Can you share your Longevity / HealthSpan Regime?

Supplements: D3, K2, B12, Q10, Magnesium, GlyNAC (finished 3 mo cycle, will break now), NR or NMN, Rejuvant (finished 3 mo cycle will break now), Meriva 500, Resveratrol, Quercetin, Senilytic Activator, Taurine (3x/week), Alpha Lipoic sometimes, Green Tea extract, Cacao, Spirulina, Resistant starch. Don’t take anything consistently or for a long time. Usually take less than recommended dose.

Diet: vegetarian, eggs, fish, kefir, cheese, no deserts, no added sugar for 15 years +, no alcohol. IF 16/8.

Exercise daily for 40-60 min, treadmill, elliptical, resistance training, swim 500 m/day, sauna 4 x/week, 10k steps/day.

Sleep: 7h


You have a really nice regimen. Might live forever.


I believe in Andrew Huberman’s so-called Attila’s rule of supplementation. You are not permitted to even discuss it until you have maximized your exercise. It looks like you definitely have!


Supplements: D3, K2, B12, Q10, Magnesium, GlyNAC (finished 3 mo cycle, will break now), NR or NMN, Rejuvant (finished 3 mo cycle will break now), Meriva 500, Resveratrol, Quercetin, Senilytic Activator, Taurine (3x/week), Alpha Lipoic sometimes, Green Tea extract, Cacao, Spirulina, Resistant starch. Don’t take anything consistently or for a long time. Usually take less than recommended dose.

Diet: vegetarian, eggs, fish, kefir, cheese, no deserts, no added sugar for 15 years +, no alcohol. IF 16/8.

Exercise daily for 40-60 min, treadmill, elliptical, resistance training, swim 500 m/day, sauna 4 x/week, 10k steps/day.

Sleep: 7h


@LaraPo - Thanks for sharing and nice protocol. I am not sure of your age, but any hormone support, peptides and or nootropics?

I’m 67. No hormone replacement. Plant based peptides from time to time.


Compare the following:

366 capsules of 500 mg Apigenin for $260 USD = $1.42 USD / gram


1 1b of Dried Parsley for $23.95 USD = $0.05 USD / gram

You do have to eat 10 g of dried parsley to get the same content though.

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The world of “marketing”, have buyers for the sizzle.

Read/review Edward Bernays work. Then you would understand.

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In a new meta-analysis spanning decades, it was shown that birthdays are great for longevity.

Those individuals that had the most lived the longest.


Updated my Longevity regimen with:

2 or 3X Daily Teeth Brushing / Flossing with Rapamycin Toothpaste (added Sept/2022)


Hi all my lifestyle as a 27 year old. Will most likely change as I get older.


Astaxanthin 6mg + Fish oil 2g (I take these 2 at the same time as astaxanthin slows down the degradation of the fish oil in your body, basically makes it last longer).
vitamin d3 (5000) + k2
Aged garlic 600mg (removes plaque from arteries and is great for keeping the heart healthy).
Rapamycin 6mg (once a week only)
Metformin 500mg only on days I don’t exercise/work out
Hyaluronic Acid 100mg 1x (for skin health, joints etc).

Supplements before bed:

Lithium Orotate 5mg 1x
Magnesium taurine 300mg


Intermittent fasting 16-20 hours a day
10k steps a day
mediterranean diet (avoid red meats etc, Only fish). Lots of blueberries (good brain health), kiwi fruit etc.
Natto daily (spermidine).
Avoid the sun at all costs, always wear sunscreen hat etc. Not only to avoid skin aging & skin cancer but also DNA damage that may cause mutations in the future.
3-5 cups of high quality Japanese sencha green tea daily (for EGCG potent antioxidant).
3 day water only fast once a month


Fantastic job, I think you’re way ahead and may live forever.

I would only quibble with 2 parts. First is Lithium Orotate, I love that supp for the way it improves my personality. I can be sooo chill. Why take it at night? Does it still work that way?

Second is ‘avoid the sun at all costs’. What? People have been in the sun since the beginning. We actually use more than just the UVB. The IR is big also. Don’t stay out till you burn, but the sun is your friend. It will keep you from getting serious cancer at the cost of a slightly higher chance of getting a silly skin cancer. Read Michael Hollick’s book “The Vitamin D Solution”. What you get from the sun is about 10x what you get from vitamin D. But I still take it.


Thanks I hope so!

I take the lithium at night because I like to do take it with magnesium which aids sleep but I think it doesn’t matter when you take it.

I personally just avoid the sun as I live in Australia (we got the highest skin cancer rates in world and there is a study showing our skin ages faster compared to Americans/europeans due to the harsh UV rays during summer. however, I do go outside sometimes without sun screen for a good 10-15 minutes just not that long.

I use to have a vitamin d def as I didn’t supplement and I never went outside in the sun (my fault…).Felt super depressed until I started taking vitamin d supplement.


Can anyone make any suggestions as to things I should add or delete? If you could recommend one addition and one deletion, I would appreciate it!

