GDF11, Elevian News Story - NYTimes

RapAdmin, This may have already been posted, but in case not, here is a publication from 2023 Oct 20 about the controversies of GDF-11. In particular, it notes that GDF-11 in humans does not decrease with age (though GDF-8 myostatin does) which I find very interesting. It doesn’t mean that adding more exogenous GDF-11 isn’t beneficial, but I wonder.

As an additional note, I have investigated GDF-11 several times the last few years and other than Steve Perry’s detailed account I find very few people here, on the or on Reddit who actually state that they’re using it. I even looked at the Facebook forum on GDF-11. When I asked those who were taking it about their results I got responses such as “I noticed nothing” to “I like the effects” but with no further details about the effects, and that was from less than a handful of responses I received. So, it just seems too nebulous to pursue. However, if you have tried it and can provide a precise account of your results that would be great.


There are recently published results that clearly show that GDF11 level in plasma of people aged 70+ is zero.
Earlier studies used inaccurate tests that could not distinguish between GDF11 and GDF8. Hence they showed no decline with age.
Many mouse study results should be treated with caution as they used gargantuan doses for the mice.
I have used GDF11 since about 2020, but I am not part of Steve Perry’s group.
I believe Steve has made available copious amounts of results from his participants.



Thanks very much for the input. In the over 70 area I need all the help I can get. So, if you have time to tell more about your experience with GDF-11, especially any benefits, I would certainly like to hear it. Of course, any studies you can point to would be great, too.


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Please share details and results (if you have been able to measure any).