two trace elements for free. I only take one of those per day otherwise itā€™s too much Selenium.

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or put in a capsule, itā€™s actually sort of fun to do (be sure to buy the capsules separated, not assembled!)


i read some posts said NAC dull the effect of medicine, coffee, etc. Thatā€™s why i asked should i stop taking NAC on the day of rapamycin?

Those posts are incorrect as I explained above


A new hint I am using at present to sweeten the somehow NACā€™s nasty experience: three sort dashes of liquid stevia make it way, way better.


Iā€™ve been taking alot of things for some years now. Rapamycin 15mg fortnightly for 3 years plus Acarbose, AAKG, Taurine, Creatine, Fisetin, a whole heap of other vitamins, supplements, etc.

Canā€™t say that Iā€™ve noticed much significant from any of them to be honest. Iā€™ve certainly lost body fat (down to 70cm waist from 74cm) and gained muscle (72kg from 68kg), so perhaps the Rapamycin has been having an effect. My blood work is certainly looking a bit better, but in terms of feeling the effects - has been pretty subtle.

Iā€™ve also been taking Glynac for a while now too, but only 1g of each a day or less.

However, 3-4 weeks ago after reviewing the papers again I decided to up my dose to that in the recent papers - which I calculated to be 9g NAC + 7g Glycine for my weight. Split it into 2 doses - morning & night. No noticeable side-effects.

Andā€¦ wow. I thought it was perhaps co-oincidence at first, but I now think its had a really big effect.

I used to train for triathlons when I was in my 20s. I remember my muscles never seemed to run out of energy - it was always my cardiovascular fitness that limited how hard I could push, never my muscles. If I was working just under my cardio limit I could keep going for ages - my muscles would never seem to run out of energy or hit the wall.

Iā€™m 54 now and one thing thatā€™s been super noticeable is its not my cardio fitness that limits me anymore, but my muscles. Itā€™s really hard to reach my maximum heart rate as my legs or arms simply hit the wall before I get there. They just seem to reach a hard limit and start to really burn. It only takes a few mins and theyā€™ve overloaded. I donā€™t remember that when I was younger.

But the last few weeks the change has been dramatic. I go for a run, with a few sprints in the middle. I start a sprint and then wait for the burn to start after a few 100m and my legs to hit the wall andā€¦ it doesnā€™t come - Iā€™m still sprinting and my legs are fine. Instead of 250m I can go 1.5km at my sprint pace. The burn never comes. Same with cycling - instead of maintaining an intense push for perhaps 500m max I can now go for 2-3 km and still no burn - just hitting my cardio limit.

What a great feeling! That feeling of almost unlimited energy again - my legs are once again happy to do what I ask of them instead of giving up early :-).

Perhaps this makes sense if Glynac is improving mitochondrial function?


I know that the amino acid glycine is produced very easily in the body, so it is not an essential amino acid. But NAC is not produced in the body, so I wonder if results like glyNac can be achieved by just taking NAC?

Cysteine (from NAC) and Glycine are both produced in adequate amounts by your body from your food. However, as you age, the amount your body effectively utilizes drops off at 30 and becomes a real problem at around 50 and continues to rapidly get worse. Thatā€™s why you need to supplement both Glycine and Cysteine (through NAC) at higher and higher levels as you get older.

The link below talks about taurine, glycine and cysteine deficiencies.


Your report is similar to my experience when I Started to take 10 gr of Taurine on empty stomach every morning, it was transformative experience.

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What did you notice from taking 10g Taurine? Iā€™ve been taking 1g Taurine, but your comment suggests perhaps I should up that big time too.

Curiously the guidence on the Taurine I bought suggests just 60mg as the recommended daily doseā€¦