Bryan Johnson's Longevity Protocol - Your Thoughts?

He’s richer, his companies are valued at 6B…

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Its like this,
The declines in old age of fitness metrics are downstream of “fundamental” aging. Im also around your age and its more important to slow the upstream process early on. When someone is already biologically old the benefits of exercise are mostly a means to offset the downstream issues.


Maybe yoga/pilates/calisthenics/tai chi/walking and occasional burst of aerobic activity that puts the heart to sufficient/optimal stress?

I myself go by above and my VO2 max is above average, my muscle mass and BF are in check and my strength is measured differently than typical 1RM. Doing yoga pose, which employs the whole body for strength and stability is IMO much better than training a specific set of muscles for your best 1RM… I also never heard bodybuilders and athletes live longer. I believe you must enjoy the exercise and use the whole body (and mind) while exercising. Otherwise it is reductive. Of course any exercise is better than no exercise.

Thats true, your approach may be more easily compatible. Seems like a form of mind/body alignment. I was earlier mostly referencing typical forms of exercise.

I have a funny anecdote, must be 40 years ago or so, my father was using / experimenting with theta waves to improve learning. But whenever he was listening to this tapes he had, in minutes he was asleep. :sweat_smile: It was a running joke in the family between me and my mom. Must agree that it help his sleep but IDK how much it helped his learning.


He also uses this device
I would be interested in both. Maybe I will check later more in depth the science behind it. I am wondering does this just improve “the markers” or does indeed do something for the nervous system health? In other words is it just a painkiller that masks the pain or treats the cause of the pain?
I would be interested to try both, but seem really expensive, 600 eur and 300 eur… expensive toys? It seems really novel technology though form a quick research. Maybe it is worthwhile to wait some…

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@scta123, other former Mormon’s I’ve met in real life are generally highly successful and driven like Bryan but seem borderline obsessed compared to people not raised Mormon. I get the feeling that their upbringing impacts these traits. @RapAdmin, if this reply is inappropriate as stereotyping please few free to remove it.

I bought the pillow he recommended today. 60 USD including shipping is a low enough bar for me. If it improves my sleep, I’ll get one for all my family members.

I noticed Dr. Sinclair is using the mattress Bryan recommended. I doubt shipping would be cheap to Hong Kong and we run on a different current which typically fries all the electronics I bring from the USA even using adapters.

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I’m very interested to hear your experience with the pillow! I have a My Pillow and must say it’s better than any other pillow I’ve used so far.


Was BJ raised Mormon? I was not aware of this… well I did not check much about him. Seems that I only background check people with different set of traits :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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I personally tried few pillows during last 10-15 years as I had periods of insomnia and neck pain, even trouble breathing at night… but at the end nothing beats the old fashioned duck/goose down/feather pillows IMO. “Alternative pillows” usually “force” you to sleep in certain way, which is hard to control. I move a lot in the night, change positions and seems that down is the best to adapt to this. But would be interested in your experience @DeStrider too. Has been a while I have tried memory foam.

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I’ll let you know how it works out. It’ll take a week or two to arrive. And I’ll let the toughest critic I know try it out first - my wife. If she says it’s good, then you know it is.


Is I :heart: My Pillow and My Pillow the same brand? I sleep on I :heart:My Pillow and really like it.

I never said anything about not wanting to slow down aging, but again, I don’t see the logic in barely exercising for longevity. Is there any data to back that up?

If I understood what you said correctly, you’re saying that “low exercise and expenditure” is going to make me have excellent capacity to increase my VO2max at an old age if I wanted to?

Why not just have excellent VO2max/strength at that age?

If yoga/pilates/calisthenics/tai chi/walking strain your muscles in such a way that your type 2 muscle fibres increase/remain and/or the contractibility remains, sure.

  • The reduction in muscle fiber size is fiber type specific, with 10%-40% smaller type II fibers observed in muscle tissue collected from elderly compared with young controls [27]. In contrast, type I muscle fiber size is largely unaffected [22,28,29]. These fiber type specific changes can be explained by the age-related remodeling of motor units that result mostly in denervation of type II muscle fibers with collateral re-innervation of type I muscle fibers [30,31,32].

And also the exercises you mentioned will not tax your legs in a way to increase/maintain muscle strength in your legs.

  • Further, more muscle mass and strength is lost by men compared to women particularly in muscles of the lower limbs [15,16]

To your point about bodybuilders, strength athletes and conventional atheletes, when competing a vast majority of them will be on exogenous hormones and other medications to increase recovery/performance, it’s not a fair comparison.

I agree with you that one should use their mind when exercising and Tai Chi seems like a decent way.

I also agree with you that everyone needs to train their stabilizers more (me included).

Study I referenced: Aging of Skeletal Muscle Fibers

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@Melih Not quite what I was saying. Dont really care about VO2 max to begin with. The animals that lived the longest are the ones on restricted calories and reduced metabolic activity not the ones with optimal VO2 maxes. Of course thats just a start, there needs to be other things in terms of supplements to increase things like cellular level and DNA level repair.

Im not looking to just live to 90 but good fitness. But rather 120+ and maybe 150+ and higher depending on what future advancements come out.


@LaraPo, I believe they are different. This is what I have been using for the last year.
MyPillow Premium Bed Pillow Set of 2 Queen Medium and Firm

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Have you got some experience with yoga or pilates or bodyweight training? Sure they produce hypertrophy, work also muscle fiber type II and are good for maintaining and also building muscle. Legs included. Are they as effective as weighted strength training? Surely not. But there are other benefits that IMO outweigh this lack.

My routine includes weekly sprints, they do train legs well besides CVS… In season I also ski, hike, swim and play tennis. I like to mix things and do not specifically train with longevity in mind. It a mix of things I like, I do it daily and it keeps my body and mind in check. If I will notice that I am waisting muscle, loosing strength I will check back. This is what is more important IMO than obsess too much or exaggerate/overtrain in any activity… balance, that is my guidance.


Was their a group of animals with perfect VO2maxes to compare with? No.

All these animals were lab animals and they basically did nothing but sit inside their cage, are you going to sit inside a cage for the rest of your life?

How are you going to be physically fit at an old age by doing “low exercise and expenditure”?

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:ok_hand: If you do, please report back.


Peter Attia and Peter Diamandis too

For once (?) all the “gurus” are concurring…

Expensive, but given how important sleep is and how large a percent of our lives we do it, perhaps something I’ll consider. Also seems to be separate for each side of the bed so benefits two people if sleeping together.

Has anyone here tried it? Seem to be two options - one where you keep you own main mattress and put this over, one where you get a completely new mattress from them with it built in.

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