David Sinclair Fountain of Youth?

My apologies for not having a reference. I have seen him on YouTube and twitter recently basically stating he has discovered a simple set of supplements that reverse aging, a patent has been applied for and it will be available in pill form. I don’t know what to make of this. Has he discovered the fountain of youth, is he just outright lying, or something in between?

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I hope he did discover it! Why not? We are all waiting for something like that. If patent is granted then it’s legit.

The answer is “not likely”. Discussed already in this thread: Chemically induced reprogramming to reverse cellular aging


Oops. I searched and didn’t find that discussion. You can delete this?

No - its fine.

If you missed the first discussion, others likely did too - and this thread will direct them to it. I know its hard with so many threads to catch every conversation and not duplicate things - so I try to either combine the threads or redirect people to earlier conversations.


My guess is that patent office doesn’t determine if something actually works.


It’s an interesting field. “In order to be patentable, an invention must have never been publicly disclosed, meaning it was never discussed in a seminar, oral presentation, poster, abstract, paper, or even with your friends or colleagues over a beer.”


Sinclair has morphed from a scientist into a salesman. I get marketing emails from his new company, Tally Health, all the time. All the ingredients of his capsule are familiar to everyone on this site. I am not impressed.


It doesn’t have to be a novel compound. It could be a new combination of existing supplements, or a “proprietary blend” of several in a stack. There’s more hype than hope in what he’s selling.


I don’t think the supplement from Tally health is the same as what was just submitted for patent?


Look how young David Sinclair looks.


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My best take on the situation: Sinclair spins off a lot of companies based on research from his lab and certainly benefits from them if they make money, but they’re not run by him and they’re not necessarily connected to each other.

  • Metrobiotech: novel NAD+ precursors
  • Life Biosciences: epigenetic reprogramming
  • Tally: TimeSeq epigenetic age testing (which super unfortunately morphed into a subscription service where they send you tests and their very basic supplement)

Most likely the small molecule that does reprogramming is something totally novel, not a current drug or supplement. It would probably fall under Life Biosciences that is doing the eye regeneration trials with gene therapy.


Mitchell B Lee, CEO of Matt Kaeberlein’s Ora Biomedical had this to say about the paper:



So, this just isn’t making much sense to me. Sinclair is too smart and accomplished I would think to be publishing junk science or to try and con everyone?


Not junk science, but more incremental than monumental.

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It is a set of compounds that mimick the effect of the OSKM factors. Since OSKM dont actually reverse or slow aging in any major way in healthy animals without progeria, its use is limited.
(aging measured in the sense of a dramatic lifespan increase)

A single cycle of transient OSKM activation in naturally aged mice is able to partially reverse age‐associated changes in several tissues. Specifically, we could capture reversion of alterations occurring with aging at the level of DNA methylation, transcription, as well as, serum metabolome. These changes were stable for a period of up to four weeks after OSKM cessation.

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Ive clarified my post in that its regarding aging as measured by a noticeable increase in lifespan , so far its only been shown in progeric mice. Symptoms of aging are less reliable.

The title of the article is:

Chemically induced reprogramming to reverse cellular aging

Alex Chen, in the referenced thread above, pointed to another article, published on the same day.

Multi-omics characterization of partial chemical reprogramming reveals evidence of cell rejuvenation

The first article studied human cells, while the second study used mouse cells. Both articles have a common co-author - Vadim N. Gladishev.

Gladishev was also co-author in the gene therapy study that produced " Recovery of vision in mice with glaucoma" Gladishev heads the lab that did the mouse study referenced by Alex Chen. Lead author is Gladishev’s post doc, Wayne Mitchell (BS Physics and Mathematics, PhD Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology) The human cell study appears to have been conducted at the Sinclair Lab.

Reprogramming to recover youthful epigenetic information and restore vision - PMC.

The list of authors in the gene therapy study includes names familiar to members here.

Yuancheng Lu,1 Benedikt Brommer,2,3,11 Xiao Tian,1,11 Anitha Krishnan,3,4,11 Margarita Meer,5,6,11 Chen Wang,2,3 Daniel L. Vera,1 Qiurui Zeng,1 Doudou Yu,1 Michael S. Bonkowski,1 Jae-Hyun Yang,1 Songlin Zhou,2,3 Emma M. Hoffmann,3,4 Margarete M. Karg,3,4 Michael B. Schultz,1 Alice E. Kane,1 Noah Davidsohn,7 Ekaterina Korobkina,3,4 Karolina Chwalek,1 Luis A. Rajman,1 [George M. Church](Church GM[Author] - Search Results - PubMed),7 Konrad Hochedlinger,8 Vadim N. Gladyshev,5 [Steve Horvath](Horvath S[Author] - Search Results - PubMed),9 [Morgan E. Levine](Levine ME[Author] - Search Results - PubMed),6 Meredith S. Gregory-Ksander,3,4,* Bruce R. Ksander,3,4,* Zhigang He,2,3,* and David A. Sinclair1,10

The papers seem to be attempts to replicate their success in gene therapy by way of chemicals.

In the video below, Sinclair claims that they have done blindness recovery in monkeys (32 seconds)

They will have their first (human) patient “in the next eighteen months”, who has “blindness from either glaucoma or stroke. in the back of the eye.”


Full disclosure. I have a personal interest in their success.

My brother went blind from a pituitary adenoma (as big as an egg). None of that euphemistic legally blind drivel. My brother is totally, black as a black hole blind. So if the Gladishev/Sinclair labs (mention is alphabetical, not by precedence), succeed, there would be hope for my brother.

So I am praying for their success. Pardon the spiritual/non-scientific line.