Future Surveys of Dosing Regiment (Gender and Weight)

From what I can see on this site and in other surveys of people taking Rapamycin/Sirolimus, the most popular dosing regiment is - 6 mg once per week. (There doesn’t appear to be a consensus on taking holidays from the dosing regiment.)

But I’m assuming two things are generally true about these surveys:

  1. Most of the respondents are male.
  2. Most of the respondents are older than 50.

If these two assumptions are correct, we’re probably dealing with men who weigh 202 lbs. (the weight of an average American male age 50 - 59), which means the most popular dose is actually 1 mg per 33 lbs once per week.

Does this sound reasonable?

I have one major reservation about my assumption. I haven’t seen any data on the physical condition of the people who are early adopters of Rapamycin. I’m caused to wonder if early adopters are fitter than the average population, therefore maybe the average weight is lower.

I think it would be helpful to construct surveys in future that asked for gender and weight. It would also be useful to know if there is a consensus on “holidays”.


Yes. I am approaching a decision on a “holiday”. At the outset I thought a holiday would be sensible, but I have come to understand that most people do not take a scheduled holiday. More commonly people take a break to deal with an issue, which makes sense regardless of holiday planning. Curious to know why more people do not schedule a holiday.

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NOTE: I am NOT a medical professional, so this is purely based on the literature I’ve read and my limited understanding.

I’ve decided to alternate a 12 week protocol at 1 mg Rapamycin per 33 lbs of body weight once per week, then 12 weeks OFF (holiday).

By alternating 12 weeks ON and 12 weeks OFF, I want to avoid interfering with mTOR 2 (which apparently can happen with sustained use). I’m also concerned about the possibility of unanticipated side effects from long term uninterrupted use.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of people taking Rapamycin for longevity and healthspan are scheduling holidays.

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Interesting assumptions and good question. I realized after we did our surveys that we never did ask about sex of the people answering , so that is something we need to survey in the future.

As I think you have have seen we have two indepth surveys of our users:
Here: Rapamycin User Poll / Survey - Please Respond
Here: Rapamycin User Survey #2 - Please Respond

I suspect based on interactions on the site and reviews of the user list, that around 30% of members here are female, 70% male, but thats just a slightly educated guess.

Age - yes, median age is probably around low 50s.

Weight… thats harder, because this is definitely not an average sampling of people. My guess would be a little lower - perhaps 180lbs to 190 lbs as average weight for our group.

So - you are close in terms of mg/kg.

Yes - I think people here are much more fit than average people.

On “Holidays” - no consensus, but i think most people don’t take regularly scheduled “holidays” from rapamycin. I don’t believe Dr. Green (or any of the doctors prescribing it) suggest to their clients any sort of breaks from the once per week dosing.

Breaks that people take mostly are a result of either medical situations (e.g. surgery, or sickness), or if they feel that lab results are going in the wrong direction for some reason (biological age, or lipids or blood sugar levels).

But yes - I will add weight/BMI, gender, etc. to future surveys.

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64 yo male 175 lbs. I have been taking 6 mg based on my reading, but plan to restart at 2 mg and work up to see if side effect is less (acne). I did routinely take holidays, but am now concerned about a mtor rebound?

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Article I saw today that mentions holidays.

“Another option is an alternating schedule; for example, a 3- month course of weekly rapamycin alternating with a rapamycin-free month.” ~ Dr Blagosklonny

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This was VERY helpful. Thank you!

Wouldn’t it be great if double blind studies were done to compare a dosing regiment with holidays to one without.

My non-expert understanding is that mTor1 inhibition works by triggering autophagy, which in turn clears out senecent cells and repairs mitochondrial dysfunction.

It’s like “taking out the garbage” in your kitchen.

If you clean your kitchen thoroughly on a regular basis, it’s my sense that it’s probably OK to let a little garbage build up under the sink between clean-ups. :slight_smile:

The studies done on mice seem to imply that a single course of treatment was enough to make a huge difference.

One wonders if continuous use raises the odds of off target effects (e.g. mTor2 inhibition) while achieving very little positive impact. In effect, trading a higher risk of a bad outcome for a lower chance of a desirable result.

As I see it, we’re in a window of time when a lot is going to change. Studies, like the Dog Aging Project and others, will most likely answer a lot of questions in the next 4 years.

I’m looking at a dosing strategy to carry me over this relatively short period when we have sub-optimal knowledge while avoiding unintended harm.

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