Your Rapamycin / Metformin / Supplement Stack?

You can use a JAK inhibitor, but personally I am attacking the process downstream of that. I am quite nervous about the side effects of attacking NF kappa B itself in any way.

I have just listened to the Kirkland presentation which is good. He misses out some material that he may not be aware of. There is a paper that demonstrates the reasons why osteoclasts and osteoblasts differentiate differently which links to Acetyl-CoA.

When it comes to NF kappa B it is important to note that there are three levels of stress on a cell. The first level is HIF 1 alpha which AFAIK is entirely good, if things get worse it goes to NRF2, at a further stage it starts being NF kappa B. (you can see this in the hypoxia papers). NF kappa B in this situation is a form of cellular war.

I did a page on this which links to the papers:


Just finished the talk of Prof Thomas Rando.

He talks about parabiosis at 21:37, progresses to diet and exercise (fasting, intermittent fasting), quiescent versus activated stem cells for regeneration.

I gauge the interestingness (for want of a better term), or even the profundity of a talk, by the people it engages. The people who asked questions after the talk were, Prof Brian Kennedy first, then Dr. Barzilai, two gentlemen, then Prof Andrea Maier.

There is no evidence that blood transfusions confer any benefit 41:14.


Very interesting, thanks a lot for sharing. Will want to get back to your blog at a later time when I have some more time available to read it properly, but Vince Giuliano and Steve Buss have also discussed Varoxia - they suggest doing Exercise with Oxygen Therapy.

I suppose I am a bit lazy. I like things I can do whilst being able to do work so I don’t have to dedicate time specifically to a particular task.

For example the first thing I do in the morning once I am up is to breathe molecular Hydrogen for about 20 mins which gives me the anti OH effects of molecular Hydrogen for a good period of the day. I can do that whilst using my laptop.

If I may ask.

What is your procedure?

How are you producing / getting hydrogen?

Wow - a good warning for all of us! And why regular blood testing is very valuable when you are taking these longevity interventions. We still don’t know the results of many of these combinations of drugs and supplements with any level of confidence.


Its one of these on 40-50%

I have not tried to isolate out any effect from this, but in terms of reducing oxidative damage its worth a shot.

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Well, I was talking about strategies in the margin here as both of the medications are generally safe. My thinking was that if sglt-2 inhibitors can increase risk of UTI due to peeing out sugar, and rapamycin can increase risk of bacterial infections (at least temporarily), then maybe it’s not good to be on both simultaneously.

BUT, since SGLT-2 inhibitors are now also being shown to have mtor inhibitory effects, my current thought is that it is perhaps actually good to be on both at the same time if one is looking for a pan-mtor strategy.

The earlier risk could be ameliorated by not consuming too much sugar or high glycemic load food soon after taking them both. Or there was also an earlier suggestion of using D-mannose to reduce risk of UTI.

John_Hemming, Do you have a background in medicine, or have you done deep research because, like me, you don’t necessarily have full faith in your Doctor’s professional opinions? Reading through bits of information like this is like attending a 15 minute in-depth medical seminar.

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My degree is in Physics specialising in Atomic, Nuclear and Theoretical. That was a long time ago. I spend a lot of time studying biochemistry. I would not say I don’t have faith in my Doctor’s opinions. We have interesting discussions. I would say that the nature of the research process is such that people need to get funding for research projects. That to some extent constrains some of the research. I can research what I find interesting and I pay the costs myself.

I spend perhaps GBP 250 per week on average on blood testing for example. However, I find the information I get from this essential. Because I am challenging my metabolism in various ways I would want to know ASAP if I am doing any harm.


Anymore info on SGLT-2’s having mtor inhibitory effects?

Longevity Science Singapore Conference - Full am session (3 hours and a half).

Matt Kaeberlein’s talk at 59:24.


Would love critical feedback on my stack – What am I missing – what’s an antagonist of something else I’m taking – what’s synergistic – how are these doses?

Rapamycin 4 mg every 10 days – 4 months into this . . .
Metformin 250 mg morning and night 15 years into this . . .
Glycine 2-3 g throughout day
TMG 1 g
NAC 1800 mg per day
CaAKG DoNotAge 800 mg
Sirt6 activator (Fucoidan) DoNotAge 800 mg
Aspirin 85 mg per day
Soluble Fiber 35-40 g per day
Apigenin 500 mg per day
EPA/DHA from Fish Oil – 10-12 g per day
BROQ Sulforaphane - 20 mg
Creatine 5 g per day
L reuteri; L plantarum; Ankkermansia probiotics daily
Melatonin 1.5 mg nightly
Lithium 1 mg
DHEA 25 mg
CDP Choline
Magnesium (as Magnesium Threonate) 144 mg
Spermidine 1 g (spermidine rich wheat germ extract – net spermidine content unknown)
Vitamin D 2000 iu
Benfotamine 150 mg
Astaxanthin 8mg
Curcumin 100 mg
L-Carnosine 1000 mg
RDA - A&E plus mixed and tocopherols
Grape seed extract 100 mg
Glucosamine 400mg
Zinc Picolinate 30 mg
ALCAR - 1.2 g
Pycnogenol 100 mg
Fisetin 100 mg daily with 1g megadose every other week
Pterostylbene 50 mg – no Resveratrol
TUDCA - 1g
Boron 3mg
Taurine 1g
Timeline Urolithin A 500 mg
Kaempferia 100mg
Life Extension Ageless Cell (EGCG, NAC, Myrecetin, Gamma Tocotrenol) - 1x per day
Life Extension Longevity AI Blend (GLA, Ginseng, Withaferin A) 1x per day
CoQ10 300 mg
Niacin 300mg

Other Disciplines:
Daily dry Sauna – 15 minute
Nightly cold water soak at about 68 F 15 minutes
Daily weight training
Daily 2 mile walk moderate pace

Diet – 10/14 eating window (14 hour fast) – Keto - less than 20g net Carbs - 20 g C8 MCT oil - Prebiotic fiber (bullet Proof) 20g – Colostrum 20 g - broccoli with fresh garlic – olive oil – grass fed lean steak – cauliflower - green tea matcha – 1 cup coffee daily