Dietary Inflammation Tied to Muscle Aging

Indeed, this is the magic phenol molecule in EVOO. When I look for EVOO, I look for highest oleocanthal, normally only buy from vendors who can produce 3rd party lab analysis. You can tell a high oleocanthal EVOO by tasting it…if it dosen’t burn your throat, it’s not high level. I really go out of my way to procure high oleocanthal grades, typically come from Greece/Cyprus/Italy.

There are have been many intervention studies using EVOO.

A Randomized Clinical Trial of Greek High Phenolic Early Harvest Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Mild Cognitive Impairment: The MICOIL Pilot Study

Critical Review on the Significance of Olive Phytochemicals in Plant Physiology and Human Health


You absolutely do NOT need a high protein diet to maintain muscle mass. In fact, Dr B says “amino acids don’t build muscles, resistance exercise does”, and the science backs this. I eat approx 50g/day (a far lower intake compared to historical in the switch to a ketogenic diet) but do daily 45 minutes of resistance exercise. Massive growth in my musculature…they didn’t come from eating extra protein (in fact, eating LESS), 100% from resistance exercise.

Identifying the Structural Adaptations that Drive the Mechanical Load-Induced Growth of Skeletal Muscle: A Scoping Review

Mechanical load can build muscle several ways.

A. myofiber hypertrophy, (B) myofiber splitting or hyperplasia, or (C) longitudinal growth of myofibers that exhibit intrafascicular terminations

Why exercise builds muscles: titin mechanosensing controls skeletal muscle growth under load


Yeah, I suspected as much.
The data on creatine is getting tempting though.


Muscle building is as old as fire…the wheel dosen’t need re-inventing, or extra BCAA or fancy amino acids. Just load it!!

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Would you say Liokareas is the best?

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Is this an olive oil?

I bought a case of this EVOO below (not cheap), it has SUPER high oleocanthal.

I think of EVOO as compared to wine; with much better value and health benefits than a bottle of good wine. A bottle of good wine is expensive and FLEETING, with almost no health effects (arguably, negative health effects). Yet this bottle of EVOO, cheaper by the mL than a good bottle of wine lasts me a LONG time and is infinitely higher in health benefits.

Looks like amazon offers it now:


That’s good but check out leokareas on Amazon. Very expensive though, but might be worth it.

Sorry it’s Liokareas

This is all new to me - thanks for sharing. Some info on this topic for the neophytes like myself:

It might be great, but I’d have to see the phenolic analysis. All I look it really.

Here’s a link to high oleocanthal EVOO:

Who has distribution in the US, I don’t know. There are likely good ones from Italy, but they don’t market themselves well re Oleocanthal.

I am still working through the YANNI EVOO I posted above.


@rivasp12 Actually, it references the oleocanthal on this sku:

“896 mg/kg OLEOCANTHAL - The polyphenol only found in Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the secret to Liokareas Rx HPEVOO. 959 mg/kg Oleocanthal is one of the highest EVOO’s produced in the world! The oleocanthal is what is responsible for the peppery, pungent, burning sensation in the back of your throat when you taste extra virgin olive oil.”


Are there any others? Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t ship this brand to Hong Kong… :frowning:

I drink olive oil every morning. I mix my NMN, resveratrol, and apigenin along with some black pepper and tumeric and have it as a healthy shot in the morning. I’ll also mix fisetin, quercetin and grape seed extract in when I pulse them monthly as a senolytic. Not sure how effective those senolyic agents are these days though…

An scientific overview of OLEOCANTHAL in olive oil:

OLEOCANTHAL-Nova Science (2017).pdf (645.0 KB)

I always find it frustrating and confusing when something that seems so likely to be helpful in aging fails in the NIA ITP program… If curcumin is helpful in reducing inflammation, and inflammation seems so important in aging, why doesn’t it extend lifespan in mice?

But it does look interesting:

Curcumin – the spice which gives curries their yellow colour. Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. Needs to be taken with black pepper (piperine) to improve bioavailability.
Curcumin - The Nutraceutical With Pleiotropic Effects? Which Cardiometabolic Subjects Might Benefit the Most? Full Text
Curcumin improves D-galactose and normal-aging associated memory impairment in mice: In vivo and in silico-based studies Full Text & Astaxanthin
*Three months of combination therapy with nano-curcumin reduces the inflammation and lipoprotein (a) in type 2 diabetic patients with mild to moderate coronary artery disease: Evidence of a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial

And more rapamycin inflammation research:

Rapamycin Dampens Inflammatory Properties of Bone Marrow ILC2s in IL-33-Induced Eosinophilic Airway Inflammation Full Text


Will add Resveratrol, metformin, and NR all failed ITP. I suspect if they included it - NMN would too.

Very high profile failures.

That doesn’t mean we can say these compounds are useless - and I know some very smart people who continue to take all 3 compounds - but it’s enough to be wary. In contrast, rapamycin’s history with the ITP has been multiple centers, multiple cohorts, and different doses, administered from early to late, all extending lifespan.

Not to mention, cross-species in yeasts, C elegans, flies, monkeys, and small-sample humans are all highly suggestive of an effect conserved along the genome.

I’m happy to be proven wrong as more data emerges though.

Extra virgin olive oil is tricky - too many incentives for substitution and adulteration unless you have frequent third-party testing - can’t rely on one-time third-party testing either, but I am in contact with a farm that ships olive oil to a nearby restaurant with a highly reputable chef and he literally checks every batch himself - never failed his quality test.

Can’t just rely on the burning sensation - it’s too commonly used as a “test” - you can easily mix other oils and still have the same effect. Not to mention, afaik, you can have no burning sensation for legit EVOO made from mature olives. Last I recall, Greece and Cyprus are under austerity measures.

Lead-based dyes in turmeric, curcumin, etc

Could also be azo/industrial dyes (lowest cost) that could cause cancer (classic high yield medical board association is azo dyes = bladder and liver cancers, but there are also some of the deadliest cancers - pancreatic and stomach cancer association - gut bacteria is a common source of azoreductase to benzidine which is highly toxic, especially in 1/10 with CYP1A1 polymorphism - that can be initially missed in a toxicology study). Not to mention, industrial dyes can be toxic. Things like Sudan dyes are one of the top food fraud issues according to the FDA, but food fraud isn’t usually on the consumer radar.

And even when there is a recall, almost all grocery stores don’t even notify customers of recalls or pull from shelves quickly enough.

And that’s just food, which has far more tight regulation than supplements…

Waiting for the day when I can run a portable DNA analysis and Mass Spec myself for low enough costs.

Yes, ITP is the gold standard and I am disappointed about NMN, resveratrol and metformin. Unfortunately I bought too much at the beginning and am now using them up. I take resveratrol 3x a week and have about a year supply left.

Although with NMN I definitely feel more energetic. It may not improve my lifespan, but healthspan is definitely better.

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The stuff might not taste the greatest but the oleocanthal content is very high. More like a drug. Similar to the non steroidals.