From the videos I’ve seen on rapamycin, specifically with regard to the Brian Kennedy videos where he discusses this (I forget which video), Rapamycin is a very good fit for blocking mTOR and it seems unlikely that any of the supplements are going to prevent that. More likely is that once rapamycin blocks mTOR you’re going to miss out on the purported benefits of supplements that derive their benefits from activating mTOR (e.g protein powders, Glycine, etc.) - so you’re effectively wasting some of the money spent on those supplements if you are dosing with those supplements at the same time taking rapamycin (at least during the days when mTOR inhibition is highest; the first day or two after dosing).
I have the same question. If I take high doses of Lglutamine (the favourite food of our inmune system) while taking rapa, it’s likely that you don’t see as much suppression.
Im sure there are other paths to activate the inmune system besides mTor!