David Sinclair Fountain of Youth?

I recently watched a you tube where a plastic surgeon claimed he could tell that Sinclair had a brow lift.


He made a huge sale when he sold his company Sirtis, to Glaxo for 720 million dollars. Eventually Glaxo had to write off the company when the product didn’t pan out in studies.

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There’s a video on Youtube somewhere. Someone commented that he looked young for his age and he responded and credited resveratrol, fisetin cycles, and PRP. I assume he meant microneedling with PRP. And that makes sense. It’s one of the best procedures. I think he also mentioned OneSkin once. I don’t think he specifically said he was using it. But maybe he is.


One Skin is a good product. I also think he is using some Botox.

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It could be all genetics and no special substance, or some unquantifiable combination of the two.

Almost 20 years ago, he was making the same claims about resveratrol. That was disproven. He’s a BS artist. As soon as I saw the headline “Scientist Finds Treatment That Reverses Aging in a Week,” I knew it was him.


He’s a complete BS artist. Trust me, I’ve followed him for almost 20 years. I got wise to him 3-4 years ago.
One example: in his book, he claims that his father had “reversed” his age, that he was climbing mountains etc. in his late 80s. How? NMN & Metformin - that might help with your health, but it definitely won’t “reverse” aging.


Sinclair is a snake oil salesman. Lost a lot of credibility when he sold a company to Glaxo for over 700MM based on resveratol. Glaxo couldn’t reproduce his so called results. Also, his results with NMN have not been reproducible by reputable labs.


I’m following him for some years. After watching his “one Pill” videos on Youtube, I was absolutely impressed. Why?
instead of discussing this topic the normal way (i.e. follow ups or tests from independent labs) he’s creating youtube videos with no content and he’s using buzzwords like yamanaka and AI.

Next thing I’m waiting for is a music video about “one pill” with nice animations.

As a scientist you should always keep an eye on the public and wrting books or publishing YT videos instead of papers is always a good idea, right?

But hey, he’s looking really young. Is this just happiness or is it a filter? I don’t know! :smiley:

Sorry, but after seeing him on YT I was just laughing out loud.

FIlter + facelift + browlift. Probably some fat transfer and/or biostimulators, too. Facelifts on men are not a joke. It takes a very talented surgeon to pull it off successfully. Kudos to his surgeon. I can see it, but from the comments in this forum, most don’t know the telltale signs.

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I few posts back, I posted a video where Sinclair claims to have had success with restoring visual function in monkeys, after their success with mice, three years ago.

Found an abstract of the paper.


Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science June 2023, Vol.64, 474. doi:

Lead author is Bruce Ksander (ophthalmologist), co-author in the mouse study. Co-author in the paper is the lead author of the mouse study, Lu Yuancheng, Meredith S. Gregory-Ksander (also an ophthalomologist), Joan Mannick (referenced in another post here), and other scientists from the Schepens Eye Research Institute of Massachusetts Eye and Ear.

The study involved twenty green monkeys (monkeys who do not use petroleum?)

Conclusions : Partial epigenetic reprogramming by AAV2-OSK gene therapy restored parameters of visual pathway function in a NHP model of NAION. These data support the clinical translational potential of this gene therapy for treating human optic nerve diseases.

Next stop, humans.

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Note the guarded conclusion “translational potential.” We will know in eighteen months (Sinclair video says it will take 18 months to try in humans.)

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Taking a surgery and telling others one’s own snake oil is the cure-all antiaging pill is somehow a modern wild west story. I see him already travelling with his wagon from town to town. …or from video to video. LOL

Well, time will tell.

I can’t be too judgey on that. Some people are highly distressed at the thought of going through their last 3-5 (or more) decades with jowls the droop more with each passing decade. I am one of them. I think surgery is fine. But I wish that we were living in a society where it was more openly acceptable.

If you were to peruse any plastic surgeon’s website with lots of before and afters sorted by age for rhytidectomy, you can see that the patients over 50 tend to look old even after surgery. It doesn’t make old people look younger, only tidier. We tend not to go “ooh aah” unless it’s a very good looking patient in the late 30s to late 40s who has a prematurely aged face. In women it’s usually because of multiple pregnancies, large weight loss, and/or sun damage. Point being that surgery isn’t all. You still have to put in the work to look good after a certain age. A lifetime of bad habits can’t be corrected by surgery. A lifetime of good habits will definitely show after 55. Especially in a post-menopausal woman.

I am not sure how old Sinclair was when he had surgery. I am guessing late 40s. He grew up in Australia and might have incurred a lot of sun damage in youth. Twenty-three years ago he did look his age or older. I think he might have been 31 in this pic from around 2000.

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Oh, I don’t have anything against surgerys. I just find it really funny imagening sinclair travelling with his wagon from town to town. But in fact he’s not argueing like “I’m taking resveratrol on a daily basis. Just have a look at me, doesn’t I look really young?”
He’s a marketing genius (and a scientist) but not an influencer.

In fact I had a surgery myself but because of an issue. I’m happy with my new old nose but in my case, it is generally accepted until I talk about the root cause (martial arts). So our problem may be a bit different but in both cases the main cause is a lack of acceptance.

Dr. Brad Stanfield does the same thing by constantly applying sunscreen, using finasteride and adapalane. In order to convince people that stuff works, presenting data alone is often times just not enough, they want actual results. Which is why Dr. Sinclair is much, much more popular than Dr. Brenner could ever be because the latter looks old, sounds old and acts old.


Imo Dr Brenner is brilliant, but lacks refined communication skills.


Rodolfo Goya of Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina), making a presentation of the paper entitled:


Link to full paper below. Lead author is Steve Horvath.

It starts by citing the paper of Yuangcheng Lu et al:

Recent results revealed that the Yamanaka genes display a dual behavior when expressed
continuously in vivo, being regenerative when delivered via viral vectors but highly toxic
when expressed in transgenic mice. Thus, it has been reported that delivery of the OSK genes
by intravitreally injecting a regulatable adeno-associated viral vector type 2 (AAV2)
expressing the polycistron OSK, can reverse vision deficits in an experimental model of
glaucoma in mice as well as in 11 months old mice showing age-related vison impairment.
Fifteen- months of continuous expression of OSK genes in retinal ganglion cells (RGC),
induced neither pathological changes nor RGC proliferation. Intravenously OSK-AAV2-
injected young and middle-aged mice (for 15 months) did not show any adverse side effects.
In contrast, DOX-induced expression of the OSK genes in mice transgenic for OSK, induced
rapid weight loss and death, likely due to severe dysplasia in the digestive system

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