In the morning I take:
1 tbsp Glycine (mixed in coffee - Methionine Cleanse + Glutathione boost)
10 g Collagen hydrolyzed peptides I + III (mixed in coffee for skin and joints)
25 mg Lutein + 5 mg Zeaxanthin (for eyes)
1 g TMG (in concert with NMN)
500 EPA/250 DHA Omega 3 (twice daily)
20 mg Astaxanthin (ITP antioxidant)
400 mg Hyaluronic Acid (skin and joints)
1 g NAC (Glutathione booster with Glycine)
1000 IU Vitamin D (I am deficient)
Agetron’s Hair Tonic (2 ml applied to the scalp)

Mixed in EVOO in the morning:
750 mg NMN powder (for energy)
1 g Apigenin (for reduced CD38 inflammation)
1 g Resveratrol (Monday + Wednesday + Friday for improved cognition)
1 g Spermidine (Saturday - Tuesday to enhance Autophagy from Rapa)
Turmeric Powder (liberal helping - anti-inflammation)
Black Pepper (Piperine - liberal helping - supplement absorption)

Mixed in EVOO periodically
3 g Fisetin (Senolytic - 1st and 2nd of each month)
1 g Quercetin (Enhances Fisetin and Resveratrol - 1st and 2nd of each month)
3 g Grape Seed Extract (Senolytic - 15th and 16th of each month)

Night time
500 EPA/250 DHA Omega 3 (twice daily)
1 tbsp Glycine (mixed in tea - Methionine Cleanse + Glutathione boost)
2 g Magnesium L-Threonate (Better sleep)
1 g Vitamin C (Antioxidant)
5 mg Lithium Orotate (Mood and sleep)
45 mcg Vitamin K MK-7
600 mg NAC (Glutathione booster with Glycine)
1.5 g Glucosamine Chondroitin (For joints)
Culturelle Probiotics (For microbiome)

2 mg Rapamycin (Weekly + EVOO + GFJ)
Metformin (1 g Sat-Mon, 500 mg Tues + Wed, 0 on Thurs + Fri)
1.25 mg daily Finasteride (for prostate and hair (not working yet for hair))


Yes of course. Delete everything except Rapamycin and vitamin D… add creatine.


I can’t help but laugh about that - not in the least since I’m also guilty of taking too many supplements of which the supporting research is questionable at best. Albeit I’m too lazy to take them several times per day as Strider is doing.

As to Apigenin: I’ve gone over studies that suggested apigenin from parsley has very low bioavailability - but supplements were not much better. (Wish I had read that prior to forcing myself to consume a kg of parsley over 10 months time).
As to Spermidine: didn’t Dr. Richard Miller from the ITP mention that even while supplementing mice with high doses of Spermidine for 6 months no increase above baseline spermidine levels were seen in plasma or tissues. Enough reason for me to not even go there, and just include some food sources that are higher in spermidine and hope for the best.
As to grapeseed extract (GSE), what I mentioned before: it was the compound procyanidin C1 (PCC1) from grapeseed extracts that had senolytic activities in research. And as far as I’m aware most GSE-extracts are not standardised for PCC1 and may very well be low in PCC1. Likely you’d have to take massive doses of GSE to achieve some ‘noteworthy’ levels of PCC1, if even possible, if it is senolytic activity you’re after. Or rather search for a PCC1-supplement (which I haven’t been able to find).

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Finding out the effects of supplements is difficult. That is one of the reasons why I value frequent (approximately weekly) blood tests.

Take the issue of vitamin D. The blood test measures the first metabolite 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D (25OHD).

I normally take 3,000 IU daily in an oil filled capsule of Cholecalciferol (the original Vitamin D).

I find that over a week my 25OHD level goes down by around 30 nano moles per litre if the level is above 150 nano moles per litre (nmol/L).

I think that is really signficant. The body actually mainly uses 1,25 di Hydroxy Vitamin D which is a metabolite of 25OHD. Hence even with 3,000 iu per day the body will gradually run short of 25OHD and therefore not be able to use it for as many things as it would like.

What I do every so often is I also supplement with 25OHD to get the level back up.

However, similar calculations can also be done for other supplements and vitamins. Hence I am a great fan of getting measurements as part of supplementation. That is expensive, but otherwise you are flying blind.

The simple lesson from me that 3,000iu is not enough for someone living in Birmingham, England (with the sunlight we normally get here) to maintain Vitamin D levels is IMO quite useful. (I am male aged 62, 85kg, 1.88m, of reasonably good health with a white skin, people with darker skins often need more vitamin D as they get less from the Sun - I don’t get that much, however.)



That is an impressive list. But I do not see protein powder listed anywhere. Do you get enough in your diet and especially your first meal of the day? I have added Whey protein to my stack.


My impression from various posts through out this year is that most of this group are proponents of the very low protein theory, such as given by Valter Longo. This approach also has one avoid almost all animal proteins except for a few ounces of fish per week. So for the majority of members of this group, they do not have to work towards getting enough protein but instead they would must strive to limit their protein intake and especially avoid almost all animal sources of protein. I am not a proponent of this approach, but, am just reporting what I have seen posted him time and time again.

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I don’t even eat fish. But up-regulating MTOR is just as important as down regulating if you care about maintaining lean body mass.

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