2.5 year rapa supply ordered, thanks for the advice!

Me personally would limit the amount of drugs/chemicals I take. If you are doing Metformin and Acarbose I think is plenty for sugar level issues. I’m sure others would have differing opinions, I personally will limit it to mainly two and maybe three max. Plus who knows if we keep bombarding our bodies with so many things/chemicals it might just decide to give up on us lol. Do not overdue it dudes. Proceed with caution. Just my two cents…There is a rich tech dude (forgot his name) that is spending $2M a year in longevity stuff but he has turned himself in walking/talking zombie. If I looked and sounded like him (post his regimens, because before he used to be healthy looking dude) I doubt I’d want to extend my life. LOL


They quoted me $516 for 246 1mg pills, or $525 for 250 (Zydus vs. Biocon). Maybe you got a bulk discount or maybe they got a sudden surge of demand… :slight_smile: I have not decided how much I may want to purchase, but I will ask them about the pricing again once I decide. I have not started rapamycin nor discussed it with my doctor, so I’m still unsure.

Edit: shipping was another $31(EMS) or $17(ITPS)


Shop around - these vendors are always testing higher prices to see if they can get more for their products. I always check with at least half a dozen vendors: Buy Rapamycin Online - List of Reliable Pharmacies


I wonder if you have any blood test done regularly to check your bloodcells, liver and kidney functions normally?
Thanks for your reply if you want only directly to me

Greetings Bernard

my local compounding pharmacy makes mine. I take 5mg once a week and pay $120 for a 3 month supply. We won’t run out. You can get it from Clarks compounding pharmacy in Ann Arbor, MI. University compounding pharmacy in Troy, MI also makes it. The $120 included first class mail to my house.


What one person did… fly to Istanbul, Turkey, No prescription needed at local pharmacies, buy 700 Rapamune tablets ($170US per 100 tablets), take out of packaging and put into vitamin containers for trip home… and he’s set for a few years…


I will be in India in November.

Does your courier have a prescription, or can you just walk into any pharmacy and buy without one?

Boxes of course say a prescription is required, but I’m wondering how likely that is to be enforced on the street.

Indian MRP for Rapacan is = $.31/1mg, so would be great to pick some up at that price.


I originally gave my courier my prescription, but I don’t think it was necessary. I had NIBA health ship the Rapa to my courier’s house in India.


Update: I received the final package of 250 pills today (they split it into 4 shipments). Pretty quick delivery, tracking was provided for all 4 packages, good email communication. No problems at all.


I’d feel like a CIA operative if I did that since technically it is smuggling.

Wouldn’t it be easier to go somewhere that easily gives out a prescription, buy as much as you want, then bring it home. You can bring prescribed medicine in whatever quantity you want back to the USA the last time I checked as long as it’s for personal use.


Dude, those look HUGE in that pic? It can’t be Rapa, is it? Mine are 1/100th of that lol.
good idea if you happen to be visiting but to fly at $1500 return trip (just to buy RAPA), the costs start getting pretty steep. lol

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And where would “somewhere” be? In what country can you walk into a doc’s office and say I want a prescription for 5000 rapa pills lol, it could be though that some countries are way more lux when it comes to medications…


They look like Dr Reddy brand. Oddly much bigger than the others.


Nope - its Pfizer brand rapamune…



Thats exactly what I get from Greenstone pharmacy with my physician prescription.
Only 2 mg


Len - did you end up doing this trip and picking up some rapamycin while in India? How did it go? Did you manage to get it at that price of $0.31 per mg? How was it coming back into the US? Any issues? How much did you bring back?

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I did make the trip (a month of cacophony and bad air), but didn’t pick up any rapaycin.

I came to realize I was off by a factor of ten on the marked price. MRP on the Rapacan strip is 2524 rupees, which translates to three bucks/tab, not thirty cents. So it seemed unlikely I was going to get any bargain, even if I located someone who could supply. But I never made any inquiry.


I’m in India. Was able to buy Biocon Rapa that had MRP on the Rapacan strip of 2524rp for 340 rp per strip by shopping IndiaMart. Some of the suppliers won’t ship outside India but should be easy to get cheaper than 2524 in India


Can you share your source please. How did you get it - pick up from their facilities, or did they mail it to you?