Who on this forum is currently living in China?

If you are would you please contact me off the forum through the forums message system.

Thank you


Here! :raised_hand: A Chinese living in China


I am living in China.

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i live in china as well

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How much time did it take for you to get a handle on Cantonese? Mandarin itself is tough, but Cantonese takes it to a whole new level. Reading Chinese seems relatively straightforward to me, even something complex like 红楼梦, but mastering the tonal aspect feels like a Herculean task. And much like Russian and English, Chinese is filled with synonyms, and let’s not forget the idioms.

I’m eagerly awakting medications that will help me improve my ability with foreign accents. This isn’t a question of intelligence, as notable individuals like Henry Kissinger and Eric Kandel still maintain distinct accents.


To be honest, I still haven’t gotten a very good grasp of Chinese. I just know enough to get me in trouble. The rest of my family are the experts in Cantonese and Mandarin. :slight_smile: