Your Rapamycin / Metformin / Supplement Stack?

Great information - thanks for posting. Why the Selegiline? I have never heard of its use in anti aging.

Did you get insurance coverage for the sirolimus for a while? I think for most of us, that would be really hard - but I have heard some people have gotten it (without an organ transplant).

What brands of lutein + zeaxanthin and spermidine do you use?

Insurance covered rapamycin for me without any prior authorization. Was pretty shocked.

A little concerned about future insurance coverage now reading the comment above…

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Trunature brand for the lutein:

and an unusual situation for the spermidine - purchased via a friend in Europe:

Drug/supp Dose 12/3/21
rapamycin 15mg/ 2weeks
metformin 750 mg/d
tadafil 2.5 mg/d
d3 7,500 IU /d
c 500 mg/d
Ubiquinol 200 mg x 2/d
k2 1500mcg/day
k1 2000 mcg/day
zinc 20 mg/d
copper 2 mg/d
Lithium 5 mg/d
dhea 25 mg/d
4 herb curcumin/ashwaganda/Boswellia/ginger
selenium 200 mcg eod
wheat germ(spermidine)1.1 g 2/d
pycnogenol 100 mg/d
fucoidan 88 mg/d
serrapeptase 10mg/d
andrographis 600mg/d
galantamine 8mg/d
magnesium 150 mg/d
CaAKG 1.5 gm 2/d
l-carnosine 500mg/d
NAC 2.4 gm 2/d
Glycine 1 gm 2/d
d-riibose 5 gm 2/d
melatonin 120 mg/day
Fiseten 25 mg/d
Dasatinab + quescetin 100 mg/1500 mg every two months
Fish oil 3 gms/d
black cumin seed oil 1 tsp/d
royal jelly
L-ornithine 500mg/d
phosphatidyl serine
sauna 40 min 3/week
red light 5 min/day
ewot 15 min EOD
low carb 50-100 gn carb/d
daily walk 4-6 m/d
mountain bikig 2/week


Blagosklonny’s stack:

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I dumped my Spermidine supplement (very $$), and started eating Natto and a piece of 10 yr old cheddar daily. I figure I’m getting at least 50-100mg/day of Spermidine, at very low cost, In addition, I am getting the entire spectrum of SUPER nutrients in both these foods, too many to document.


I am very much anti-iron…it’s an oxidant, and impacts many pathways negatively (cardio, neurodegenerative), and more recent research implicates it as anti-longevity.

I am homozygous H63D, so predisposed to mild hemochromatosis. My first Ferritin level was 340.

Classic iron deficiency/anemia criteria:

Iron Deficiency: serum ferritin less than 12 µgr/dl and transferin saturation percentage less than 15.

Iron deficiency anemia: serum ferritin less than 12 µgr/dl, transferin saturation percentage less than 15, and Hb less than 14 mg/dl.

I do phlebotomy every 8 weeks, have my Ferritin in the 15-20 range, and all other markers (CBC, hematocrit, hemoglobin) are above mins. My goal is to skirt just above anemia, and track my iron markers like a hawk regularly. You don’t need anymore iron than required for normal metabolic functions. I feel no ill effects, and I am a high daily exerciser, cardio and resistance, run half marathons. Ferritin is really a poor indicator of cellular iron stores…just a rough guide. You really need to do a full iron panel, including saturation to know where you are at re iron dynamics.


RapAdmin, you wrote in your stack you take Mg of Lithium Orotate daily. how does this help you? What is research? You ever take more daily? Thanks.

Yes - I take 5mg I think. Here is why:

and more new news on Lithium:

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Thanks for the input. Any brand you recommend? Why just take 5mcg and not more?

Don’t have the studies in front of me - but not much is needed, and higher doses risk toxicity. So - this seems to me to be a reasonable balance in terms of dosing risk/reward. Your mileage may vary ;-).

I purchased this - but any of the better brands are probably fine:

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Thank you RapAdmin for your reply.

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Serum ferritin is an important inflammatory disease marker, as it is mainly a leakage product from damaged cells. So lower ferritin is better.

Serum ferritin is an important inflammatory disease marker, as it is mainly a leakage product from damaged cells

Indeed. I track my hsCRP, and it’s consistently 0.2-0.3, extremely low. I plan on checking IL-6 and TN-Alpha next blood panel, additional key inflammatory markers.

“Inflammaging” is a leading longevity theory. Many long lived mammal species (naked mole rat, bats) have unique anti-inflammatory biology.

I’ve implemented many interventions that are anti-inflammatory, besides iron dumping, so hard to say exactly which have the greatest impact, but as a collective, they are performing well.

Immunology of Aging: the Birth of Inflammaging

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Do you have any sources to back this up? Thanks

“Serum ferritin is an important inflammatory disease marker, as it is mainly a leakage product from damaged cells”

Sounds like an opinion piece from the abstract. Wish I had access to the full paper.