3 months of Rapamycin, Blood Test Results

What I find is different labs have different lower levels. One I use from time to time produces 0.41mg/L. I have had my own CRP below the hsCRP minimum since May 2022 so I have stopped tracking it regularly as it does not tell me anything. I will test it from time to time instead.

It is an interesting biomarker as to some extent it can indicate Senescent Cell load. It also indicates recent infection as it is driven by IL-6 which is part of SASP, but does other things.


How much fluctuation does an average person have in their aging clock scores? I have imagine it’s not stable across a year even without obvious changes in lifestyle, interventions, etc…

Basically is +/- a few years from measurement to measurement pretty typical?


A very good question. What is the standard deviation for aging clock scores over time for people, with no variation in the input variables?

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Biomarkers vary for various reasons. Hence the Levine calculation will vary. My personal strategy is a multiple one including reviewing the reasons for biomarkers being out of kilter and trying to fix that.


hi @DrT , it was coming from India.

First time I did it I had no problem.

Hi @RapAdmin, it’s a bit of a pain because all my biomarkers are in different units of measure. I’ll take another look at it and see if I can work it out when I get some time.

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Hi @Kandice, yes I figured out that it should effectively be 0.01 instead of 0.1, but even with that alteration of the calculation, it didn’t make a huge difference to the outcome.


Enter this in cInput for CRP:


It should fix it.

There is a formula in that cell. It’s the natural log of CRP in mg/dL. The formula for natural log is LN(number). Hence what I wrote above. By entering 0.01 in that cell, you overrode the formula. So you need to re-enter the formula.

Hi @RapAdmin, all the figures look good except that I’m not sure what you’ve done with the CRP value? yours says -4.6052.

My CRP is 0.1 mg/L, which convers to 0.01 mg/DL. I replaced that cell with 0.01 but it didn’t make much of a difference in the overall results.

Either way though, the results show a significant increase of biological age (3 years) after takin Rapa.

Hi @Kandice

yeah, it’s tricky isn’t it - calorie restriction is supposed to extend lifespan but if we reduce calories we can get low albumin.

But I reckon overall I eat about 1500 calories a day. More on my ‘cheat day’.

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yes that’s correct @Kandice , I was using that row because the units of measure are different in my blood test.

I could not get that birthdate formula you gave me to work and I just replaced 0.1 with 0.01 for my CRP. I think that’s correct.

Not sure this the right place for my epigenetic clock results, if
not let me know where to put these.
I put the dates in lower right corner.
1/12/2022 was approx 4 months before I started Rapa.
10/12/2022 was after starting with 4 mg Rapa week for month and increasing to 6mg with GFG and EVOO. The only noticeable change is I seem to be more energetic.

Before Rapamycin

After Rapamycin


DNAmPhenoAge_gen 1-12-22.xls (34 KB)

DNAmPhenoAge_gen 10-07-2022.xls (34 KB)

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Yes @RapAdmin , the test was definitely for hsCRP, not the standard CRP test.


It’s not 0.01, it’s =LN(0.01)

LN(0.01) = - 4.6052 which is the number @RapAdmin calculated

There is is a big difference between 0.01 and -4.6052

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It’s =LN(0.01) not =LN(0.1)

With LN(0.01), you will get a bigger age reduction as shown in @RapAdmin’s calculation.

Yes, you’re right, either way, it’s 3 yr increase from Rapa.

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Okay, here is the latest calculation based on @Kandice 's suggestion of =LN(0.01) in the CRP field:

Before rapa:

After 3 months of 3mg Rapamycin:

Either way, the end result is the same: my body doesn’t appear to respond well to rapamycin, even in low doses.

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Thanks - this is as good as any place on the forums.

Your results are more in the direction I would expect. You’ve chronologically aged a year (while taking rapamycin for 4 or 5 months of that time), and your phenotypic age was reduced by almost a year during that time, and its 6 to 7 years lower than your chronological age.

Good to see, thanks for posting!



I wonder if it’s because you’re already doing calorie/protein restriction (as shown by low albumin) and given that Rapa mimics calorie/protein restriction, adding the two together is too much for you.


@Kandice , maybe…I wouldn’t say I’m restricting calories to the point of being hungry though. I’m 175cm tall and weight about 62 kilos, am slim but not especially ‘skinny’. I never go hungry and certainly enjoy my food.

I suppose just by what I’m eating my protein intake is naturally low. Maybe a smaller dose would have been appropriate for me - but then, 3 mg is pretty low already!

I think someone like me could potentially benefit from Matt Kaeberlein’s approach of, say, 10 weeks on, 2 months off.

It’s a shame I can’t get a hold of any more Rapa to test the theory!


How many grams of protein do you eat a day?