Bryan Johnson's Longevity Protocol - Your Thoughts?

Seems pretty reasonable protocol! He is mixing everything into single session. I found that taking 1 hour daily in the morning does not work for me so easily and I have no home gym, so I try to split similar routine into daily splits around 25-30 minutes, one day I do mobility, second day I do strength. I do some sprint strides twice weekly on random days in the evening.

PS. Some fine taste in cars he has! :sweat_smile: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


His dinner is at 11:30 AM - no social life, it’s one of the longevity pillars being social. He goes to bed at 8:30 PM every night, one reason is because he said, the 5 o’clock Bryan is a loose cannon and he use to overeat etc…he is very regimented- but claims he is HAPPY :smiley:


I found an unfiltered pic of his skin. This is exactly what happens when one is too aggressive with the actives and/or devices–the orange peel look. I know of no procedures that can make the skin smooth again after it gets to this point. Many of them promise improvement, but in the long run, they fail.


How can we be sure that it’s an original unedited picture? It could be an “aged” version of him using aging software. That orange peel skin (enlarged pores) could be just a close up shot of his shaved cheeks.

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You can see the make-up foundation… or tinted sunscreen… or whatever it is… again… not too impressed speaking as a guy.

He might be trying too hard… move over Michael Jackson… your competition has arrived.


We don’t know for sure. Someone needs to take a close up photo next time they see him at a conference or down in Los Angeles.

His skin looked great in his photo on his wikipedia page…


What are we shaming here? His large pores? Not everybody is born with perfect porcelain skin and he is a male nevertheless, it is not uncommon for men to have large pores. And there is not much you can do about genetic large pores. The only thing that works to some extent is mesobotox or intradermal micro botox, but even that it is no miracle. Even on his Blueprint he has under skin assessment pore size as age 70 and botox to shrink pores under treatments. As you see from pictures his pores were genetically large and if anything his skin is getting better. @arugula when being critical of his skin or looks have in mind that he has almost no bodyfat and skin and our young looks depend on fat/volume in the face.

First pic is before he lost weight in 2017, second is 2020 and third is 2023.


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Just wanted to show what a typical “shredded” face look at 45 when you have Bryans bodyfat and how loosing bodyfat makes your body sexier but face look instantly older:



To be honest, good for Bryan… truly hope he can shed some light onto slowing the aging process in skin, muscle, organs and mind/memory. Just thought the foundation looked a bit heavy in the pics. Recently, started using sun screen first time ever and it has a tint - so I am no better now. LOL

Your series of photos of loss of body weight (shredding) and the effects on your face is interesting. I have noticed as my body fat has diminished (DEXA of 25 BMI - normal) my face plump-ness - which tends to make you look younger - is lessened too.

As you pointed out… I believe that rapamycin, at least in my case - has gotten rid of all the extra adipose tissue everywhere including my face. Healthy, but also looking older in the face a bit more than your body. Hmmmm… ?

Also, that old man slit belly button development… at least with rapamycin - it returns you to a sexy round belly button. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think that for a 45 year old his skin is very good in any picture. Almost no wrinkles, and no deep wrinkles. He definitely looks good and healthy.


His project is so interesting, but I have to say even as someone really interested in this stuff, his persona/style is odd enough to be offputting for a lot of people.


I thought Bryan was handsome to begin with in his self described unhealthy years. I appreciate what he is doing but the religious connotations in some of his twitter posts I could personally do without.


Overly aggressive treatments done too frequently. It’s a thing. There are lots of disaster stories and support groups for the victims of practitioners who oversold and didn’t know how to use their devices. But in this case, it’s self-inflicted.

The collagen building response to insult is blunted after 30, so repeatedly wounding the skin does not improve it after a certain age.

I think at this point the only thing that will truly improve the skin at age 45 or beyond aside from rx retinoids and high UVA protection is stem cells, i.e. autologous fat transfer. He doesn’t have enough body fat for that now. If he gained 20 lbs, he could have enough for a decent harvest. Then he’d have to repeat the procedure every year or two, alternating with biostimulators like PLLA or PCL. It’s affordable for someone like him, maybe not so much for people with normal incomes.


It looks like bad lighting to me with skin cream.

He was raised mormon so I guess it’s his rebellious side.


Totally, I think some sculptra would do him wonders. His skin tone is great, just could use some volume.


I feel exactly the same. Im not trying to set any age health fitness records in my 60s. Just want to be strong and fit and run 10kms in the morning when i feel like it and not have pain peppered all over :smile:


Bryan is increasing his caloric intake to 2250 from 2000 to increase ‘facial fat’. I guess he no longer wants to look 20 and 80 at the same time? How much does appearance matter?


So is anyone here using Blueprint recipes? Following Blueprint diet?

I’m thinking of trying nutty pudding first.

There is likely to be some overlap with everyone, but i have not learnt from blueprint although i have some overlap. Eg i eat some ginger and chocolate

I eat most foods on Blueprint. Instead of chocolate I eat cacao to avoid as much sugar as I can.