Web Version

February 2025 ABU
Mommy dearest: Active maternal X chromosome impairs cognition and accelerates brain aging in female mice
Basic Biology
C57BL/6 sub-strain differences in aging-related behaviors
Differentiation of human iPSCs into Leydig-like cells with long-term stable secretion of testosterone
Aging of ovarian blood vessels implicated in mid-life fertility decline in mice
This old mouse: Exosomal micro-RNA reverses proliferative arrest of senescent cells and rejuvenates aging mice
Accumulation of autophagosomes in aging human photoreceptor cell synapses
Reduced mTOR signaling reduces protein aggregation during heat stress and aging in yeast
Key pathways and hub genes altered by aging and caloric restriction in rat muscle
Menopause-induced 17β-estradiol and progesterone loss increases senescence markers and degeneration in middle-aged mouse cartilage
Mutation accumulation drives long, slow death of neurons in Huntington’s disease
Molecular responses to heat stroke differ in an age-specific pattern
Age is correlated with a global decline in splicing fidelity across human introns
Prediction of healthy aging and age-related diseases in late middle-aged Chinese adults using blood protein biomarkers
The “androgen clock” is an epigenetic predictor of long-term male hormone exposure in mice and sheep
Resource: A physical exercise-regulated differential gene expression database
Review: What can single-cell omics teach us about brain aging and rejuvenation?
Review: Could macrophage inflammation be beneficial for enhancing regrowth of aging muscle?
Review: Biological sex matters in brain aging
Review: DNA damage and its links to neuronal aging and degeneration
Review: What we can learn about osteoporosis from human accelerated aging paradigms
Review: The pathobiology of neurovascular aging
Review: Statistical and computational challenges in use of epigenetic clocks
Review: Circadian clock communication during homeostasis and aging
Healthy lifestyle slows late life cognitive decline regardless of genetic susceptibility
Early menopause associated with development of type 2 diabetes
Benefits generally outweigh risks of GLP-1 receptor agonists in men
RSV vaccination effective in preventing RSV-related illness in older (>60 yo) men
Aging and inflammation limit immune response in severe COVID-19
Overtreatment of prostate cancer among men with limited longevity?
Supporting healthy aging for people with intellectual disabilities in group homes
Review: Medical implications of sex differences in immunometabolism
Review: Pain assessment of people with dementia living in nursing homes
Review: Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of chronically administered medicines in older adults
Review: Aging with HIV
Review: A systems approach to functional aging
ADHD associated with shorter lifespans
Ten-question assessment of biomedical dataset quality and trustworthiness
Unique methylome of long-lived men
Weak handgrip strength and slow timed up-and-go independently associated with increased hospitalization costs
Number of children and dementia risk
Life expectancy gap as a function of educational attainment continues to increase
Alzheimer’s and related dementias among Medicare beneficiaries aged ≥ 65 years in rural America
Adult physical activity and all-cause mortality; a prospective twin study
Impaired chewing capacity associated with accelerated aging and higher mortality risk
Seasonality in mortality and its impact on life expectancy levels and trends across Europe
Infertility is associated with clear cell and endometrioid ovarian cancer but not other ovarian tumor types
Pharmacological reduction of lipid hydroperoxides preserves muscle function in aged female mice
Degree of food processing associated with all-cause and cause-specific mortality
Association of cardiovascular fitness, age, and sex with adult cortical thickness and gray matter
Skeletal muscle metabolic response to contraction is age- and sex-dependent
Review: Characterizing the effects of dietary protein on health across the lifespan
Review: Caloric restriction in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Review: The role of mitochondria in repurposed diabetes drugs for off-label health benefits
Evolution/Comparative Biology
How flight helped bats become resistant to viruses
Island population of snake-eyed skinks mature earlier and live longer than a mainland population
Maternal effect senescence and caloric restriction interact to affect lifespan and fitness via life history timing in a rotifer
Evolutionary history and role of reactive oxygen species in regeneration
Female reproductive aging in chacma baboons and geladas
Evolution of host-microbiome/holobiont symbionts, host lifespan and host fecundity
Review: Age estimation methods in non-avian reptiles
Novel Organisms
XY females exhibit more rapid reproductive senescence than XX or XX females in African pygmy mice
Tree shrew: a new animal model for musculoskeletal disorders and aging?
Zebrafish model of Werner syndrome identifies a potential antiaging drug
Providing end-of-life care support is associated with higher end-of-life health literacy
Caught between kids and ill older family members, caregivers experience physical and mental health declines
Small study identifies needs of young caregivers whose parent has dementia
Review: Interventions to prevent and respond to abuse of older people
Cage effects and how to analyze them in mouse frailty studies
A tool to detect inaccurate self-reported energy intake
Tempo Braggadocio: Self-promotion increases probability of biomedical grant funding
Homecare yields greatest systemwide cost savings among community-dwelling older adult
Residential greenness is associated with epigenetic aging in adults
Telemedicine for people covered by Medicare may be dropped
Review: Telemedicine solutions may significantly improve waiting times
Balancing the promise and risks of geroscience interventions
Deep learning and generative artificial intelligence in aging research and healthy longevity medicine
Resources for recognizing predatory journals
The British Geriatrics Society’s position on assisted dying
A new science of menopause?
Clinical practice in an age of medical misinformation and conspiracy theories
NIA Resource Centers for Minority Aging Research: Development, evolution, and impact
Odds and Ends
Death, where is thy sting?
Review: Age-friendly cities
Review: Epigenetics and individuality
Contrary/Null Results
Heterochronic microbiome transplants fail to increase longevity in fruit flies
No significant differences between a health system–based vs a community-based care intervention nor between either active intervention vs a usual care control group in patient behavior and caregiver strain
Geriatrics-focused primary care did not increase time measures of self-reported health or integration of care within the first 18 months in the VA Health Care System
Self-reported traumatic brain injury fails to predict Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology and dementia
Klotho mutation fails to accelerate intervertebral disc aging in 8-week-old mice
Scant evidence of benefit from “senior-friendly” hospitals
Is this position for you? Section Chief, Comparative Medicine
Conference: Human Dietary Protein Needs and Benefits: A Critical Assessment of Postulated Propositions, February 25, 2025 – February 26, 2025
Nathan Shock Center Pilot Awards: Active RFAs
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Nathan Shock Center 2024 Pilot & Feasibility Project Awards for Core Use Rolling Deadline
USC-Buck Nathan Shock Center Pilot Awards Rolling Deadline
San Antonio Nathan Shock Center Pilot Project Grants Deadline: February 15, 2025
Aging Biology Update is brought to you by the UAB Nathan Shock Center and compiled by Kathleen Fischer and Steven Austad. Subscribe to this newsletter.