Astaxanthin: A Potential Treatment in Disease and Aging, Lifespan Increase

I have started taking the Culturelle probiotic. This has helped tremendously with the bloating, gas and diarrhea. So, I will try upping my dosage again to see if it helps.

BioAstin Hawaiian is on sale again at $34.99 until 8/22/22. Costco regularly discounts this product.


At $35 for 120 capsules of 12mg each, that Looks like a good deal - thanks for the heads up. I’ve been wanting to try astaxanthin.

That compares to $58 on Amazon


“At 40 mg I experienced bouts of nausea and dull to sharp pains on both sides below the ribcage.”

For myself, if I noticed those types of symptoms and believed they were likely a result of something I was taking, I would have a CBC, CMP-14, and urinalysis done under reasoning of “better safe than sorry.” I make use of websites like Walkinlab and Directlabs as needed to order blood work.


Astaxanthin may also be helpful for dry eyes, which becomes more frequent with age. Hyaluronic acid at 100 mg twice daily may also help. Both of these are good for your skin, too.

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I was just at my local Costco and they have it in stock.

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I’ve taken astaxanthin for several years now. When I first started, I noticed an improvement in the appearance of the skin on my face.

I’m currently taking this one.


I don’t think thats the right way to look at the result. The right way is to compare it to placebo, where OxLDL went up 4%. So the low-dose Asta group actually moved it in a good direction, albeit probably not stat sig.


Seems that the Astaxanthin side effects I noticed are due to GI gas build up. Not too life threatening but very annoying. I originally thought it was the kidneys, but then I saw the top kidney specialist in Hong Kong who told me that kidneys do not cause pain unless it’s kidney stones.

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What is the highest dose people here are using for Astaxanthin so far?

I started at 12mg/day and increased by 1X12mg a day, so currently up to 6 capsules for a total of 72mg. No side effects or issues so far. Stools are a little red.

Anyone going higher yet?


FWIW:“We reviewed 87 human studies, none of which found safety concerns with natural AX supplementation, 35 with doses ≥12 mg/day.”


I have gone up to 40 mg before the gas pain got me. Stools were quite red too, not that I mind. Everybody reacts differently I guess. I am on 10 mg every other day. I am thinking the gas is not just from the AX, but from everything I am consuming - veggies, supplements, etc… and AX just pushes me a bit too far.

I am also waiting for the ITP report before I really push myself to higher doses.

Does anyone know of a good cure for gas and bloating?


Activated charcoal might help

Because of my age, 81, my system is probably a little different.
As you age your body does do strange things. I was a big milk drinker for all of my life. Then I developed lactose intolerance and had to switch to lactose free milk (Lactaid brand).
Where am I going with all of this?
I started to experience a lot of gas and bloating. Long story short I have developed an intolerance to wheat products such as wheat germ, wheat bran, etc., so maybe it’s something in your diet not the supplements.
Astaxanthin in doses of 12 mg daily has caused me no problems.

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What about liposomal Astaxanthin, that may potentially resolve some of these issues as we could take a lower dose - with hopefully a higher bioavailability?

Very well could be. I am pretty sure there is something in addition to the Astaxanthin causing the gas. I will need to investigate further. We are each different in our biology.

I’m up to 120mg (10 capsules of 12 mg) a day now of Astaxanthin. No noticeable affects, positive or negative.

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Congratulations! I would love to get up to higher doses like that!

I think my issues may be my breakfast oatmeal that was causing the gastrointestinal problems as I started eating that for breakfast around the same time I started Astaxanthin. I didn’t realize that oatmeal causes gas and bloating until recently. I may start higher doses once I run out of oatmeal. Any other good breakfast foods that are non gassy? Eggs are a prostate cancer concern. High fiber cereal?

I frequently skip breakfast, having only coffee until lunch. But - my earlier meals include:
Yogurt with berries, granola, etc.
Smoothies (frozen fruit, spinach, almond milk, etc.)
Lately - more avocados (lots of ways to spice them up… a little lemon juice, olive oil, and pepper, spices, etc.

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Yes, I have been toying with just having a big bowl of guacamole in the morning - avacados, tomatoes, onions, spices, lemon juice. I am concerned that might be too much fat? Mayber alternate with a high fiber cereal some days and oatmeal others…

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